They said they was gonna do it, they did!

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The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
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All those crappy cylinders, poor reliability, sorry azz dealers have really hurt Stihl, yup, Stihl quailty has really declined. So much so they may not be in business much longer, oh wait, lookie here,LOLOL

STIHL is the Number One Selling Brand of Handheld Outdoor Power Equipment in AmericaMajor Milestone a Historic First for the Company
Release Date: June 2010

Press Inquiries:
Anita Gambill
(757) 486-9151 office

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – STIHL, already recognized as the number one selling brand of chain saws and cut-off machines worldwide, reached another milestone as the number one selling brand of gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment in America. Officials at STIHL Inc. announced today that syndicated commercial and independent consumer research of 2009 U.S. sales and market share data shows that the brand has extended its market leading position to handheld outdoor power equipment for consumers and professional landscapers.

“The STIHL story is filled with many firsts which have earned the company numerous marketplace recognitions over the years,” said Fred Whyte, president of STIHL Inc. “This latest achievement is especially gratifying and affirms our dedication to manufacturing excellence and our unique distribution strategy.”

STIHL Inc., founded by ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG in 1974, is based in Virginia Beach Va., and manufactures over 180 different model variations of gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment products for sale in the U.S. and around the world.

Becoming the number one selling brand is especially significant given that almost every one of STIHL’s competitors in the consumer and professional handheld outdoor power equipment market utilize mass merchants to sell their product. STIHL’s distribution network in the U.S. includes 12 distributors and more than 8,000 independent servicing dealers and its decision to forgo the mass merchant retail channels and distribute product only through servicing dealers was featured in the recently released book “The Distribution Trap: Keeping Your Innovations from Becoming Commodities” by Dr. Andrew Thomas and Dr. Timothy Wilkinson.

"Number one selling brand" is based on syndicated Irwin Broh Research (commercial landscapers) as well as independent consumer research of 2009 U.S. sales and market share data for the gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment category combined sales to consumers and commercial landscapers.
No surprise..... after all they are the best. :rock:

Whats really interesting is how they are saying they did it. They point out how their products are sold and where they are sold verses the competition.
Seems the dealers are beating the big box and the big box is actually hurting their suppliers more than they are helping them..
It's amazing how much they sell considering the price. I just watched an old feller buy a Electric Stihl for $389+ tax... Oh boy he got a free hat thou
It's amazing how much they sell considering the price. I just watched an old feller buy a Electric Stihl for $389+ tax... Oh boy he got a free hat thou

Odd you say that. I never stocked the electric Sthil chainsaws. Once or twice a year someone would call and want one and I wouldn't have one to sell, I would have to order it. Two weeks ago I looked at the rack and wanted to add something new, I'm a firm beleiver never let your rack get stale with the same ole products. I decided to bring in all 3 models of Stihl electric chainsaws. I put them on the rack and sold one in less than 5 days to a customer that was just browsing the rack. Goes to prove if you got it its easier to sell...
Although I am a die-hard Husqvarna fan...... I am disgusted at the big-box retail of their products...


Although I am a die-hard Husqvarna fan...... I am disgusted at the big-box retail of their products...



Fear not. Husqvarna has reconized fully they need to beef up their dealer presence in the USA. That is one of they're main goals going forward in the USA for 2010. The flip side is they also want to move mowers out of Kmart. I still say that hurts their brand name but they apparently don't think so. I think what Stihl just announced proves me right..
And they didnt have to sell Poulans to do it!!!!!:rock::rock:


Smart azz,LOLOL They told us two years ago they were within inches of being No.1 in blowers and not far behind in trimmers. They have really been going after the landscape market with so many new products. I guess it finally paid off. Notice how they aren't saying what product is selling what, they are combining the complete line up againist the competitions line up, thats balanced selling at its best...
Thall you had to wait for a news letter to tell what the #1 brand is. Some of us were way ahead of ya pal. STIHL FOREVER :rock:

Read the book and it will be clear how all of this came to pass..


Smart azz,LOLOL They told us two years ago they were within inches of being No.1 in blowers and not far behind in trimmers. They have really been going after the landscape market with so many new products. I guess it finally paid off. Notice how they aren't saying what product is selling what, they are combining the complete line up againist the competitions line up, thats balanced selling at its best...

No self respecting landscaper in my area uses anything but Stihl trimmers. JJuday
I know when I was first searching for what saw to buy I got one of stihl's catalogues from my local dealer. I read the letter from MR Stihl in the front or back of it, which said we will not sell through big boxes. I liked the sentiment, and the fact that they supported local smaller dealers, keeping business local. It was a major part of my initial buying descision of going with Stihl.
Tom the early years!!!



I don't know what's worse, cheerleading threads or the arguing pissing match threads that go on forever.

Thall you had to wait for a news letter to tell what the #1 brand is. Some of us were way ahead of ya pal. STIHL FOREVER :rock:

Yes and no. They're announcing this is the first time I know of which they are claiming across the lineup as a entire brand. Chainsaws and concrete saws yes, thats been old new for years and years. The brand lineup is something new far as I know. I knew I sold a helluva lot of Stihl trimmers and blowers, I'm heading to Va Beach to demand a bonus, I'll probably get a hat, which is more than I give away, ask Ed,LOLOLOL