OWB operation list for wife/others to follow

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. AS Supporting Member.
Jul 8, 2010
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A lesson I have learned from one of my mentors is to keep a logbook for every piece of equipment I have. Admittedly, I'm still learning to do it. He passed away a few years ago in a plane crash and I still wish he was around - when I visit his wife I almost expect him to walk in the door and ask, "How's it going, guy?", like he always did. Anyway, he kept a detailed list of what was done to every piece of equipment including starting and operation instructions. I actually ended up buying a couple of his saws and inherited his splitter after helping her split wood one summer - all came with a logbook.

I have a couple of short trips scheduled this winter and my wife was asking me to write down what she needs to do to run the OWB. She's done it a few times and has done well but she is concerned if something other than filling with wood is needed and just generally getting the best operation out of it. I'll share mine when I'm done with it.

Does anyone have a list they provide to the wife, neighbor, or brother-in-law when they are out of town?
I would write down the basic process I go through: open door slowly, rake coals to the front, check water level, stack wood just inside the door, etc. If you know what the weather will be for the time you are gone and have a good idea how much wood you would be loading I would separate the wood to add and put them in piles for each loading.
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Instructions to wife on how to maintain OWB:

"I'm goin out, don't know when I'll be back. If you don't keep puttin wood in the damn thing, your fat A$$ is gonna get cold".

See.....no need for a detailed proceedure.
Instructions to wife on how to maintain OWB:

"I'm goin out, don't know when I'll be back. If you don't keep puttin wood in the damn thing, your fat A$$ is gonna get cold".

See.....no need for a detailed proceedure.

:D now thats funny
Instructions to wife on how to maintain OWB:

"I'm goin out, don't know when I'll be back. If you don't keep puttin wood in the damn thing, your fat A$$ is gonna get cold".

See.....no need for a detailed proceedure.

same thing i told new wife,,heres where the wood goes in,,heres how to open door...throw in wood,,and shut door....if not,FREEZE!!!!!!!!!
Instructions to wife?????? If the "add oil" light on her car isn't clear enough I don't think a manual on a piece of equipment would be.

"Doesn't the oil light mean to add oil sometime soon? I didn't know it meant right now".....as I'm adding 3 quarts to an engine that needs 4 quarts to be full.
Instructions to wife on how to maintain OWB:

"I'm goin out, don't know when I'll be back. If you don't keep puttin wood in the damn thing, your fat A$$ is gonna get cold".

See.....no need for a detailed proceedure.

About sums it up...
Gee, I didn't know the competition for "husband of the year" was going to be so fierce this year! :hmm3grin2orange: :clap:

Yeah, she already knows how to fill it. Thanks for the laughs guys!
Instructions to wife?????? If the "add oil" light on her car isn't clear enough I don't think a manual on a piece of equipment would be.

"Doesn't the oil light mean to add oil sometime soon? I didn't know it meant right now".....as I'm adding 3 quarts to an engine that needs 4 quarts to be full.

Ohhhhh, I'm laughing now. Several years ago my wife was 30-miles from home when the red lights came on... so she drove home as fast as she could (before something BAD happened?). She was driving an old Chevy Citation... when she got here I opened the hood to an obviously overheated engine, and the lower end was rattling like a box-o-rocks. When I pulled the oil dipstick antifreeze came squirting out the tube. That was in like April or May... I ended up putting a head gasket in it and filled the crankcase with 80-90W... she drove it until October before it finally spun a bearing. I chewed her out for two weeks... now if any lights come (even a seat belt light) on she just pulls over, shuts the engine down, starts crying and grabs the cell phone. Poor girl...
Hey, guys, from a woman's point of view making logs/lists is not a bad idea. My position was hubby 'did everything'. I was the Mom, the housewife. Then he was in a coma with a loooonnnng recovery. "Recovery" is an interesting word - depends on the 'degree' of recovery.

I started myself awake one night thinking "Oh, my gosh! I haven't had the oil changed in the SUV in the seven months since hubby got ill!" It might sound nominal to you fellas but I have now taught myself how to change oil/filters on the SUV, change oil/filters on the riding mowers and the splitter. Somewhere along the way I also learned how to install a new sump pump/back flow restrictor, repair the dishwasher and other 'household stuff' that hubby used to do.

Maintenance logs would be great - a 'schedule' of when things need to be done would have been awesome. Oh, yeah, where do you put the operating manuals for all your 'stuff'? What filter is used? What type of oil? - Lots of questions the wife might need to answer some day.

I operate the woodstove. No discussion allowed on that due to the degree of 'recovery'. If I'm not around the oil furnace still works.

Just my thoughts...... Been there - doing that.

Yes - here is mine

I made a detailed how-to for house sitters that stay during burning season. I go through it with them once but the list is designed to make sure they have a clear and careful list to follow if needed. I know it's technical but I think it's important to understand WHY the steps are necessary in order to hopefully reduce the chances of a simple preventable mistake.

I have attached a pdf (for easy reading) and a Word (if anyone wants to use to edit for their own use). Great thread! Rep sent.