Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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One more kitty post and I'll bow out with it since it doesn't pertain to firewood
(Although Bo, my dog, did kinda scrounge up the cat?)

We're camping for the weekend and of course had to bring the kitten, since he is not old enough to fend for himself. He is still on milk replacer given his age. He chewed the nipple off the bottle last night so no more bottle. This morning was....interesting 😂


He sucked it down a lot quicker than I would have thought. Only 2-3 weeks old max. Just need to find him a shallow dish and we will be in business. We are done with the stupid bottle.
Yesterday I saw an unusual bug on my driveway, but as I looked at it, I realized it may be a Spotted Lantern Fly, so when it flew onto my lawn, I killed it.

Good thing, it was a spotted lantern fly!

I still regret not killing an Emeral Ash bore the first time I saw one. I did not know what it was, and at the time had never heard of them!

Just because it is pretty does not mean it is good!
Scrolling on my phone..: caught the last sentence and thought you were writing about women… 😉
Did someone say kitten?
Out hiking last weekend and my Lab brings us one from out of nowhere. Other than a little slobber he didn't hurt a hair on his head.
We looked around for mamma but no dice. So young he walks very clumsily.
So we had no choice but to bring him out with us
View attachment 1121735View attachment 1121736
amazing! :yes:
Is it zigging? LOL.The poor picture of a bald eagle I took today is about as bad :picture:.It was a combination of low light and a bit far away(70-80yrds?) that made it so bad.View attachment 1121759Took a drive over this covered bridge too. My daughter said I owed $5 for going over faster than a walk, I said so do you, it says "riding or driving" and you were riding :laugh:.

View attachment 1121760
:oops: Dad!.....

Yesterday I saw an unusual bug on my driveway, but as I looked at it, I realized it may be a Spotted Lantern Fly, so when it flew onto my lawn, I killed it.

Good thing, it was a spotted lantern fly!

I still regret not killing an Emeral Ash bore the first time I saw one. I did not know what it was, and at the time had never heard of them!

Just because it is pretty does not mean it is good!
i was digging, turning over soil in the garden other day. saw a crawly bug. ?? said, sorry! wrong place, wrong time...

That is a great idea.

Couple questions for you (or anyone else that would like to chime in)

Do they ever blow off in high winds? I could see drilling a few holes and lashing them to the crate.
Mechanic Matt brought up a good point that maybe the splits could fall out with the inserts removed. Is this an issue with you?
the stix look about size H-R likes. he mite know... 🤩
We let a couple huskies run so they didn't go home with hurt feelings. The others running saws worked on the stems that were already cut off the tree and moved to one side or the other. Several just loaded and unloaded at the bonfire site. 3 of use were there for falling the Ash before everyone else showed up. All good.
:heart: them huskies!!! mi alma mater!

1697984820093.png@ Seattle, Washington....
That is a great idea.

Couple questions for you (or anyone else that would like to chime in)

Do they ever blow off in high winds? I could see drilling a few holes and lashing them to the crate.
Mechanic Matt brought up a good point that maybe the splits could fall out with the inserts removed. Is this an issue with you?
If you enlarge that pic you can see something that they are fastened with. Maybe some type of rubber bungee cord. 🤷‍♂️ if I did it maybe some ratchet straps would be what I used. Not sure about wood falling out although I see a lot of guys just using just the cage on some firewood Facebook pages I'm on.