small trees for patio shade?

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New Member
May 26, 2001
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Southeast Va
I\'m looking for suggestions for smallish trees that can be planted close enough to a patio to provide some light shade, and preferably grow fairly quickly.
We had to remove a smoke tree in bad condition, and our new patio gets full Southern exposure.
Zone 6, Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia
Fraxinus excelsior
(European Ash)
Plant Type: Deciduous Tree
Uses: Shade, Ornamental
Propagation: Seeds
Habit: Upright, Spreading
Light: Full Sun
Width: 30 - 40 ft.; Height: 30 - 50 ft.
Fertility: Moderately Rich
Soil: Neutral, Well-drained
Zone: 2 - 11

An excellent tree for shade or as an ornamental grown along a street. The undivided leaves are handsomely serrated and in the autumn they will fall while still a rich green, providing some late color for the garden or lawn. Female trees are not commonly grown as they produce litter.

I also should ask how small is smallish. How close to the house/patio is this? Let us know if this idea is too big.