This is just flat unbelievable!

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But… but… … … … but… but the sky is falling and mankind is doomed… Al Gore says so! He must be smart, ya’ know he invented the internet and he was Clinton’s VP… the best president ever! (well, next to Obama that is) What about the doomsday comet? Or December 21st, 2012? A super volcano eruption? A reversal of the magnetic poles? A solar storm? Alien invasion? A super virus? Iran is getting the bomb ya’ know?

C’mon mga, don’t you ever watch the History Channel? :evilgrin:
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Doesn’t really matter what the reason is, nor do I really care much. Ain’t complainin’, this warm, dry early winter has saved me dollars… and that’s all I care about. It’s kept the demand, and therefore prices for heating fuel in check, which keeps the prices for everything in check. Yeah, we’re gonna’ need some snow before spring or there are other problems to be concerned with… but spring is a long way off and an early wet spring offsets a dry winter. I worked my butt off in 2011 to get ahead on my firewood supply, and every day the weather remains warm(ish) puts me even further ahead.

I don’t own snowmobiles or ice fishing gear, I don’t sell heating fuel or firewood and I don’t plow snow for anyone but myself… I don’t hope, or wait for cold and snow. I live where I do for several reasons, one of which is that I like the change of seasons. I especially like mid-September to mid-November and mid-April to mid-June. But February-March can be long and agonizing when winter comes early, when winter comes late those months seem to breeze by… and as late as this winter is, I’m thinkin’ I’ll barely notice February. Yep, we may get pounded yet, ya’ gotta’ expect that livin’ where I do… but then again, we may not, which is more of a bonus. Cold and snow costs money, ain’t no way around it. If you sell firewood or plow snow ya’ may not be makin’ it, but ya’ ain’t spendin’ it either. And it’s hard for me to have a lot of sympathy for someone who depends on weather to make a living… weather is a huge risk, ya’ better have a contingency plan in place.

A few years ago they called it a “year without summer” around here. It was a cloudy, cool, wet summer where we wore jackets and sweatshirts even in July-August. It was as though we skipped summer, went from spring directly into fall… ain’t no reason why we can’t have a “year without winter” just to even things up. And it sure ain’t gonna’ make me believe the sky is fallin’…
The global warming is coming from Washinton DC, With 90% of that eminating from the White House. ( flame away)

In reality, what we are experiencing is mostly due to mother nature blowing her various stacks that last couple years. ( Volcanoes that is) Man's total contribution, contrary to popular stories, isn't even close to what one of those eruptions spews in a matter of hours.
The planet has always had natural warming and cooling cycles, In the 50's and 60's the talking heads were ringing there hands about an impending ice age. That is besides the nuclear ice age that was also being floated at the time. IIRC due to some of the massive eruptions of the last few years some of the ocean current paths have been altered. Just that by itself has a rather profound effect on weather patterns.
To me Gore's award ranks on the same scale as obama's peace award. Both smoke and mirrors. the smoke from a volcanic eruption!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the hot air following it.........with sulphur stink and stench.......
Of course man's influence isn't the major part of climate change but if by chance what we do turns out to be right at the tipping may well be curtains for mankind.

Mother Earth will just shake up off like the fleas we've become and get on with the show.

mother earth!!!!!!!!!!! see any mammary glands anywhere in the world?????? so now mother has a say in climate change????? muwahhahahhahahahhahhahhaahaaaaaaaa and NO,,i DIDNT come looking for you,,as you see...............................i like spideys posts,,not yours...........say,,does mother earth like fairys????
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The Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area had record rainfall this year - so no drought problems here. The warm weather has kept me from getting any firewood cut or gathered. The ground is too wet to haul my trailer full of wood across the yard to the woodshed. I need a hard freeze to allow me to haul wood without making big ruts in the yard.
I've FINALLY been able to get out early morning and work up some fire wood. The warm wet weather has had me shut out of the woods for quite a while. I'm not gonna let this mild weather hurt my feelings. The winters around here can be pretty brutal.
I'll take it;) I was late getting my wood up this year and I'm a little short of where I should be for January if it were a cold winter. So I'll take more time to get up wood and enjoy this warmer weather, now if we could get longer days back to I'd be all set;)

Take care!


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I'm pretty sure its my fault since I had an OWB installed the last week of December. Sorry fella's...

Yup, And I got a new/used Snowblower and finially rebuilt the clutch on my sled.
Here in Central ME we'll have a couple of cold days then back to mid 30's & mid 40's. I was a little under prepared this year myself since I just moved to my current residence so I'm reaping some benefit from this warm fall/winter.

We set a record for snowfall in October right before Halloween and a record for warmth in November. Interesting weather patter this year for sure.
52 degrees here now. Unfrickinbelieveable, feels like march. I should be out splitting wood and stacking for next winter. I'm sure we are going to pay for this weather in the coming week or 2. I have a feeling that caca is gonna hit the fan. I told my son a week or so ago that between the 15th and 22nd it will change. Lets see if I'm right

less snow = less ground water = dry wells = droughts = ponds drying up = brush fires etc etc

amen to that! We here in the Palouse are in the middle of the richest winter wheat country in the country. It is also in the middle of a semi arid area. Winter wheat and spring wheat rely on moissture falling during the wet season - mid Oct - late Apr. We are already half way there and are way behind on moisture. Near as I can piece it together it looks like 2.5" deficit. Doesn't sound like much? That is a huge deficit where the normal yearly is only 17".

I am predicting a very poor winter wheat harves this year and farmers may not plant spring wheat at all unless the restof the wet season picks up a bunch. Current 10 day calls for _one_ day of "some" snow/rain.

Harry K
AS strikes again. I tried to modify above but all I get is a blank form - seeing that more and more often. Anyhow that first sentence should have read:

"Volcanoes spewing CO2 has been going since the beginning of the planet and is a natural contribution to the planet climate" Not "beginning of time"

Harry K
Gonna be low on junk wood for campfires next summer at this rate said:
You said it right Steve! I don't remember a year like this in a while. Of course my basement is loaded with osage and oak and I keep having to run out to the wood shed for the 'crappy' boxelder and soft maple. I will gladly take the extra trips. Its a lot easier to come across those "bargain varieties" than the "gold standard" woods. My dwindling 2 yr old osage pile might make it to another winter. I am a reformed woodsnob this winter thus far...I have a feeling I won't have enough in a few weeks though!:msp_smile:

I actually gave up muzzleloader deer hunting tomorrow to try to go cut some wood. I've had my fun with the gun and bow seasons...Its time to run the saws even thought its going to be 45 and sunny, compared to the usual 20 and blowing. I'm not complaining even though I can't drag the ironwoods out until it dries up...WARM is why we all started cutting wood in the first place!
Volcanoes spewing CO2 has been going on since the beginning of time. Mans contribution really didn't get going well until early last century. Man's contribution to CO2 is _in addition_ to the natural amount spewed by volcanoes.

But don't let facts get in the way of the nay sayers.

Harry K

take your political comments,,to political...with friends..
we had 66 and sunny during the week, now it's snowing.

It is drier than most years, but another familiar pattern is holding. That is folks around here fretting about the weather, then they'll be wondering if the rain will ever stop.
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