Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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My 04 Envoy would at times go dead . Could never find a draw but i figured out it always happened with the key in the ignition . Since then I take the key out every time I park it. And it’s not done it since .

like most things we hunt for... always find last place we look! :lol:
I've fastened all kinds of thing to side batteries with ring terminals. Most you'd have to do is ditch the factory bolts and use longer ones. Just one ring shouldn't affect anything.

Need the lighter plug to be hot all the time for that style to work. Pretty easy ti check if you have a cigarette lighter in it yet.

Congrats on your hunt! Just goes to show you don't need the latest and greatest to get results.
would it? seems to me, just plugging in the charger should establish continuity for + & - direst to bat. power source, thru charger, voltage to bat.
would it? seems to me, just plugging in the charger should establish continuity for + & - direst to bat. power source, thru charger, voltage to bat.
No it wouldn't. Some are powered off an ignition relay when the key is turned on. No key on no power to the lighter/power port. Check your vehicle first.
They only work if the lighter/ power point is hot when the ignition is in the off position. You really need to check before buying one and also remember the charge current will need to be pretty small as to not fry the wires that are often pretty small gauge.
i see ur point! if it was off thru ignition, it would not work. wonder what the instructions say, that is if one can read it. ( - - ) lol.

i din't like a 3 amp charger charge neither. .005 is my slow trickle. simple set up for farm or saw guys, but not so for Mom...
I feel like I was guilted into this load at dusk - don't want anyone saying that I'm not pulling my weight.
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Just so you guys know, I'm not sure I can take this much pressure to perform over the next 90-some posts!
just try to keep up with SR! 🤩
If you use the interpreter, they may just start actually speaking english lol. That being said, you can always tell anyone who asks that you thought they could help you tear it down for cleaning, you weren't threatening/brandishing, unless it's not a Chinese model :laugh:. Too bad those can't be bought for the prices like they used to get for them at the shows back in the day(that was about 75 for my day). The last one I bought was 125 iirc.
i was watering my garden other day, ck'd the 2 gallon watering can bottom, and there was the original price sticker: $3.89.

checked Az for same or similar... $18-25... and on up!:confused:
The organic shingles have an asphalt soaked paper mat. Somewhere along the way fiberglass mats came into use. I haven't looked at shingles in a while and haven't done a roof in a while so I'm not up on the current market. The roof my sons are doing now is being done with Elk architectural shingles. My brother had a roofing business that he ran while on layoffs as a union tin knocker. He passed away after a long disability (spinal cord injury while on a tin knocker job) and there were enough shingles in his storage building to do the house... Saved us from spending a couple grand for shingles now.

I recently saw my neighbor's cat trotting off with one of my grinnies (chipmunks). Less hassle than have uniformed government officials showing up...
1500 - 1800 sq ft hse down here, archt 25 yr shingles... $12/14K +/-....
Really, I'm trying to keep up fellas - I just can't maintain this breakneck pace! (Oak for you firewood snobs out there, and you know who are.)
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you do quite well there H-R! i could have filled my wb like u do many times over past day or so. scrounges galore on the curbs of my neighborhood. did scrounged up a couple of things noteworthy, well... imo! :)

but alas, no firewood. and none of it needed to be split! 🤩
Done a good number of jobs with those, depending on the location I used different suppliers, or if the customer had different needs. They go down just like most the other architectural shingles, easy, it's getting them up and to the spot you need them after prepping the roof that's the hard part... Good thing you guys didn't have to come up with the cash, they've come up a lot in the recent past, not sure why :innocent:. Sorry to hear about your brother, can't imagine.
just foller the pattern! :)
Just threw the last chunk of uglies in the stove. Gonna be a BIG pile of them to burn next year. I went around and collected all the shorts, crooks, knots etc that I had tucked away in odd corners and collected them into one big bunch. Should keep the fire going good well into Nov next year.
fireplace weather down here early to middle of next week for a few days. then 70s n sunny
chipper: Just cleaned up a bunch here, all from cutting the storm damage, they won't be ready for the wood stove for quite a while. I keep them out by the bonfire pit in case I need them as I already have a wire bin with a bunch in there that I can burn in the house if needed. I give them away to people who are short on cash, short on cash, you get short firewood lol.

they had short firewood at grocery other day. 7 stix $6.99, wrapped....