Stihl rebate coupon in mail

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Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
Quebec, Canada
I just got a $200 Stihl rebate coupon in the mail yesterday. Wasn't expecting that. I bought my 460 three-years ago but I guess I'm in their files somewhere.

The coupon is only good for the 441 and up, as well as for the larger brush cutters. And the coupon is good for multiple purchases, so every saw you buy gets $200 off. They call it the Stihl stimulus plan. (My coupon is in French, so it's "Le plan stimulus de Stihl")

All in all, a nice surprise. Bummer is the coupon expires June 9th; July 9th would be better, and I'm looking to get a 250 for smaller tasks where the 460is a bit much. $200 off a 250 - I'd buy one today. I'd buy two.

Anyone else get a Stihl rebate coupon.
Yeah, He's a Hoser.

Canadians get a 200 buck discount on German saws made in America...and we don't.

Time to rush the border eh? LOL!!!

Stay safe!
Husky should give a $200 CDN rebate on a 346xp to get the price below that of a MS361.


We make jokes about all the stoners in the great white North, but whoever is coming up with MSRP on Huskys has been smoking more than a little weed.

Some just defy all manner of logic and marketing.

Stay safe!
Hey, I am taking advantage of it!! :cheers:

Cool. Wha'cha buying?

But Groundy is still a Hoser! LOL!!

And proud of it. :cheers:

We are in receipt of and thank you for your e-mail. STIHL INC is
not offering that program. Thank you again for your e-mail and if we can
be of any further assistance please feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,
Bob #####
Customer Support Lead/Technical Advisor
Stihl Inc.

Sounds like they are not going to do it here...
Well, I just picked up another 441 today.. and a 660 is supposed to be in tomorrow.. and I get rebates on both of em.. :)

Very nice. Can I have the 660? Please?

Wha'cha using the 660 for? My bossman wants to replace his 385XP with a Stihl, he might look at the 660. (He uses his 385 for slabbing logs for house.)

Husky should give a $200 CDN rebate on a 346xp to get the price below that of a MS361.

I think Husky is screwing the pooch a bit. I know of one big distributor who's dropping them because Husky sent out a notice telling dealers not to raise saw prices, but at the same time Husky is raising its prices to its distributors. Yeah... right.
Very nice. Can I have the 660? Please?

Wha'cha using the 660 for? My bossman wants to replace his 385XP with a Stihl, he might look at the 660. (He uses his 385 for slabbing logs for house.)

The 660 is a powerful saw, for those days you need a longer bar -- hardwood and just don't want to slow down. I will be using for larger felling work. A bit too heavy to carry or use all day long.

VeryI think Husky is screwing the pooch a bit. I know of one big distributor who's dropping them because Husky sent out a notice telling dealers not to raise saw prices, but at the same time Husky is raising its prices to its distributors. Yeah... right.

Ouch, that is going to kind of make their distributors angry.. If they raise prices it may hurt a bit at any rate. Although they are a good saw and have a loyal following, there are other good saws out there as well on the market.
I got a $50 check, made payable to my local dealer, expires June 6, dealer has to put s.n. of unit sold on check to get his $$s back. Damm, I just spent all my extra $$s rebuilding that 044. :cry: Do I dare sneak a 361 in under my wife's radar??
I got a $50 check, made payable to my local dealer, expires June 6, dealer has to put s.n. of unit sold on check to get his $$s back. Damm, I just spent all my extra $$s rebuilding that 044. :cry: Do I dare sneak a 361 in under my wife's radar??

It will probably cost you. Slip her a $50 and tell her to spend it on herself, she deserves it. Then build up your business w/ a new saw.

A couple of us here were wondering if the rebate is only on the bigger saws because it's the jobs that require bigger saws that are being shut down and those guys aren't buying new saws this season. The forestry sector here is seeing lots of layoffs and the demand for newsprint is bottoming out. Whereas the guys that require small and medium saws; climbing and "backyard maintenance", are still buying. Otherwise, there would be coupons for $50 or $100 on the smaller saws as well as the $200 on the bigger saws.

Also, maybe the rebate is only in Canada because sales of the bigger saws are worse here than in the US.
I'm planning on buying a 361 within a week. I need a mid-size saw more than another big saw right now. But it is tempting to get another 460.:)

That's my 088 below. Does not come out much, but when it's needed, well... There's no replacement for displacement.:)

Thats a bunch of B.S! I spend thousands with stihl and lucky to get a free chain, tight a$$e$. I only live about 1 1/2 hrs from canada what does say a 441 go for in canadian currency?