Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Trust me I'd be bloody useless to ya mate, I'm running on fumes at the moment, I really have nothing in the Tank as it were, I was hoping the exercises would see me feeling a bit more energized but it hasn't happened as yet, hopefully it will sooner than later as I have things that need to be done!

It will! Keep at it buddy! The other thing to pay mind to is where you get your food energy . Sugars and carbs can leave you crashy after an initial boost.
I got to say, it may be because im young (31) but I enjoy the peace and quiet during the 30min and 3 trips with my wagon to fill the wood bin on our porch. Its my favorite when there is a lot if snow because then i dont need a headlamp at night.

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Most people wont go outside at night these days. I've walked away from people in my little patch of pines in the dark and had them call me from the road. Only way to do that is walk past my garage which puts you on a sight line with the house or go across the neighbors back yard. Didn't think there was enough room to get turned around up there but I guess moving around at night isn't something most people learn these days.
Well we’ve had between -17 and -20 as a low for the last three nights. Yesterday it was -2 at Noon. Looks like 3-4 more days of below average temps before things start looking better.

For once I caught you! -18 when I went out at 5:15 this am. Warmed up to -8 right now.
Plowed 10" of new snow from the driveway this morning … this is when I appreciate my larger ATV with the 5' plow! (Polaris Sportsman 570). It is not as nimble as other ATVs, but it can plow the snow or drag a log!

And, B F Scott, DITTO what Panolo said! Progress will not be linear, but keep at it and it will happen. Also, you can give yourself a day break to recover here + there, but keep them at a minimum.
Plowed 10" of new snow from the driveway this morning … this is when I appreciate my larger ATV with the 5' plow! (Polaris Sportsman 570). It is not as nimble as other ATVs, but it can plow the snow or drag a log!

And, B F Scott, DITTO what Panolo said! Progress will not be linear, but keep at it and it will happen. Also, you can give yourself a day break to recover here + there, but keep them at a minimum.
True, knowing how to maximize tbr workout routine is as important as doing the workout routine.
My blower is a little Honda HS55 22". I actually have done the whole place here the last few snowfalls. The last I started when it got to 4" depth then again after it quit. Figured the exercise would kill me or cure me.

Snow buckets really lightweight and self destructing. Will have to find a heavier one just hard to get away to do anything this year.
Trust me I'd be bloody useless to ya mate, I'm running on fumes at the moment, I really have nothing in the Tank as it were, I was hoping the exercises would see me feeling a bit more energized but it hasn't happened as yet, hopefully it will sooner than later as I have things that need to be done!
A day or two off are as important too. I stopped work 11am Sunday, heading back tomorrow. Our heat is nowhere near as bad as yours and it's still too much for me to cope with. Being too tired to be safe is no way to go. A day or two to recharge the batteries is the only way to go mate. Nothing wrong with it at all. Besides, the recovery periods allow our bodies to best adapt to the stresses we put them under.
It will! Keep at it buddy! The other thing to pay mind to is where you get your food energy . Sugars and carbs can leave you crashy after an initial boost.

Yeah mate I do find that some types of foods with high carbs can leave me feeling a bit ordinary, oats etc tend to do that to me so I avoid those as a rule. I was doing a Keto diet a few yrs back and it was ok but strangely enough I probably felt best when I was juicing and eating a vegan type diet (I still had the odd bit of meat here and there as I was craving it) but I was on a high veg/fruit intake and felt great so I might have to start looking at that side of my food intake again?

All I know is I feel like crap, no energy - flat as a maggot!
A day or two off are as important too. I stopped work 11am Sunday, heading back tomorrow. Our heat is nowhere near as bad as yours and it's still too much for me to cope with. Being too tired to be safe is no way to go. A day or two to recharge the batteries is the only way to go mate. Nothing wrong with it at all. Besides, the recovery periods allow our bodies to best adapt to the stresses we put them under.

Yeah mate I'm having a couple of days break from the Gym due to being a bit sick and having to go visit my mum, I will go to the gym tomorrow and the next few days and see how I go. I'm not sleeping very well either which isn't helping I'm sure (I've been needing sleeping Tabs to help me fall asleep) I think I'm a bit anxious about a few things which might be causing me to feel this way, I was feeling pretty good a few mths back (well good for me) but now have completely tanked, I will get back to feeling better soon I'm sure.

Nice tea kettle. Any name stamped on it?

Its a “Super Maid”
Its stamped on the bottom too

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Trust me I'd be bloody useless to ya mate, I'm running on fumes at the moment, I really have nothing in the Tank as it were, I was hoping the exercises would see me feeling a bit more energized but it hasn't happened as yet, hopefully it will sooner than later as I have things that need to be done!
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