Morbark 950 Tubgrinder

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Leaves and pallets and brush are all right but dont think you you'r going to be througing 25" stumps in it.
My thought was to a least put 25" stumps through it so I guess your saying that it's more of a toy then a production machine. Oh well I guess I'll have to save up for a Tub 1000 looks a little more heavy duty. I just thought the 950 running at 200 HP would be able to handle a little more than pallets leaves and brush.
we have a bandit 2680 with 400hp. if u want to grind stumps or logs in the 24" range u need at least 400hp we are going to b selling our 2680 and getting a 3680 with 700hp as we are getting heavily in to orchard removals
A waste of $$$$$.......I wouldn't buy a tubgrinder anyway..only horizontal and the smallest I would get would be a 4600XL model....
Thanks for the input. I think I'll be waiting a little while then before I jump into the frey. The market here would make it very tough to make a go with the bigger machines. Recycling here is not a big priority yet. Landfills are still to cheap. Grinding in the winter is hugely expensive and problem matic. Probably would be a bigger market for hogg fuel but where they are using it has to be trucked 120 miles away although they are desperate for it they can't afford to pay much more than the cost for loading it.