The world's happiest (and oldest) 2253 owner

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Oct 29, 2005
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Ulster County NY
Want you guys to meet a customer of mine. Ralph here likes to keep himself busy, at 86 years old, so he runs this little firewood operation. Beat cancer a couple times. He says he needs to keep busy so he doesn't end up over on that other hillside in the pic. He's sort of going to be the guest of honor at the GTG, but I thought he deserved his own thread.

He's got 3 or 4 2171's and he bought this 2253 back in June. Said he needed a little lighter saw, "now that I'm getting older". Stopped at his woodpile this morning and he said "This saw's the best G D investment I've ever made. I can saw all day and not get tired." Hardly uses the 2171's anymore; everything in the pic was done with the 2253. Set him up with a 16" 3/8 and he just loves it. Notice his wearing his Jonsered suspenders? :msp_smile:



Piles mostly sorted by size. One of Ralph's "helpers" stopped by to visit. These 3 old guys were fun. I didn't want to come back to the store.

Way cool!

told my boss that the other day, he is a generation older than me, similar to your geezers

"Secret to life..keep moving"! "notice them dead guys don't move much"?
Good stuff Bob . My Dad is 90 , and still cutting with me . He runs his old Homey 360 pro , but I usually set him up with my 346 . He's unbelievable .
I will bring him down to meet you , one day soon . Unfortunately , I have to work saturday , or we could come to your gtg .
Great to see a guy that age still able to do what he loves to do, and out there doing it. Have to agree with him on the saw too!
It's cool to see a guy that age that understands the "you get what you pay for" principle. From my experience most guys of that generation would look at the prices of pro saws and just cringe. They tend to have the attitude of what's the difference as long as it cuts. But I love hanging out with people that age. They just irritate the hell out of me when they get in front of me at the salad bar.
A friend of mine is 89 and still logs,Cedar mostly. Guys said just this morning he can get 1000 feet on a one ton truck. He has bone cancer. I hate that. It is one reason I retired when I did. You don't know how many good days you have left. And I enjoy every one of them.
It's cool to see a guy that age that understands the "you get what you pay for" principle. From my experience most guys of that generation would look at the prices of pro saws and just cringe. They tend to have the attitude of what's the difference as long as it cuts. But I love hanging out with people that age. They just irritate the hell out of me when they get in front of me at the salad bar.

I think saws are cheaper now, inflation adjusted, over the 50s-70s.

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