Shindaiwa 695 help!

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Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
St. Joseph, MO
I have a 695 on the bench with a loose or broken impulse line. (Tygon crap)

Is there a secret handshake to replace it or do I just remove the fuel tank/handle to get to it?

I can't see the crankcase end at all.[emoji37]
Meh! Problem solved.

Use Stihl rubber line w/glue to boot for the fix.
Aw crap go figure oh well it made me mad so enjoy dad loves the 123 he cleaned her all up ran it a bit then cleaned her up again and it's sitting on a shelf

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It seemed like it had plenty of power while it was running it say here and danced all over the place

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Oh yeah it fired on prime opened up acted like it was gonna pick up gas then acted like it was starving for gas we opened the lot side up then compensated for that kn the hi side jt would die I'd crank and crank and crank cuss then crank some more well I'm glad you got it figured out

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No did not go digging around in it just kinda pushed it aside for the time being

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