ice storm work

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Tree Freak
Apr 22, 2001
Reaction score
Loretto/Manton Ky.
As I already stated, Ky was hard hit by an ice storm last weekend.
Any arborists who need a large influx of cash should go to
Lex. Ky and make some good money. I talked to my mother
earlier tonight, and she is planning to spend $2500 to clean up
her tree mess, and hers is quite minor {one large pin oak}.
The ice has all melted. Just thought I would let you all know about it.
Eastern KY was hit very hard too. Not much of a market for cleanup folk though. I have found some nice logs that I intend to "cleanup" for some people. :D
Lex. is populated by wealthy folk, and they will pay dearly to
have the "mess" taken care of quickly by proffessionals.
The damage there is heavy.

Man, you got some huge balls talking about Fish's mama on a Saturday night and all...

Is a significant part of that work paid for by homowners insurance?

The rules they go by around here are that the tree has to hit your house or some of your outbuildings or personal property or they don't pay. In other words if the tree goes down and hits nothing but the ground, no pay.

The city cleans up the ones that are down on their right of way, usually if the tree was within about 15 ft of the side of the road (varies with how far the tree line is set back etc.)
I offered to round up a friend,s bucket truck and take care of it for her, but she wanted a liscenced and insured tree co. to do it,

I think his price is a little high, but she can afford it.
insurance is the big card ,for sons an adjuster
and the money is good for any that are licensed and
etc for doing insurance work.
I live in Lexington and have been working as much as possible cleaning up yards around town. It is truly a mess and has really brought some people out of the sticks. Only problem is that alot of people don't have a clue as to what they are doing and we'll be going back around finishing/cleaning up their jobs in a couple weeks when we get the mess out of the streets.
Glad to see a Lexingtonian join! I grew up in Gardenside.

I hear the city is cracking down and requireing a business liscence
from the tree cutters, for a tidy $500.
Stick around here, I need all the help I can get! These
Yankees and Canucks need someone to keep them based in
some crude form of reality, as spending 7 months buried in snow
and ice makes them all delerious and thus they spout pure
nonsense from November on, until June or so,,,,,,