nearly cut off two fingers graphic

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Jul 21, 2007
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Florida/ Colorado
So for nearly 4 years when ask what I wanted for bday or Christmas I answered a new commode the old one is too short. wee My Love decided it was not a great gift so I finally bought one myself.
I installed the new one a while back and the old one was sitting on the Back porch waiting to go to the dump. and I kept forgetting to put it out on trash day.
So last night after a really grueling but productive day, just as it started to rain again, around 7:30, I go to pick it up. I grab it by the tank and my left hand in the hole as it was sitting upside down to get all the water out.

I carry it about 8 feet and suddenly the porcelain breaks creating a ceramic knife razor sharp in the crapper hole.

so craig call me just as I come in I tell him dude get over here now I have to go to the hospital.

triage was great I had a squirter so they took me right back. but regardless I still sat a while waiting,

they took X Rays because they refused to hear it was not a crushing blow there was no broken bone I knew I had cut nerves and tendons , I saw them.

so I wait It was not till 1:00 am the the physicians assistant actually opened the wound to look inside and removed the porcelain bits. before simply closing the outer skin, because no emergency surgeon was on call.

What annoys me is that the sooner these things are put back the faster they heal.

I went to our hospital because It was closer, I will not make that mistake again If I had just went on to Halifax a surgeon would have been on call as it stand now the plan is tha i call the doctor's office this morning and he is to see me fri. at the latest possible moment Over 72 hours.

this means that instead of two months healing it may be as much as 4 and nerves may not regrow proper.
I am aggravated I may never play a fiddle.
GOOD LORD MAN....that sucks. Pretty graphic vid as well. Im assuming that the bone is what stopped it from cutting them off? Our local hospital sucks too, with the better hospitals 45 min away, so I feel your get the point. It definitely needs some further attention, most especially if there is nerve and tendon damage. That was one mean crapper.
Acually Im two days in, I cheated and copy and pasted from my site.
I wasn't sure about posting the really graphic pics here I can't get in trouble at my place lol.

Im going to surgery Monday to re attach 3 nerves and 2 tendons.
Acually Im two days in, I cheated and copy and pasted from my site.
I wasn't sure about posting the really graphic pics here I can't get in trouble at my place lol.

Im going to surgery Monday to re attach 3 nerves and 2 tendons.

Wow, that looks like a horror story. Glad it wasn't worse. Take care man and I hope you heal up quickly. Looks like you might have to take a couple of days off!
Ouch, I haven't look at the vid yet. Back in the 50's my Dad cut the last knuclke of his middle finger almost off. He was pruning a tree and it started raining. The groundies left the 3 piece pole clip leaning against the tree he was in so he could clear the gutters when he got down low enough. He got PO'ed because they all jumped in the truck. He hung upside down and grabbed the hook of the clip with that finger and snatched. The rope was tangled in some brush and clipped the finger almost off. When he got home he had my Mom boil a needle and thread. He scrubbed the 2 pieces with a tooth brush and put 3 big stitches in it to hold it on. He put a pop sickle stick on it to keep it straight. He said it got to throbbing so bad at night he took the stick off, so the finger was always crooked. He could still play the harmonica, but I guess that's a little different. Good luck and I hope you heal up quick, Joe.

Nasty cut dude.I would imagine they got you on some powerful antibiotics considering where the cut came from.Even though it had been sitting for a while,I bet that toilet still had some nasty critters that you don`t want in your blood stream.Truly wish you a speedy recovery. Best wishes, Tom (fatjoe)
Man that made my knees weak watching the vid. Hope it heals ok . Just got a fiddle myself and my biggest trouble is my left elbow has been dislocated and the movement is not as it was. Seems playing or trying to play the fiddle is great theropy. Good luck and dont give up, let me know if you need some help figuring out the hobokum bow.
Just when you think you've seen it all. . . Cut by a crapper.

Good luck with your surgeries bro!
Thank you for the well wishes

Doc wrapped me heavier now I can't peck quite as fast.
Still had a great time at the FAM JAM. Ill post some video when it uploads
Hey, that really sucks! Hope ya heal up well! If your frustrated typing, try using a new pencil (unsharpened of course) rubber end down, hold it in you bad hand if you can and use that to help type! You could hold it with your mouth too, but given the recent events....

Get well soon!

Old51AVE :greenchainsaw:
surgery Mon was successful we assume 2 tendons and 2 of three nerves repaired. heavy Painkillerer was every 6 hours now its hard to wait 3 I hope that means its healing. Dr called and wants me moving the fingers as much as possible Hurts like hell.
Yeah that was pretty nasty Roots , hope you heal up quick. But I gotta see this tawlet that is to short. What they got you crappin on a kiddie tawlet?
surgery Mon was successful we assume 2 tendons and 2 of three nerves repaired. heavy Painkillerer was every 6 hours now its hard to wait 3 I hope that means its healing. Dr called and wants me moving the fingers as much as possible Hurts like hell.

I find it strange they want you to move the fingers so soon.