Serious Tree Accident

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Nov 8, 2006
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Franklin, OH
This news just out this morning from Eaton, OH. TV said his entire body was under the tree! He was care flighted out. LINK

Worker Injured In Tree-Trimming Accident
Posted: 11:24 am EDT August 28, 2009

EATON, Ohio -- A tree trimming accident in Eaton sent one man to the hospital Friday morning.

Officials in Preble County said a crew was cutting down a large, 14-ton tree when the tree toppled over on one of the workers.

The other workers were able to get a Bobcat and lift some of the tree off the man.

The victim was rushed to Miami Valley Hospital by Careflight with leg injuries.

The man's name has not been released.
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I had an uncle that had his leg crushed by a tree a long time ago. He had surgery and still limps on it today.
gotta be carefull pulling a tree off of someone like that, unles medical attention is there waiting, seems they live until you pull the tree off and then they start having serious trouble
Hopefully he'll be ok, mangled legs is awful but better than a serious case of being dead.

......or even a minor case...........hope the guy will pull through............and yes, often removing what has someone pinned can cause more problems that leaving them trapped until medical attention is on hand for the extracation.
Nah, I just find it funny when folk who quickly give credit to their deity for sparing someone when it might have been just the opposite situation. Maybe he/she/it meant to crush the fellow's head and the tree twisted on the stump unexpectedly and landed on his legs instead. :) Hard to judge how a tree's going to fall sometimes, even for an experienced faller. How long has it been since god tackled a big maple like that?

Here's the story with a detailed video clip. Sounds like he was working way too close to the tree faller when the tree twisted and fell off the stump in an unexpected manor. Only 30 years old. Sounds like he will pull through though. VIDEO
Just proof of how life can change in a split second, if things had been slightly different he might have just gone home to the supper table like everyone else.

Hopefully he can achieve a full recovery.
gotta be carefull pulling a tree off of someone like that, unles medical attention is there waiting, seems they live until you pull the tree off and then they start having serious trouble

Yup, crush injuries produce toxins which can travel around the body and prove fatal. If you dont remove the crushing object straight away, leave it untill medics arrive.
Yup, crush injuries produce toxins which can travel around the body and prove fatal. If you dont remove the crushing object straight away, leave it untill medics arrive.

I've read stories were someone caught in a severe pinching/crushing injury was just being kept alive by the "tourniquet" action of what was crushing/pinching them and as soon the pressure was relieved, they bled out internally almost immediately.

I remember one story in particular (don't know if it was true or not) where a fellow was caught between two rail cars in the buckle where they connect. They knew that he was done as soon as they separated the cars so they called in next of kin to say their goodbyes before they released him.

I've read stories were someone caught in a severe pinching/crushing injury was just being kept alive by the "tourniquet" action of what was crushing/pinching them and as soon the pressure was relieved, they bled out internally almost immediately.

I remember one story in particular (don't know if it was true or not) where a fellow was caught between two rail cars in the buckle where they connect. They knew that he was done as soon as they separated the cars so they called in next of kin to say their goodbyes before they released him.


I've heard the same story, only this one was in a steel mill in Hamilton ON
Someone once told me a big crush injury causes a build up of carbon dioxide in the blood, the longer trapped the bigger the danger, and this is the danger when the person is freed.
He got it off of him quick enough i think it takes a little while befor you need to leave it.
I am no expert on this subject but my wife is a nurse and she trains for serious accidents that can be treated outside in the field, I am just considered a first responder and sometimes train alongside my wife, other doctors and emergency personnel. Crushing accidents are hard for the untrained person to diagnose and the usual reaction is to get the affected person out of the situation they are in. Like lifting the tree off them as in this accident, it could be the wrong call as some have stated but it is our natural reaction to a situation like this.The patient could quickly bleed to death either internally or externally if there is a laceration of a major vein or artery.
The danger of removing the pressure from the affected area after a prolonged entrapment releases toxins into the blood stream. A crushing accident that is prolonged causes compartment syndrome and this is basically where one of the body extremities is kept isolated from the heart, lungs and kidneys.In this affected area the body releases cellular byproducts and electrolytes like myoglobin and potassium from the affected muscles and damaged tissues into the blood. This physologic response sometimes called rhabdomyolysis can lead to acute kidney failure and heart arrhythmias, sometimes resulting in permanent disability or death.
Medical intervention before the pressure is released can save the patient and great inroads are being made into this type of treatment all the time. Currently I.V. administered solutions that help prevent the kidneys from absorbing water helps prevent kidney failure(renal failure).
It would be a hard call but lets hope the right call was made in this case, sounds like the patient was not trapped for long and I have not read where there was any serious bleeding observed. If the guy comes out of this with all his limbs intact and working he will be a lucky fellow indeed. Best of luck and a speedy recovery wished to him.

PS. Please excuse any spelling mistakes of the medical grammar and as I have stated I am no expert in this field by any means.

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