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If you thought I was serious, you would be wrong.......

Too funny, the attitudes here. AS isn't the fun place it was back 10 years ago......
I would agree about the attitudes here sometimes, I thought the lol afterwards the thanking you for all you share would convey that I was not serious about the editing , along with the :cheers:.
I've learned a lot from you via the net, not just here, but also utube and other forums I'm not allowed to mention here.
Sorry if it came across as though I had an attitude, may screen name and signature should tell a bit about who and how I am.
I didn't watch the second video only the first as I had a few things going on and that was all I was referring to.
Keep up the good work, maybe something stronger is more your style:drinking::).
nice work getting it off ute away with out need of expensive crane gear etc... um er your left hand grip is not ideal tho i say 30 year its tad too late to change and i see you can work both ways... pls consider a pair of saw chaps as your right side eg legs badly exposed as saw design is fashioned to keep control and the sharp bits as far away from flesh as far practical ie right hand hold..... still this thinking ideal goes out the window once you start felling as saws on side or when climbing often upside down

even your ex potus handles it same so no big deal


& i can also prove by saw injury data leftys are far safer than rightys see no left handed harm not once,,, so if leftys are using saws wrong eg right hand on bar left hand on throttle then they never ever cut their free hand reaching over the top of a running saw to move handle - limbs

still this thinking ideal goes out the window once you start felling as saws on side or when climbing often upside down

That said, I simply chose to cut LH that time as it seemed more convenient, due to the angle and height of the cuts being made, I think...and likely the short term muscle memory took over once the log was on the ground. I certainly normally use a saw in RH mode.... and, yes, I'm aware of the statistics. And I actually was thinking of the camera angle, as cutting LH allowed more of the saw to be showing...don't think my big butt actually was a part of that (whack) thought process.......

Not wearing chaps or protective leg wear is no doubt a transgression. I've just never gotten in the habit of wearing them regularly, likely because I never even owned any till 20 years ago, and they're still not required to be worn while working at heights....
chaps, well im much the same as yourself i never used to wear them but we're both getting older cobber and not so fast in mind and foot,,, chance of bad luck catching up rising...I now wear chaps more often than not, i will consciously consider the task and hear myself say whoah bloke why risk these great handsome legs :) they'd helped me along 35 years of work & sawin should give them some respect & care .