London, I understand where you are coming from. I have done more than a little research into renewable energy. While I have no practical experience in producing grid power, My brother is one of the few people left that is qualified to operate, hydro, steam and nuclear power plants. I have sat and listened to his tales and stories. Best one is when someone ask him why the lake levels dont stay up year round. His answer is always, do your lights come on when you throw the switch. Pretty much sums it up. Everyone expects to just be able to hit the switch and lights turn on. Very little is ever thought about what it actually takes to make that happen.
I read some research paper once that claimed that a area of 10,000 acres (dont hold me to that number, may have been sqmiles)), covered in solar panels could produce all the electrcial needs of the entire US. Since the sun doesnt shine on the same spot 24 hrs a day it isnt practical without some sort of storage system, This would probably have to be some sort of battery. Now the argument can be, and has been, made that putting up 10,000 acres of solar panels would take up to much land that could otherwise be used for something else. My argument to that is, there is way over 10,000 acres of roofs on houses and factories. Take a heck of an infrastructure to tie it all together for sure.
In that same research paper, those same 10,000 acres could supply enough algae alcohol to keep every automoble in the country running, with out the need for petroleum gas or diesel. Uhm let that one sink in for a minute. Wonder how many acres are in corn production now just to make ethanol to put in our gas tanks. Algae alcohol has other extra side benefits, it can be fed with waste water raw sewage and garbage, all it needs to work is sunlite. Best part is the by products is clean water and high protein feed stock.
I have no problems with using battery powered tools and buying ethanol gas to run my car. Do it every day, but I do realize where its all coming from and have no illusions as the how little it actually does to clean up our environment.
I have also fought the fight with the govenment about installing my own hydro generator. Most folks dont know that any water that doesnt originate and terminate on your own property, the government owns it. Thats right, that spring, creek or river running thur you land isnt yours. Think that isnt so, read about the folks that have had to remove their rain catching ponds to allow the rain water to run on down the valley. even rain barrels catching runoff your gutter spouts isnt yours to catch.
You will read everywhere that the power company has to buy any excess power you can produce. Put in a solar panel and sell power back to the power companies. Well, that just isnt true. You might be able to get them to buy it from you, but they dont actually pay you anything. They give credits, They credit it on your power bill, but it isnt a even credit. They only have to credit the amount it would cost them to produce the power themself, but when you use it back, they get to charge you what they normally would charge anybody else for the same amount of power. You dont get to sell them 10,000kw of power and then take it back for what they allowed you in credit. Also, if you dont ever need the power they have given you credit for producing, well, they wont write you a check, they just keep it, they profit off your work.
Then you have the regulations you have to meet if you decide you want to put in a hydro power system and sell (give) them your excess power. They have to design the system and approve every aspect of the installation. This alone will add massive cost/fees to the your installation. I am going to built my system without the government interference. I will also be connected to the grid, but will be able to throw a switch if I need the grid power. I wont be doing the net metering thing, screw them. If they want me to pay them to do the install and wont pay me for any power I produce, they can go buy another bucket of coal.