The Farm Tractor in the Woodlot

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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
I'm almost thinking of selling my skidder. This little tractor has worked some pretty tough ground. It's very versatile and I like the idea of being able to pile logs in postage stamp size landings and having the use of a material bucket as well. This Rock Maple weighs over a ton at 200 board feet.
maybe I should have started this on the logging forum but it so much more quaint over here. :blob2:
NeTree said:
I like them setups, John. Nice for the lil stuff.
Hi Erik, the tractor is like a deer in the woods while a skidder is like a moose.
It works really well and is great for a playboy logger like myself. lol
It doesn't offer the safety features that the skidder does nor the load capacity, but if you like making trails and the skid distance is short it works out well.
Dennis Cahoon said:
You'd be plantin corn if you were out west, you glorified wood cutter! Farmer Gypo John.

Dennis, you're right there is something about sitting on a 50 horse Kubuta that makes you feel more like a farmer than a logger, but all the farmers like that and that's who has all the timber so I'm in like Flint.
Maybe I can do some custom combining if times get tough. The bucket is great for doing firewood and snowplowing.
Now We're Farming
Ive found that just my little Massey -Furguson at 22.5horses has been a big help in processing my wood for home use.How is your machine set up?are your wheels weighted?are there options for widening your wheelbase for more stability?
Hi Dennis, like I said earlier, I'd make a good abhorist and with the winch on that tractor I won't have to waste my time climbing, I can just winch the branches right off the trunk banana peel style and then just dump the trunk with a huge undercut and make some summerwood.
keith c raymond said:
Ive found that just my little Massey -Furguson at 22.5horses has been a big help in processing my wood for home use.How is your machine set up?are your wheels weighted?are there options for widening your wheelbase for more stability?
Hi Kieth, I have neither wheel weights nor calcium in the tires, however a bit of added balist in the material bucket like dirt, snow or firewood gives all the stability required in most situations. However, I don't really think it would pull this tree, but it looks like she charmed the Oak right off of that stump.
Sizzle-Chest said:
If your looking for a used one, I'll give you a smokin good deal on mine
I like that picture, it says it all.
Ricky, I have the Norse 4500. I like it because it has a hinged dozer blade, so if you get hung up on a high stump or rock it will hinge back unlike the Farmi or Fransgard. The Norse is around 4000 U.S. I believe. It's made in Norway or someplace like that.
Looks like a handy rig, I use a Ferguson to35 quite a bit myself. I would make sure that your tractor has enough bracing between the front and back halves. Some of these Asian tractors are weak at the rear of the engine. They take a universal engine, attach a plate to it and fasten the plate to the bellhousing. I have worked on a Massey Ferguson made by Iseki that was run hard by a landscaper. All that was holding it together was the bolts that hold the flywheel to the crankshaft. And with 4wd you can really turn up the stress.
It's too bad the tractors weren't articulated. They made one I think in Germany called a Holder if I'm not mistaken that was specificly for harvesting timber.
I used to have a Swedish translation of "The Farm Tractor in the Woodlot", that had alot of great ideas. I used a Ford 5610 4WD in the woods for 5 years befor I bought the skidder, but I also seem to need a tractor too.

Green green valley or a rocky road, I say buddy can you spare me some Pine?
It's green green, it's green they say! LOL
tractor & winck

i use a caseih 90 hp with a farmi 501 winch, excellent set-up. even with the larger tractor you have to be very carefull with the angle of pull, i got too tight once and the rear tire almost come off the ground, i do not have any ballast in the tires. since then i bought a snatch block to winch 90 degrees to the trail and then reattach for a straight pull. sorry no picture from rear.