NEW VIDEO 3 Saws 2k second day at stihl camp. Thall falls on hard times.

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They aren't the general population, they are Husky buyers, yup, all four of them,hehe

Them four are growing a orange revolution on yer lz, thall bud I have been embarrassing
stihl users daily now for two weeks, by the time they get their flippy caps on the log is cut
and they say your saws are bad azz. That is from stihl users Thall!
Tell me where to send $410.00 for a ported 346. It will be in the mail tomorrow....
Send me 430.00 now and I'll get you one. Ported is something you'll have to work out with your builder.

One left to go "eat". Must have been scared......

1 down, 3 to go.

Just like a stihl guy calls someone out when he knows there gone. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Just like the video calls the husky out but never runs it. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
And about 80 of the 100 will fall between 90 and 110. :) And some might fib and claim theirs is higher, but it will leak oil on them in the end. ;P

Well you know how it is, the general population tries to look out for those in need, I did my part, I bought a Husky out of the kindness of my heart and yes it did pizz down my leg, some graditude,hahahaha
Your 372 must be alot faster than mine Rope. I know mine won't hang with my 441, Hoss has run them both and knows it too. Even so makes no nevermind to me, I've yet to ever go to the woods to race, I go to saw wood, tant no money in that racing..............

Thall yours is stock mine is ropenized bb muffler mod and eight pin tuned to perfection.
I could richen it enough so's you could compete hint hint. Now t hall there is money in racing ya just got to find the right suckas or is that stihlheads lol.
Send me 430.00 now and I'll get you one. Ported is something you'll have to work out with your builder.

LOL, I can get a 260 for that and I won't need a new muffler or a non limited coil.

Just like a stihl guy calls someone out when he knows there gone. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Just like the video calls the husky out but never runs it. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

We not only called you out but shut ya up in the same thread.
Send me 430.00 now and I'll get you one. Ported is something you'll have to work out with your builder.

Just like a stihl guy calls someone out when he knows there gone. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Just like the video calls the husky out but never runs it. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

If I recall the name of thread calls me out. Now ya know when ya do that you declare war and war it is and yes I love it,LOLOL
Lost???????? How do ya figure?????? cause you guys made totally lame video of a 372 with the spark plug wire pulled off.

It was either that or buy Hoss and new pair of jeans, there is enough money in the 372 as it sits, no need to add $50 for a pair of oil soaked jeans.
LOL, I can get a 260 for that and I won't need a new muffler or a non limited coil.
It might be nice to have something that cuts decent though. O I forgot you run stihl.LOLOLOLOLOL

We not only called you out but shut ya up in the same thread.

LOL the stihl heads 0 The dog 3 LOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOL
Thall yours is stock mine is ropenized bb muffler mod and eight pin tuned to perfection.
I could richen it enough so's you could compete hint hint. Now t hall there is money in racing ya just got to find the right suckas or is that stihlheads lol.

Well now looks like you was gonna cheat on a pure stock saw, shames on ya Rope, I'm shocked. BTW what does BB mean??
Your 372 must be alot faster than mine Rope. I know mine won't hang with my 441, Hoss has run them both and knows it too. Even so makes no nevermind to me, I've yet to ever go to the woods to race, I go to saw wood, tant no money in that racing..............

hint hint, put the dang plug wire on.

Tant no money in sawing wood ether with how fast that 441 was cutting in the vid. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Ya, I didn't see how it was all that, not that fast. Just seemed like another saw to me.
I bought a Husky out of the kindness of my heart and yes it did pizz down my leg, some graditude,hahahaha
Let's see here. How do I put this tactfully? Thall ole buddy ole pall, Huskys are what we call a proper gentleman's saw. Now, when a gentleman's saw is not in its proper place, it has a tendency to be embarrassed and act out. See, it's all about proper respect, and I know you like to be respectful. Now that saw, being a gentleman's saw, must be in a class of people that does it justice. Think real hard on it Thall, and I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what you need to do. :)
I can just see 2k sitting there trying to think what to type. fire fire fire.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOL
Them four are growing a orange revolution on yer lz, thall bud I have been embarrassing
stihl users daily now for two weeks, by the time they get their flippy caps on the log is cut
and they say your saws are bad azz. That is from stihl users Thall!

Really, you should go look at Husky stock the last 12 months and tell me who they are beating, NO ONE. In fact it looks like they maybe laying off more people. Buy more saws Rope, they need the business,LOL

I asked the big wig at Stihl not too long ago, I said are we gonna outsell Husky again this year. He laffed and said thats a given,LOL
Let's see here. How do I put this tactfully? Thall ole buddy ole pall, Huskys are what we call a proper gentleman's saw. Now, when a gentleman's saw is not in its proper place, it has a tendency to be embarrassed and act out. See, it's all about proper respect, and I know you like to be respectful. Now that saw, being a gentleman's saw, must be in a class of people that does it justice. Think real hard on it Thall, and I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what you need to do. :)

It got what it deserved, that sawdust soaked up that oil real well,LOLOL