New user title?

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Thanks to everyone who came up with a name. Well, maybe not everyone. Theres a couple of you that I really need to have a talk with. :) :cheers: Bob

ha ha, I had a laugh too. I'm sitting here wondering if I am one of the ones that needs a talking to.
Apparently theres another boboak that posts political rhetoric on the 'net and I'm starting to get some flack from it. He ain't me and I ain't him but maybe it's time for a new user name . Everything I think of sounds either pretentious or just plain silly. Anybody got any ideas? All offerings will be carefully considered. Thanks, Bob.
Well, you certainly led us on a merry chase eh ;)
Congrats on da new handle man!! :clap:
(must be the cider but I first read it as 'Golom-git', sheesh, I goota get new glasses :monkey:

