Midwest GTG

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Faster is Better
Mar 13, 2005
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Is anyone out there going to have a backyard gtg in the midwest states this fall?
If it was in Illinois, Indiana, or Southern Ohio (or good 'ol MO), then I'll show up.

getting close to the holidays

it might be plenty rough to get a day when all those interested could attend..
I could host one after the holidays. 30 miles south of Indy.
We could have competitions.. see who can buck and split all the tops in my woods first. LOL
what would we all do? Just sit around and drool over chainsaws? or cut wood?
I have a firepit and can cook up a large pot of beans.
I'm gonna have an event in April of 2008! Get your calendars out people. It'll be our 15th anniversary at our present location. I plan to have Dolmar on hand along with a rep. from OREGON. Also I'll have one of our local carvers doing some work. Plenty of refreshments. At least a half dozen logs for cutting with demo saws. Bring your own saw and race!

PPE will be required at all times when operating equipment of course.

I'm sure soda and food will be a big hit. No grain flavored beverages as beer and power equipment do not mix.
Cut4fun said:
Is anyone out there going to have a backyard gtg in the midwest states this fall?

I have offered before to host a get together. There did not seem to be a lot of interest. I am on the IL/IA border. When I say the border (1 mile to IA). Finding wood is no problem: finding people is. As many know I have plenty of saws to run here if you cannot bring one. I am willing to host one at my farm anytime.

I am also working on one south of me for the first weekend in August.

What do you do? RACE CHAINSAWS LOL

ericjeeper said:
it might be plenty rough to get a day when all those interested could attend..
I could host one after the holidays. 30 miles south of Indy.
We could have competitions.. see who can buck and split all the tops in my woods first. LOL
what would we all do? Just sit around and drool over chainsaws? or cut wood?
I have a firepit and can cook up a large pot of beans.
Here is a little bit of the 06 spring ohio gtg. Pics start at about page 5. To just give you a idea of what I was talking about.
and the best pics here.
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Since nobody has jumped in with a date yet, I'll add that I'd be down for one after the first of the year, even though it would be cold as ????. This would be especially good since I don't know when I'll have time to make up some chains for a pre-christmas GTG.
Would there be any interest in putting together an over-nighter at a campground or other accommodating spot? Seems to me a long drive to, a day spent jawin' and cuttin' followed by a long drive home makes for early departures and a lot of "I wish I could have stayed for that!" statements. How cool would it be to EXPECT a stay-over with appropriate beverages and bean pot B.S. session and a relaxed get-out the following morning? May make it more interesting with a laid-back (well, more so) schedule and non-saw-buff spectators.

Just a thought.

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