Now I'm Angry

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
East Meadow, NY
I was hired to this company as a climber. Today I spent the entire day cleaning up the brush and debris made by my 2 now famous hispanic co workers. I don't mind being a ground man...running ropes, chippin, gassin' and oilin' it's all good. The thing that pissed me the Fu#% off is when my foreman came to the job and told me I wasn't hustling enough. There's too much brush on the ground he said. I know these guys are fast but you have to keep up with them. It's bad enough I can't understand a friggin word these two jualios are saying, now I have to catch shi# from the foreman too. If I dont get a steady EVERYDAY climbing gig soon...I'm going to snap!!!!

Being the new guy usually sucks. Don't let that foreman worry ya much, at least for the time being. Suck it up and see how the next couple of weeks go.
Then, say frig em if ya want.
what is it a 3 man crew where every one climbs? and your dragging brush for the other 2 climbers? are there any dedcated ground men? sounds like a crap deal to me......

here's a little advice.........if you want to be a climber ask around and find out who is the best climber in your area and get a job working for that company.....even if you don't climb too much you'll learn a ton just from running his rope's and watching and asking questions/ providing he's willing to pass on his knowledge. being hummble and respectful is key.

if you just go out on your own you'll be way behind the curve, just stumbling through. i'm sure you'll get by but why not strive to be the best, so find the best and learn from him. not some ya hoo kid climbers.
Tony it sounds like they are testing you, sort of an initiation, but let’s face the truth, your not going to be happy with this company and if you don’t play their game they are going to look for the smallest thing to fire you. Do yourself a big favor and start looking elsewhere for a company that fits your ethics. Besides it’s very rare to find the perfect group to work with right off the bat.
Like I said already, don't put a whole lotta stock in what happens now... so to speak. All of ya'll are still new to each other right now, and who knows what's gonna transpire.

Just go alone and smile for awhile and see what happens. Even fend agreement with the salty dogs, just for the hallibut.

And keep yur feelers out for something better.
Where I work, everybody drags brush, everybody chips, everybody cleans up. We operate as a team to get the job done. There's not much of the "Me climber, god, you, worthless peon" We have very few plain old groundmen, most of our guys climb, or are expert ornamental pruners, or run PHC rigs or all of the above. It gets old fast when the climbers bury you in brush, and then proceeds to load up the gear, sharpen saws, and basically do all the easy stuff while you bust ass, and then gives you sh*t for not doing it fast enough. It's a beat down everyday, but you'll live through it. Though this doesn't sound like a long term relationship here
wanna get on in the world of arbos! (tony dont act like a prima donna climber the squirrel has it right ;) take the shxx (it rolls downhill any way)a fair days graft for a fair days pay .
you cant run before you can walk mate .
most of the uk lads on a/s will have come from bein a groundsman to being a climber its the natural progression.
read butchs groundie thread ( theres lots to being a good groundie )ist understandable you wanna climb but im thinking there trying you out ,take the crap and learn mate
Haha! As usual, Brian was a tad harsh. And again, as usual, he's 'bout right. I did the crap jobs for at least the first decade, and probally a 'lil longer.

Ya ever cut an endless fencerow for miles and miles with just a chainsaw? Then, hand loaded the brush on a flatbed truck? Or cut out a bayou bottom for weeks on end? Ha! I miss it!:)


Yah, it's kinda rare to just walk into a climbing gig. I guess it's like bullriding... ya fill yur mouth with marbles, and when you've lost all yur marbles, YUR A CLIMBER!

i run my own buis and still drag brush ALOT,there trying you out see where you break IMO.tree crews are like playing mental telepathy where everyone is pissed off(handsignals,grunts,yelling),i always enjoy someone hating being there more than myself.i once had a ground crew try get me for my comments 'i clear the sky,you clear the ground'.put a smile on your face even at the biggest brush pile,that will soon annoy the crap out of the foreman,make him fire you rather than quit,IMO
Originally posted by alanarbor
"Me climber, god, you, worthless peon"

i resemble that statement...........

i still say to have a climber dragging brush is a complete waiste of time. it just show's how to be non productive. while the guys are cleaning up the climber and a ground man or two should be on his way to the next job.

last week i had an insane day. i put 6050.00 worth of tree's on the ground in one day. ask me how much brush i dragged? if i waited around while each job was cleaned up i never would have gotten all the jobs in.
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Flower Power

Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
How was I harsh? I told him the truth "I figure you will last about 3 months in this industry... You don't know **** and you are acting like a spoiled punk brat. Goodbye."
That's not harsh??? :confused:

Was it truth or opinion? There is a difference, you know. Here's mine (opinion)--what's rankling you may be racism; "those 2 juanios" and all that. Like I said on the last thread, check out that other company that's looking for a climber. If the chemistry suits you better, then a change may be in order. If you want to climb more, find a crew where you can. All the advice about sucking it up and being happy with ground work is good. You don't learn to climb in days or weeks or months but years. If you really want to climb, practice on your off time.

Y'all are a bunch of pansies.
Flowers have more power than thorns. In flowers are the seeds of life; in thorns there is dead tissue.
There is something about having to pay your dues befor you're accepted. You usually get a pretty merciless testing to see how snappy you are. An apprentice that shows signs he thinks he is good before anyone else even thinks he is at first base is going to get a really hard time. I tend to be a little bit more encouraging than some, but I have had some apprentices that I flatly refused to be responsible for because of attitude. When they really are good there will be lots of time to show it
I dunno...

I hire guys to do the crap work. That's what I pay them for. That's their job.

If I wanted to still be dragging brush and raking leaves, I'd still be working for Arb-low-care. My company, my rules, my whims.

Prima-donna? Nope. But it's my ship; swab the deck or start swimmin' bud. Unqualified pee-ons are a dime a dozen.
Ok for starters I think Brian was out of line and a typical climber! Brian you said it the way it is not the way it should be!
Tony you should suck it up a little and show these A typical climbers(wait that is me:( ) that they can't break you. Climbers like to think they are God's gift and that they paid their dues and you should too. You know those old timers talkin about school"I walked 10 miles up hill to school and 10 miles up hill to home in a snow storm" when I was your age.
I think Butch and Silver give good advice!
Like I said last night learn the ropes be safe and it will all work out!
If not move on but give it a chance!
First of all, I'm not causing a ruckus about dragging brush. I thought I made that abundantly clear in my initial post. I'm pissed off at the guff that the foreman gave me about not keeping up with climbers. One ground man to clean up the mess of two climbers single handedly. His opinion was that as they were going to the next tree to prune I should have been done with the previous trees brush. Not too possible when the climber prunes 5 trees in 40 minutes, while dumping unGodly amounts of sh#% on the ground.

Don't be a Douche!!!! I know you're being as blunt and honest as you can be. I don't need negativity and unhelpful bullsh!7 being spewed out at me alright. This gig isn't rocket science and I'm going to do it and I dont give a good God ???? what anyone has to say about it!! I swear to God, it seems to be a contageous disease amongst climbers, you're not ready for the tree boy, it'll take years for you to even THINK of climbing a tree boy. ???? all of that to HE!!. The only thing that keeps young aspiring climbers out of the tree and dragging brush is the "Older, Wiser climber" and you can quote me on that.

Hey Tony
Just take it ease for a moment!
Now you are startin to sound like a rookie.
We all dragged brush and yes my leads tried to bury me in brush! It pissed me off but I just was to stubborn to fold. Yes, any descent company will not use one groundie to two climbers but it does happen sometimes!
If it is like this in a couple of weeks you have got the wrong company!
It could be a test or a fluke job!
Or it could be common practice until you know, just chill a bit!
Hope the best for you
It's all about respect. If you're attitude is "this ain't rocket science", you're wrong. No, it really isn't rocket science, but it is a science AND an art, just the same. We just make it look easy.

One groundie will have to do alot to keep after two climbers, but it can be done. Most of us have had to at point or another. In my case, it was the result of being the only one to show up; so I knew every Monday I'd be in the crapper. Do what you can, when you can. If the boss rides you, it's only words.

Are you a man or ain't ya? Can someone really wreck your day with a few harsh words? If that's so, then you ain't been shot at nearly enough in life. ;)
When I started out as a groundie for my dad's business I remember being the sole groundie on apartment / condo pruning jobs. 10 guys in trees trimming and me 2 blocks behind with the whisper chipper. Boy did I ever wish I could be one of the climbers back then. I do not know of anyone that walks off the street with minimal experience and starts as a climber right away. This sounds like a small 3 man company you are working for, may I suggest hooking up with a larger company that might offer some different opportunities and possibly some better training?