I should have...

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Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
...started the fire last night. Woke to a 63-degree house this morning. I haven't looked at the weather for a few days and didn't realize temps were gonna' fall so low overnight. Out here, along the river bottom, the overnights always drop lower than the forecast... only 24-degrees outside right now! Fire has been blazin' for about an hour and a half, house is up to 66-degrees... should be around 70 in here when the wife and kids climb out'a bed. It was 72-degrees in here at 9:00 o-clock last night when I turned-in... I guess it's time to permanently close the windows for the year.
Those air conditioners might be collecting a little snow today and tonight over in PA won't they!! I suppose it depends on where you are. I heard the forecast for the Penn State game and they said 3 -7 inches, I couldn't believe it!!

On another note it's 25 here right now, sure it was a few degrees colder at 6 (I forgot to look at the thermostat). The big window AC unit is coming out and the storm windows are going up this afternoon for sure. Will probably be putting up the window plastic on a few of the windows as well, there are still a few ancient windows in our old farm house that haven't been replaced yet.
yeah we're gettin some snow now. supposed to be 6"+ or so. i hear ya on the farm windows needin plastic. we just moved into the house my great-grandfather built 85 years ago. yup still has original windows. should be a fun winter!
I made the opposite mistake yesterday...lit the fire to take the chill off and then went out to get stuff done before the yards turn into a muddy mess. That meant the wife was in charge of the heat. I came in around 4:30 as she was getting ready for work (nurse in the ER) to find the house at a rather toasted 83 degrees!
not my window ac's just took one out of the window just minutes agoand the other in a while once the honey gets out of bed.let it snow I like the snow.