This is just flat unbelievable!

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. say that "the atmosphere and climate of this planet has been an ever-changing process since the beginning of time, sometimes in rapid drastic ways and at other times slowly over eons." you have to remember that almost all of those "drastic changes" have come with nearly world wide extinction.

I'm not really sure what your point is... I also said, "Untold numbers of plants and animals have come and gone with these changes." But again, what is your point? If the climate is changing by natural processes of time, what can we do about it? The answer is nothing! There has never been a total extinction event, something has always survived to carry on. Usually it's the most specialized life forms that are made extinct... those that can survive on diverse food sources, and in diverse habitats are the most likely to survive. Mankind is the most diverse life form this planet has ever produced... we live on near every non-liquid surface and eat literally millions of different foods... mankind is the most likely to survive an extinction event.
61 deg here today...Burned wood only 6 times this year
Maybe have enough for next yr to:clap:
I agree spider that the human race will find a way to power through most anything that will come of the planet. But when you say that "the atmosphere and climate of this planet has been an ever-changing process since the beginning of time, sometimes in rapid drastic ways and at other times slowly over eons." you have to remember that almost all of those "drastic changes" have come with nearly world wide extinction.

Why do people still think Global Warming is a fluke anyway, did all these scientists from around the world hold some secret meeting to play a huge practical joke on the human race??? It's not political to them. We have the capabilities to change the way we treat the planet already why is it such bad thing to try, I think I owe that to my children.

The environmental movement was hijacked by communists after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Communists love to have control of everybody and everything in their sphere of influence. Figure it out.
I agree spider that the human race will find a way to power through most anything that will come of the planet. But when you say that "the atmosphere and climate of this planet has been an ever-changing process since the beginning of time, sometimes in rapid drastic ways and at other times slowly over eons." you have to remember that almost all of those "drastic changes" have come with nearly world wide extinction.

Why do people still think Global Warming is a fluke anyway, did all these scientists from around the world hold some secret meeting to play a huge practical joke on the human race??? It's not political to them. We have the capabilities to change the way we treat the planet already why is it such bad thing to try, I think I owe that to my children.

you have read,,and it IS proven,,about the gw hoax that was perpretated on nations not long ago..right????
I have as much interest in arguing politics with pushy right-wing reactionaries like yourself as I do in getting a root canal, but it's my own fault for posting the comments I did here, as I knew better. I've posted on many forums for many years, some related to specific equipment and skills like this one. Folks with your viewpoints and attitudes are a dime a dozen on every one of them, as they are here, and eventually make it too tiring to bother participating. It's probably only a matter of time here too, and that has been obvious since shortly after I joined - which is a shame because there are a lot of others I enjoy conversing with.

why is it,,that LEFTISTS,,of gw persuation,,ALWAYS call conservatives,,right wing reactionaries??? spose conservtives see thru alllll the leftist gw bs????
First of all, not all scientists agree with the (man made) Global Warming theorists (it is just a theory, ya' know?); actually there are more scientists that disagree, they just don't get the publicity.
Secondly, from evidence gathered in the last couple years, it appears that many of t:dizzy::dizzy:hese (so-called) scientists did in fact hold secret meetings (of sorts) in which they collectively manipulated, altered and/or hid data that didn't support their theory... not for the purpose of playing a practical joke, more for reasons of ideology and money.

bing,bing, he will call you a right wing reactionairie also.........:dizzy:
Mankind is way down the list of organism most likely to survive.

Intelligence alone gives mankind a huge advantage over any other organism. If you add to that the powers of reasoning, construction, energy harnessing and adaptability... After all, we are the only organisms smart enough to come in out'a the rain.

Back-up your statement Del... use facts, not opinions or beliefs.
why is it,,that LEFTISTS,,of gw persuation,,ALWAYS call conservatives,,right wing reactionaries??? spose conservtives see thru alllll the leftist gw bs????
I am not a leftist, and I feel sorry for all who get manipulated into that left vs. right trap. In fact, I have no doubt that there are at least a few things we would agree on strongly. You appear to enjoy verbally bullying people who do not agree with you, but I'm 48 years old and have arrived at my views after a lot of thought, and I could really care less what some guy on an arborist forum thinks of me, and I don't care to try to change your views. I do not need your approval for anything.
... After all, we are the only organisms smart enough to come in out'a the rain.

really? Tell that to my horses and dogs. More likely we are the only 'organisms' that worry about tomorrow.

The Grace of God may save us, but we're lucky we can even feed ourselves.
it was so nice friday i took a vacation day from work,i cut wood all day friday and yesterday in a t-shirt,i figured i would take advantage of the warm and dry weather to add to my reserve because i'm sure we will pay for it in the next three months :msp_smile:
Humans are not very intelligent. Thinking that is vanity. Not one thing we have done has brought the rain one day or sun the next, let alone has made the sun rise in the first place. Bring tomorrow or not, if you can.

We are not very smart, but we are blessed.
it was so nice friday i took a vacation day from work,i cut wood all day friday and yesterday in a t-shirt,i figured i would take advantage of the warm and dry weather to add to my reserve because i'm sure we will pay for it in the next three months :msp_smile:

don't go pissin with your good news, can't you see the sky is falling?
really? Tell that to my horses and dogs. More likely we are the only 'organisms' that worry about tomorrow. The Grace of God may save us, but we're lucky we can even feed ourselves.

Now that there is funny!
Your horses and dogs are able to come in out’a the rain only because you had foresight (that only humans possess) to realize it would rain someday, causing you to use the brains and ingenuity (that only humans possess) to build the shelters those dumb (in comparison to humans) animals utilize. Without mankind your horses and dogs are simply left out in the rain.
Now that there is funny!
Your horses and dogs are able to come in out’a the rain only because you had foresight (that only humans possess) to realize it would rain someday, causing you to use the brains and ingenuity (that only humans possess) to build the shelters those dumb (in comparison to humans) animals utilize. Without mankind your horses and dogs are simply left out in the rain.

So trees do not shelter from the rain?
Lot's of animals seek shelter and find it.
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So trees do not shelter from the rain?
Lot's of animals seek shelter and find it.

This is true. I often see cattle huddled up under tree lines and groves when its raining. They also know what the sound of a tractor means in the evenings.
This is true. I often see cattle huddled up under tree lines and groves when its raining. They also know what the sound of a tractor means in the evenings.

Cow trees, we leave a few when clearing range land - though the cows picked them out long before we get there. No doubt humans are unique, but animals can do well in their duty. Squirrels put away their nuts for the winter, birds build nests for their chicks. We do not know the reason they know, though we might fool ourselves into thinking we do with some big line of BS that gives us self-satisfaction.