Passage of time!

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ArboristSite Guru
May 22, 2007
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Dumfries Uk
Somehow it feels right to type this here. I know the peeps who read this are decent folk and basically give a ####. Found out 3 hours ago my Di ( grandfather) passed away. First time dealing with death in the family and basically at a total loss! He was a speceial man to me, raised me like his own son, after my father left!

Anyway to many beers saying bye. To far away to go to him right now. But a few thing he said come to mind.

Family is family, never forget that!

Patience and perseverance and you can pee a hole in a stain! ( Scottish translation for those that need it! ):clap:

Sorry to dump this but feel at home here!


Cheers. :cheers:

The passing of our elder brings the start of a new cycle!
God Bless Brother!!

I have experienced loss in a variety of ways (illness, violence) and it takes time to heal. My belief is that familial and friend support are important, do something to pay homage to you Grandfather- he's looking down and watching over You, and he would appreciate it greatly!! Don't abuse the nectar from Heaven (Beer & Booze)- they won't help with your grief. God Bless you and your family. Your Grandaddy's wisdom will be passed on thru you to future Generations :)

Sincerest Regards,

You have my sympathy on the passing of your grandfather. It will get better with time, just remember all the time you spent with him. The only grandfather I knew passed away in 1978 when I was 18. He lived right across the field so I saw my grandmother and him just about everyday.
I feel your pain!

I feel your pain! My dad (this reminds me I need to call him) is all that I have left for parents, (grandparents). Yes time does ease the pain! It's good that you were able to talk (post) about it here. Not talking about it, keeping it in, can send you into depression. I'm working on getting out of depression and allowing anxiety run my life. I shared this with you so you know that you're not alone.

Focus on the positive memories that you have about your grandfather. As a person thinks, so are they.

Those of you that have parents, grandparents still living, get to know them. Ask questions about them, when they were growing up, .....the little things that I wished I had asked my grandfather before he died.

I just said a prayer for you that you'll have piece, comfort, and that you'll be surrounded with love and understanding!

May God's love bless you in your time of need!

My condolences. It's tough when one of the people who made you who you are, passes away. All you can do is try to live up to a standard that ensures that their sacrafices and efforts on your behalf were worthwhile. Thanks for sharing with us.

My condolences. Grandfather and grandson is a real special relationship. My son recieved his middle name in memory of my Grandfather. Thanks for thinking highly enough of us on this forum to share your feelings.
Make sure to remember the last time you talked to him.

That helps me. I lost my Grandmother 2 weeks ago. Sweetest lady I've ever known. It was difficult, but remembering the last conversation with her helps alot. In my situation, the last time we spoke was at my daughters 1yr birthday party. Gramms told me to take care of my little girl and have a good life. She knew it was the last time we'd meet in this life. This is making me tear up so I'll get to the point. As brief as they may have been, those last moments together are ones that should not be forgotten. And let yourself grieve, it's an important thing. Thank you for your post. God bless you, your family, and especially your Grandfather.

P.S.---I will warn you, if they play the bagpipes at the funeral, it will be tough.
when my grandmother passed it was tough she was like my mother . my own mom passed when i was 11 time heals the wounds .i was just glad she got to hold my first born and dance with me at my wedding.its funny now all the advice she gave me when i was young and dumb really makes sense now that im 39.and i find i use all the silly sayings she use to say not even relizing. hope you can remeber all the good times it helps alot.:)
It is always so difficult to loose someone who means so much to you. The only thing I can say is to live your life the way he taught you and remember him in your actions; in doing so his life gives meaning to all he touched. Condolences to you and yours.

Condolences. All and all this is a fine group of people here that have suffered similar losses, myself included. One way to help with loss is when you are up against a difficult decision, ask youself what your grand dad would do and do the same yourself.
I also feel your pain!

Passing of A Loved One

It's never easy when we part,
with someone loved so deep and dearly.
They remain always in our hearts,
Remembering this helps us think more clearly.

We must continue to remember,
The good times that we've shared.
Whether it's January or November,
and especially when we're scared.

To love and to lose,
Is another part of life.
It's not something we choose,
But always a great sacrifice.

We must not say good-bye,
but rather say so-long.
And remember the great Kingdom in the sky,
Then it seems not so wrong.

2007 Dustin S. Simpson
i know how your feeling, everytime you do something that he tought you, or whenever you do somthing the way he would have, just think of him and smile. it helps me. good luck, and god bless. kevin
Losing loved ones has got to be one of the most difficult things we go through in life. My parents and grandparents are all gone now, and since I just
hit my 60th year last September, I guess I'm next in line. Like the Good Book
says, " Unto every living thing there is a season:. My Dad and I did a whole lot of fishing when he was alive, and one of the last things he told me at the
end was that he would scout out a great fishing hole on the other side and be waiting when it was my turn to make the journey. I'm really looking forward to that day , and I'll bet you've got some great memories to sustain
you as well.

All the best,

I don't mean this to sound bad. I lost my dad Jan.13. this year. I lost my pap back in 83. All though I loved my dad dearly pap was the one responsible for the way I turned out. He instilled work ethics and responsibility in me at a young age and till this day I'm him. Don't get me wrong, dad was always there for me and provided. Just a different way of coming across. Maybe the old fashion way,strict and firm ? If I can be half the influence on my two grand boys that he was it will make my life seem worth while.
sorry to hear this man. its hard i know, all my grandparents are gone. my grandfather died this year and grandmother 2 years before. my mother to put it plainly been plagued with cancer basicly everywhere over the last two years. i try to visit everyweekend i never bring up the cancer i just do my normal thing and go out of my way to make her laugh. stuff like that, i dread the day when her battle ends. i dunno how im gonna handle that.

well it might be corny but i was watching rocky the other night and he says something like life isnt about how hard you hit. its about how hard you can get hit and still keep moving forward. the more i think of that phrase the more i believe it to be true. stay strong man, Mike
It sounds like your grandfather done you right, so, the best you can do is do him right, for he now is with you all the time in your heart. Be the person he would expect you to be and never be afraid to ask him for help during times you are down. We are just passing through here on earth. You will meet again. Grandpa isn't gone, he just went home. He accomplished on earth what he was supposed to accomplish.
My heart goes out to you, but it won't help much, only time will heal your loss.
Thanks for all the kind and warm words.

The theme seems to be remember the good times.

The last time I saw him was the 2nd of Feb, his birthday. He was sitting/slumpped in his chair, body ruined basically un-able to move on his own. I took my 3 kids to see him( oldest is 3.5 and younger twins are 2) they sang him happy birthday and batted some balloon around which he managed to join in with, with a smile. That is my last memory of him, happy and enjoying his great-grankids who I am blessed to say he held, cuddled and played with in his lifetime, something I never thought would happen.

Again thank you for all the kind words, there really if a great bunch of people here and it's a credit to all who run AS
My condolences to you and the rest of the good people here who have lost loved ones.

Your grandfather left you the gift of his knowledge and memories. You can honor him by passing on what he has taught you to your children, your future grandchildren and all others in your life. I wish you the best.