Mistletoe sucks!

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TreeHouse Elder
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Bayou Country
I just finished de-mistletoeing a big water oak. Man, I hate that! And the stupid people wait until its completely overrun before they decide to do something about it.
Well, I helped the tree out a lot. I took my time and I can honestly say that I think I got every little piece out.

There is still nothing that exists that will erradicate mistletoe, is there?
Did you cut out all of the haustoria or just break em off?

Just curious.
I tried my best to flush cut the suckers. I know what you mean about fools just breaking them off, and leaving that haustoria thingy.:(
Dang MB... I saw the thread title and had a completely different vision... thought maybe you were gettin' divorced or something!
I recently did a similar job removing mistletoe that was all over the tree, several peices were at the top and when I cut it out I was wondering if as it falls through the tree if seeds are hitting limbs and it will grow. I know that the seeds are supposed to be sticky and spread from birds feet in most cases.

Beeitch beeitch beeitch… whine whine whine…Misletoe big deal!
We had to clean out a marry jane patch today and the guys kept getting the munchies it cost $300.00 in pepperoni pizzas! Work ½ hour… smoke break ½ hour. Gonna have to recruit more volunteers tomorrow to get the job done by the end of the week.
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
There is still nothing that exists that will erradicate mistletoe, is there?
Like any green plant it will die if smothered enough. Article in JoA cited research where mistletoe was treated with a selective herbicide spray product ( made by the sponsor of the study), wrapped in plastic, and sprayed with old-fashioned black pruning paint.

Best results by.....drumroll....the pruning paint! I trim off all the haustoria I can and then spray it to smother. What doesn't get killed seems to get really knocked back a lot. Hard to reach small patches near tips (mb do you use a polesaw to get these?), but easy to use on main leads.

The advice to prune 1-2' below the parasite would kill a lot of trees. Paint that stuff!
It’s an epidemic here Erik, the cops can’t keep up with the problem.Government contracts should abound.
Dan, oh ya right! Last time I needed help to paint the house where was everyone? Oh ya man… I have to..er take the poodle to the vets… the missus wants me to take her antique shopping... now everybody volunteers EH? Oh wait who’s knocking on the door?
Does the mistletoe kill trees in the south? We have lots of leafy mistletoe in white oaks, but the trees tolerate it. Haven't ever heard of anyone being paid to remove it.
Originally posted by coffeecraver
Fresh cut the Mistletoe then spray it with Garlon.
It kills it quick all the way through.
Yo Norm, that'll kill the mistletoe good by golly but it'll kill the tree too. :eek: Read the attachment--the only poison recommended for mistletoe is Florel. Easy on the nozzle there, buddy...:rolleyes:

"Haven't ever heard of anyone being paid to remove it."
It's a minor pest until it gets a hold, then it'll bring big oaks hickories maples down. Best, as mb says, to ge tit out before it's too late. A true parasite.:angry:
Originally posted by Lumberjack
So noone has a pic of this seemingly common mistletoe?

Why take a picture of a parasite?
GoogleSearch "Phoradendron"; MS is full of it. You must be too young to have used it at New Year's Eve parties. The subtle type dudes tuck a sprig into their belt buckle.
If that is all it is, green patches in trees during the winter, then yea, we got it too. I have been wondering what the green stuff was, now I know.


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