smashed my toe!

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ArboristSite Member
Oct 4, 2007
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About three weeks ago. Working on my father in laws splitter, got it running good decided to take it out and test it. I was not planning on splitting, just out in the garage working so I had shorts and sneakers on. Splitter was running good so I just kept going. Might as well do it now while the splitter is here, I dont have one. About half an hour in a chunk fell directly on my big toe. Hurt like a MF. Kept going though. Got inside and my toe was black. Left it alone and hurt bad for two days. Swelled up real bad. Finally popped the blood blister in a few places and relieved the pain. Took about two weeks for the toenail to fall off. No pain at all now, just no toenail. My birthday was wednesday, my wife got me a new pair of steel toes. Always wear your PPE. :greenchainsaw:

There are few places that hurt as bad as getting hit in the shins. Along with those boots, a cheap pair of soccer shinguards under your jeans held on with hockey tape works well.
There are few places that hurt as bad as getting hit in the shins. Along with those boots, a cheap pair of soccer shinguards under your jeans held on with hockey tape works well.

Right. I can't find shin guards long enough to suit so I don't go near the woodpile to work on it without my saw chaps on. They saved me again the other day when a round 'snapped' and gave me what would have been a real nasty scrape on the shin but due to the chaps, just a small rash.

Harry K
If you crush a toe like that I use a red hot needle and put it through the nail, this allows the pressure to release and the throbbing stops.
Works for most finger/toe capsule injuries.
The pressure builds up and it hurts bad until you release it.
You don't even feel the needle going in, if it freaks you out get someone else to do it so that you can't see.
Trust me it sounds terrible but it's a lot better than a throbbing foot or hand.
All that appears is a few drops of blood from the hole, you can save the nail most of the time.
That how i relieved the pain when i smashed my thumb...... only takes a second to push it through your nail. You'll be happy you did !
Dayuum, You are one bad hombre.LOL, Now somebodys gonna
say they used a 1/2 inch drill.

Actually a logger friend of mine uses a small drill bit, but not in the drill. Just keeps turning it and pressing down with his hand until it gets through the nail.

Then all that pus and what not comes shooting out... I'll try to get pictures next time...
Then all that pus and what not comes shooting out... I'll try to get pictures next time...

This is gonna happen.

Dayuum, You are one bad hombre.LOL, Now somebodys gonna
say they used a 1/2 inch drill.

Nah, I'm not bad. I used a little tiny bit with a tiny grinding head on it. I use it to take rust out of small pits on my car. I might need a tetanus shot now.

I did take my time. When it started getting hot I'd wait until it cooled off. It didn't take long for the blood to start spewing out. I had to milk it to get it all out.

It's a better way than the way I used to do it. I used to take a 1/2" drill bit, uh I mean a pocket knife with a sharp pointed blade and whittled a hole in them.
when I was moving couple years ago a friend and I were moving my tool box. I told him it was heavy and I told him the bottom will roll out when we get to a certain angle.. well it did he wasn't ready and the box landed on my foot breaking my big toe..

I feel your pain. popping the blister always fells better and having no nail feels wierd good thing they grow back!

I have a picture but I won't share it just incase someone is eating!
I have used the small drill trick many times. We used to have people come into the tool room where I worked and an old model maker we worked with would drill their nail to relieve the pressure.

I wouldn't do it on a toe because of the risk of infection from having it in in a shoe all day. Not the cleanest place for what kind of amounts to a puncture wound after it's been drilled.
I found a large sowing neddle and one of those little butane torches works real well..
Shawn: I'm so sorry, but I have to tell ya: I laughed my ass off when I read about your toe. Again, sounds like somethin dumb I would do, hense the laughter!!!! Now i know I'm not alone. Accidents happen when we least expect it!:deadhorse:
I have drilled a lot of holes in my fingernails with itty bitty drills over the years to let the pressure out. Sure beats lying in bed at night praying for your heart to stop beating (throb-throb....throb-throb...throb-throb). The plant nurse made me go to the hospital to get my thumb x-rayed one morning after I mashed it the night before. The doctor told me that I saved the company a bunch of money by drilling the hole in the nail the night before, it's considered a surgical proceedure.
Drill it, you can stop when it squirts. It's only the nail you go through.:fart:

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