Support for our friends in the south

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Nov 8, 2006
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Franklin, OH
I went to bed with reports of 75 dead. I get up this morning and learn it's at least 215! My heart goes out to you guys. I sure wish I were closer, or I'd be there in a heartbeat to help. If I didn't have a child in school, I'd try to come anyway. I do know though, that they do lock down these areas after events like this for security purposes. It takes special permission to even get in. So before you just head down, you may want to make some phone calls. This is big enough that perhaps some help can be organized to go down together. I think it's our good from fatboymoe that does this kind of thing. Our prayers are with you guys!

It's pretty sad ..

We been dang lucky here in this area. most of all we had that is bad is all this rain,,and I'm sure it's that way up in Cinncy area,,,some flooding,,but nothing like them folks have to deal with. My heart goes out to them too...
Bad news indeed. We just got 7 days of rain and lots of flooding, but nothing like that. I've spent time in the Birmingham area, have a friend down there I need to call and check on.
The way I got it off NPR this morning is the Governor of Alabama has called in the National Guard to try and get into the many areas that have downed trees and power lines. It was requested that civilians stay off the streets/roads so the National Guard and city workers could get in and find dead and injured people. Traffic would do more harm than good. They are finding about 25 dead every hour. Mayor said this tornado was 3X the damage done in 1998.
He said it was a mile wide and stayed on the ground for 2 hours.
Next will be the looting concern...National Guard also expected to
Cover that as well...??? Obama supposedly has sent in troops.

162 tornadoes for yesterday's outbreak. Those storms were moving 55-60mph. #### changes from worse to deadly in a hurry when storms move that fast.

Death count is up to 248. Damn, that's rough.
Tragic, hard to imagine so many people lost their lives in one night.
Prayers and sympathy for all that were affected....
The youtube footage of the tornado's yesterday is amazing. I drove home yesterday from tennessee to wisconsin, 11 hours of pouring rain and keeping my eyes peelled for tornado's. The flooding might be just as bad as the tornado's, farmers can't get there crops planted. It cleared up in Indiana long enough to see all the farm fields looked like lakes. This sure isn't going to help food and gas prices. I believe La Nina has more rough spring weather in store for us. My heart goes out to all who lost there lives and are displaced from there homes.
We got hammered monday night pretty bad. No loss of life thank God, but our road looks like a twister went thru. There are buildings that are missing on my road and more trees blowed down than I've ever seen. Makes our 2009 ice storm look like nothin...

I count it a blessing I only lost one equipment barn and the chicken coop fence.

At the plant I work at it tore the whole northwest corner near off, ripped two 2700 pound A.C. units off the roof and blowed a ton of metal off. The warehouse next door the roof partially collapsed, and the wind buried their sheetmetal into our building. Thankfully they only work on first shift, or there would have been some fatatalitys.
We got hammered monday night pretty bad. No loss of life thank God, but our road looks like a twister went thru. There are buildings that are missing on my road and more trees blowed down than I've ever seen. Makes our 2009 ice storm look like nothin...

I count it a blessing I only lost one equipment barn and the chicken coop fence.

At the plant I work at it tore the whole northwest corner near off, ripped two 2700 pound A.C. units off the roof and blowed a ton of metal off. The warehouse next door the roof partially collapsed, and the wind buried their sheetmetal into our building. Thankfully they only work on first shift, or there would have been some fatatalitys.

Wow, Jeremy. I'm so glad that you and your family are safe and have a roof over your heads!
Things have been bad. I think we had around 17 tornados Tuesday and Monday.

If you cant go to help please consider making a donation to the red cross or some other group that will be there.

When we (Christian Disaster Relief ) worked the last big one in Oklahoma the red cross was everywehere doing fantastic work. If you have never witnessed one of these events, and I hope you dont have to, its amazing the way they handle, water etc.

Lots of good folks helping everywhere.

Prayers for those that have lost family and home. Prayers for those in harms way to help them too.
I watched a tornado form right over our house. We lost 75~100 trees but no damage to the house. A half mile down the road, houses were reduced to a concrete slab and mobile homes are now just a twistwd chassis. The path varied from a mile wide to about a mile and a half wide with total devistation. Power will be out from 10 to 14 days but at least we still have our house.
I saw the footage of that tornado, and as soon as I saw it, I knew many didn't survive. :( That thing was ####ing huge, I remember seeing footage of the 1998/1999 monsters, and I believe the one we recently saw dwarfed those previous beasts.

May God be with those in trouble and anyone anywhere south of the lower Michigan border.

This season will likely end with the highest death toll that no one ever thought could happen in more modern times where early warning is available. :(
Wow, Jeremy. I'm so glad that you and your family are safe and have a roof over your heads!

U ain't the only one glad. :)

I spent all day Tuesday cleaning up in the little town south of me and some good friends down the road property. Lots of work to be done still.

I feel for those in the deep south, as a bunch of them didn't get out so lucky. :( If I could figure out my stupid phone I have a bunch of pics from locally.

On a side note, the town of Paducah, about 50 miles north on the Ohio river put up there flood gates, as the are expecting the water levels to rise higher than they did during the flood of 1937. It was 7 stories deep downtown in 1937 :0
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U ain't the only one glad. :)

I spent all day Tuesday cleaning up in the little town south of me and some good friends down the road. Lots of work to be done still.

I feel for those in the deep south, as a bunch of them didn't get out so lucky. :( If I could figure out my stupid phone I have a bunch of pics from locally.

On a side note, the town of Paducah, about 50 miles north on the Ohio river put up there flood gates, as the are expecting the water levels to rise higher than they did during the flood of 1937. It was 7 stories deep downtown in 1937 :0

Holy ####, are you serious? That's a lot of water. :jawdrop:
Thats the word if the rain doesn't hold off. They closed the Dam at the lake and expect it to start spilling over. It rose near 5" this morning.

Damn. :dizzy: Nowhere near that much around here. Our pond is flooded like it is every spring. Same with the rivers and creeks around here. Nothing abnormal, yet.

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