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New Member
Jun 1, 2001
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My community has a tree that the kids like to climb. Some of the neighbors feel that this will destroy the tree.

The tree is about 10-12 years old, is healthy, blooms every year, unfortunaly I do not know what type of tree it is.

What kind of damage could the a 4 - 7 yeard old do to a tree? I correct them if I see them picking at the bark or pulling off leaves.
Any help would be apreciated

Thank You,
I grew up climbing trees. What better way to develop a love of nature. But, I also unknowingly did some damage to trees.

One or two kids climbing a tree should not hurt the tree unless it is a thin bark variety (like maple) then repeated bark scraping could girdle a limb. Or if to many kids pile onto a limb it may break.

Why not offer to teach the kids to enjoy climbing but to respect a living organism as well.

Jay Banks
Ceritfied Arborist
Urban Forester
Thanks for the input I just got a reply from University of Maryland AGR Dept they said the same thing:D:D

Doing my best to teach them respect the tree and other living things

Thanks Again!!