Increaseing to 4 saw plan

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I sold a ms460 to my son-in -law last summer. traded my ms390 in to by the 460. bought the 028super from my son-in-law 3 years ago after it had a total rebuild. Had a poulan 306a stolen out of my truck. Found a 038mag in the scrap pile here at the mill. fixed it put a new bar and chain on. runs great. The poulan xxv came out of the back of a junk car on a friends property. took about a hour to get it runing. Bought a 025 from a pawn shop runs great.My son-in -law gave me a new carhart coat and overalls for chistmas,to top his present I gave him the 025.
Where is the 90+ in the basic 12 saw program?

Our program works a little different than other addictions.

I added it for ya, just thought he needed a smaller "starter version" to begin with. You don't want to overwhelm them from the get go.
We've got a pretty good thing going. If I have it and he needs it he comes and gets it. I do the same with him. Works out good for me because he's a contractor and has a lot more stuff than me.
Im pretty happy with my 4 saw plan... for now. 026...361...441...064 Bought and instantly sold an 088 yesterday, kinda having regrets, but I made good coin on it.
My four saw plan would be a 5100, two 7900 dreds and a 395. Next saw I would add would be an 880 or a 3120.

Luckily I abide with more like a 10 saw plan....
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4 saw plan lmao.....

I guess this would be the thread to confess how I got to 4 saws.

I lived in the sticks back in high school. I'm 42 now. Back in my teens I had a job for a while cutting and splitting wood for an old man that had what I'm guessing must have been a few hundred acres. I enjoyed the work.

Went to trade school right out of high school and have been doing HVACR since.

O.K. Here's the dirt on my four saws. I didn't have a saw and I went up to the folks place for thanksgiving. They still live in the sticks. I hooked up with an old high school friend of mine and Joe and I went out to cut some firewood. I had a blast. Afterwards he talked about getting a new saw. I started to check into getting a saw myself. I went to the husky website. I'm thinking a 359. Pro or semi pro saw depending on who you talk to. So I got a 359.

Then what happened next was I found this place. I started to learn a few things about chainsaws and ppe. I started reading all these great reviews on the ne346xp. I figured It would be nice to have another saw. So be it, a new 346 was in my stable.

I called up Joe. I tell him about the two saws that I had picked up. He goes out and picks up a 372. Well, a west coast 372xpw LMAO..... So, I go up to visit the folks and me and Joe go out to cut some firewood. We were looking to get some oak but we came across a downed doug fir. It was taylor made. It was down already, close to 3 foot near the root ball. Someone had cut about 10 to 12 feet out of the middle already. So he went at the the larger end with his 372 and I went at it on the other end with my two saws. I had a great time, got some firewood for the folks and all is good.

Well I started thinking. Hmmmmm, wow, I better pick me up a 372 before they stop the internet sales, or for that matter stop selling them all together. So I ordered up a 372xp. I just got the regular 71cc model. I just wanted the original 372. While I was ordering the 372 from one of the AS sponsors the 5100 caught my eye. You all know what happened next. Yep, I got the two saw special. LMAO......

You know that 359 I started out with. Well it should be on it's way back from some guy in eastern Canada via New York. I'd say his name but I hear that it's taboo. Seems like a nice guy to me.

So that's my 4 saw story. But you know what? I think everyone reading this is clairvoyant. You all see a 361 and 7900 in my future.

Please tell me this is normal.

I figure it's a cheaper habit than my last one. Not to mention good therapy.

My several saw plan ran amuk a while ago. Now I think my 6 saw restart plan is:

Keep Echo 3000 TH saw for climbing work
Keep the Stihl 210 as a loaner saw and light backup saw
Buy a new Dolmar 350 or 420 for light work (dump my Stihl 025 & 250)
Keep the 290 as a backup saw (works well for that)
Keep the 361 for all-around saw
Buy a new Dolmar 7900 for the bigger stuff
Sell the Olympyk and Mac doorstops (though the Oly runs good now)

I sold the new 440R overseas, and the 460 a while back. Vibes are too hard on my hands.
You know that 359 I started out with. Well it should be on it's way back from some guy in eastern Canada via New York. I'd say his name but I hear that it's taboo. Seems like a nice guy to me. ...

That is a good enough ID for those who have been here a while, ar least it is for me......:givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: