Jack Hammer wood splitting?

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This question was asked many moons ago on either this site or the other one, and I think the results were very poor. Much stickage, much energy, not alot got done if my memory serves correct.

But hey, I'm always up for a new youtube:givebeer:
i also dont think it will work, the bit is going to get stuck in the wood, and be impossible to get out unless you stlit the wood manauly to get your bit back.

now if your going to rent the jackhammer why not just rent a splitter?
OK. Now I get the impression that you guys are going to stick around this thread strictly for the entertainment value.

Who, us??? We are men of SCIENCE.

Darn - wife just looked over my shoulder - she said 'no'. OK - that's one vote.

Yeah, but she's not a registered voter in this election. Besides, she'll never know......right?

I guess I would have to return the log along with the jack hammer to the rental company.

Make sure you charge them for the free firewood.
I used to run a jackhammer (well, air hammer) on a paving crew sometimes...talk about suck. I think it would be more work than swinging a maul. They are very heavy to lug around. Plus you either need to drag aorund a cord or an air hose (and have a huge compressor in that case). Its work...a lot of work to lug them around and take the beating that they give you. Worst job i ever did on a rain out day was to get into the bed of a dump truck in the Ohio heat and humidity and hammer out hardened asphalt. Probably lost 30 lbs in 30 minutes.

Other than that, i think if you get the largest bit you can it would work. Get something like a 3" spade, i would think the duller/more nicked up the better, and something called an asphalt wedge which will be narrower, but more wedge shaped. I just dont think thats the easy route at all...I would much rather noodle...

They do make gas jack-hammers, my dad has one. It's Pionjar (milsurplus). They're considered the best gas jack-hammer money can buy. IIRC, 56 lbs is the weight, and that machine will really do some big-time work.

I'll have to take a round home for thanksgiving and give it a try, I'll let you guys know how it works.
I'll have to take a round home for thanksgiving and give it a try, I'll let you guys know how it works.

Now we're getting somewhere! I can't wait to find out what you learn. A gas jack hammer sounds like one of those 'must have' tools for Christmas this year.

If this technique works what will we call it? Noodling may be effective but it doesn't have a manly ring to it - as in 'I spent the entire weekend in the woods noodling'. Let's see - I think calling it 'jacking wood' would raise some eyebrows. 'Pounding wood' doesn't sound much better. 'Ramming wood'? Naw! How about..... hmmmm.... Darn, I got nothing.

Heck i got a electric hammer @ about 60lbs. Even got a electric pole out by the wood pile. Ill give it a try but I will have to wait when everyone is gone or they will think Ive gone all out looney. I could probuly tack weld a wedge onto the wide bit i hardly use. I could see it "might " work on dry rounds but cant see it working on green wood.. Ill try it though...
A gas jack hammer sounds like one of those 'must have' tools for Christmas this year.


Well, you're not getting a Pionjar unless it's used. They don't import them anymore because of emissions (they're huge 2-stroke engines). Most places that have one hang on to them until they die, or they're completely abused. When dad was looking at the one he bought we did some research and you would typically find them around $1500-2k in absolute abused condition. Dad ended buying his at a military surplus auction in nearly new condition for $450. Made out like a bandit on that deal. The only downside was that it only came with one bit, and bits are expensive, he still hasn't bought any others for it.
Let me save you the trouble. Don't bother. I tried this with a skid steer breaker. I had a a big wedge welded to a breaker point. The breaker would split straight grain stuff you could easily do with a maul. If you hit something with a knot it would just bounce the machine up and down. Even with full weight of the machine on it. You have to remember that wood with absorb a shock. Concrete is brittle and will crack and break. I though it would be the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was a waste of time.

I think a lot of folks have failed to realize the gent said ELECTRIC jackhammer. Perhaps I'm in the wrong, but I've never seen a sizable electric. That takes the cumbersome out of the equation.

My vote is it would work if it had the power to run a monster maul sized wedge welded to a shank, which I doubt an electric could. Heck maybe even a big pneumatic couldn't hammer that much weight.

I agree the run of the mill bit would just embed.
the gent said ELECTRIC jackhammer

Chris, had to go back through the posts to realize you were referring to me. Can't remember anyone ever referring to me as a gent, Thanks! I'm thinking you are probably right on target with your other observations though.

Lead-in on the video should not be "Now watch this."

I was thinking more along the lines of "here, hold my beer".


I checked out your pics. Man, even if that didn't split wood well who cares? That thing has got to be the best thing ever designed for storming castles!

I give you an A+ for trying.

Thanks for sharing.

Anyone ever try an auger bit and then drop in an M80??:hmm3grin2orange:

Black powder instead.

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