Thoughts of a new saw.

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Mar 3, 2006
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I spent a good deal of time on my 046 the last week, those of you that know of it know why, cutting up some large Maple stumps, 42"x 60" was the largest cut with the 32" bar.
I love everything about this saw for what it is and can do, I've been burying the 32" in Maple with an 8 pin on it, enough said?
But it's flat killing me! My back just can't take more than an hour of running it, I went an hour and half today, the last cut I was shaking so bad it took three tries to get a good start into the stump. Maple isn't easy to stump to start with, but when you shake holding the saw it's harder yet!
I mentioned to my wife I was thinking about selling it and she asked "What are you going to use to cut down 5' tree's with?" To which I replied, "I'm not anymore!"
My hoped up 5100 is my saw of choice anymore, doing 90% of my cutting, and my beloved 350 isn't going anywhere! I'm liking the sounds of the 562xp, IF it can get done right and IF it runs like they say! The 362 is out, the weight kills it and it's not as powerful as a 361 from what I read.
I mainly want a 24/25" bar with authority, and the option to go bigger if I feel up to it, IF! But right now it's all about weight, weight and weight in my world!
I hate the thought of being without it, but my back is begging me to be! Ideas, suggestions, otherwise?
SIRN,What you may need is some sort of muscle building activity.You did not mention your weight, age or specific location of the pain.I have two titanium implants at L3 L4. BAK spinal implants to be exact.Now directly above this location I now have another blown disk.The VA did an MRI and every test but the problem is confirmed. Another blown disk.I have a ample supply of Hydrocodone that I refuse to take. Why, 1 is it is addicting.2 this is just masking the symptoms. So what this all boils down to is that I ride a stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes minimum.This is good for about 6-9 miles.I take my ipod with me an a jug of water and pedal my assumption off.I will assume that you pane is in your lower back.Prior to starting my bike routine I had pane shooting down my left leg.Now all is better buy about 75%. I even used my 041 last week with out pane.You may have some other medical condition that you are not aware of but I would suggest you visit your doctor and find out what is causing your discomfort. Ken
I'm fully aware of what is causing the pain, I broke my back a year ago last August. 25% compression fracture at T11 and a blown disc at L5. Had the injections, been on the pills, PT, the works. I'm screwed, period.
I'm just trying to find ways to work within my means now.
I spent a good deal of time on my 046 the last week, those of you that know of it know why, cutting up some large Maple stumps, 42"x 60" was the largest cut with the 32" bar.
I love everything about this saw for what it is and can do, I've been burying the 32" in Maple with an 8 pin on it, enough said?
But it's flat killing me! My back just can't take more than an hour of running it, I went an hour and half today, the last cut I was shaking so bad it took three tries to get a good start into the stump. Maple isn't easy to stump to start with, but when you shake holding the saw it's harder yet!
I mentioned to my wife I was thinking about selling it and she asked "What are you going to use to cut down 5' tree's with?" To which I replied, "I'm not anymore!"
My hoped up 5100 is my saw of choice anymore, doing 90% of my cutting, and my beloved 350 isn't going anywhere! I'm liking the sounds of the 562xp, IF it can get done right and IF it runs like they say! The 362 is out, the weight kills it and it's not as powerful as a 361 from what I read.
I mainly want a 24/25" bar with authority, and the option to go bigger if I feel up to it, IF! But right now it's all about weight, weight and weight in my world!
I hate the thought of being without it, but my back is begging me to be! Ideas, suggestions, otherwise?

Which 32" bar are you running?

If you haven't tried one of the 'light' ES bars, you should. There's quite of bit of weight to be saved that way.
I'd say come North a little and try my MS261, but you may like the 5100 better.

Well I thought someone was going to bring one over for a comparison test, but they never showed or called.

I'm running a GB titanium, but I need to get the total weight down, even with the 25" ES bar it's a handful for me anymore.
Husky 357xp if you don't mind huskys older 034 super or 036 if you prefer Stihls. Possibly Makita 6401 with a BB kit if it is not to heavy.
Well I thought someone was going to bring one over for a comparison test, but they never showed or called.

I'm running a GB titanium, but I need to get the total weight down, even with the 25" ES bar it's a handful for me anymore.

My bad. Time ran out and I had to get my ass on the road, I didnt stay, I drove home every night.
Well I thought someone was going to bring one over for a comparison test, but they never showed or called.

I'm running a GB titanium, but I need to get the total weight down, even with the 25" ES bar it's a handful for me anymore.
I would stick with your'e 5100, and keep the 046 in the garage for an odd, or short use occasion. But downsize the wood you cut. If you can't run that size saw comfortably anymore, avoid that size wood. If you can't avoid it, then get some help from a friend, or somebody, and keep the 046, and let them run it, and cut the bigger stuff. Split the wood with them. I am real sorry to hear about your'e back.
I would stick with your'e 5100, and keep the 046 in the garage for an odd, or short use occasion. But downsize the wood you cut. If you can't run that size saw comfortably anymore, avoid that size wood. If you can't avoid it, then get some help from a friend, or somebody, and keep the 046, and let them run it, and cut the bigger stuff. Split the wood with them. I am real sorry to hear about your'e back.

+1... hate to hear about your back sawinredneck. Wouldnt wish back pain on anyone!
I'm fully aware of what is causing the pain, I broke my back a year ago last August. 25% compression fracture at T11 and a blown disc at L5. Had the injections, been on the pills, PT, the works. I'm screwed, period.
I'm just trying to find ways to work within my means now.

First off you are not screwed.What you need to do is find some type of activity that will suppress your discomfort. Are you a veteran?As to you condition are you really going to let it decide what you are able to do or not do?I absolutely refuse to believe this in my case. I have two separate titanium braces in my neck right now as I type this.But that is irrelevant to what I am trying to do now is help you.The medical system today has many offerings that can assist you if you want them to. Many people are just to dam lazy and sit on their asses and take a pill.What good is another saw if you are not able to enjoy using it?If you now have problems then you are an accident waiting to happen.Suppose your leg goes numb and you fall. What is going to happen to the saw. Will you be able to toss it out of the way to avoid personal injury?
I am more than likely out of line but I refuse to let an injury dictate to me telling me what the hell I can or cannot do.I would recommend that you find some sort of medical assistance.The first thing I would do is take a long walk on a flat surface.Check out some sort of health related exercise facility.Riding a stationary bike has some additional benefits.But I will just say that being a normal healthy male you would be surprised at some of the outfits women wear. I will let it go at that.In closing I would not let pane tell me what I am able to do.Are you physically fit?OK enough of a lecture.Ken
I've been through the system, specialist to specialist to specialist, they all say they can fix me, then four months later have no idea why it didn't work. Then I get the bill because my insurance said they would cover it just to find out I haven't met this deductible or that deductible. We are swimming in medical debt and I am no better off than when I started.
My legs do go numb and I do fall on occasion, I try to work on my knees as much as possible to avoid that situation. I no longer cut alone, I always have someone with me now. My wife has had to come out to the garage and picked me up off the floor on occasion.
I'm staying as active as I can, one day I feel fine, the next two it may be all I can do to crawl out of bed from the pain.
It is what it is and I'm trying to do the best I can with it, but can't sleep, can't stand and can't sit very long.
My thinking with selling off the 046 is that if I don't have it I might not be tempted to try to run it! But the weight savings of the 562 still leaves me some options for the larger wood if I do run into it?
That is the saw I'm leaning towards. I'm in no big hurry, just kicking around ideas and trying to get some general input on the thought.
I have handled the 555, and I believe it is the same weight as the 562 or very close anyway. The weight difference in the 562 and the 460 would be noticed very easily and with the rating of 4.7 hp it should pull a 24" bar very well.
I have handled the 555, and I believe it is the same weight as the 562 or very close anyway. The weight difference in the 562 and the 460 would be noticed very easily and with the rating of 4.7 hp it should pull a 24" bar very well.

I believe the 562xp will pullt a 28" b/c as well. The 555 will handle a 24". I cant get over just how well the 555 performed.
sawinredneck, Sir I would like at this time to make an apology for my post in this thread. I was out of line and I tend to get into a tangent when health is concerned.All that I am able to tell you is that what I mentioned worked well for me.I hope that you will understand.I am human and have been known to make a foe~pau or two.Sometimes it is difficult for me to remember that we are all different medically and know to medical conditions are exactly identical.I hope that you will understand my meaning, Ken
Sawingredneck, we're in similar shape, had two failed back surgeries on the l4/l5 , have five heart stents and I suffer from mixed connective tissue disease, a nasty autoimmune disorder something like a severe case of lupus with a little Lou Gerhigs throw in, kills all the connective tissues and destroys internal organs and muscles. I love to run the ported 460 but a couple of hours on it kills me, love the 361, but lately I have developed an affair with the 261's smooth as silk, just got rid of my 346xpne over rated stock saw to get a second 261 for the crew. This second one is going somewhere to be massaged. One of Brad's customers pm's me a professional tree service operator that had Brad go thru one and he said it will cut with any stock 70cc saw out on the market if not just a tad stronger. I can run a 261 size saw all day, give me about 30mg of extended release morphine and I have no issues dealing with running it 6-7 hours a day. These 261's are built rock solid, to me this day and ages 038/028 rugged saw, no corners cut to shave weight. Don't overlook the 261 we are tickled chitless with them, they will take all the commercial handling and use you can throw at them, there is not a better air filteration system on the market.
The stock powerband is imho so much more useful than the 346xps, it has torque, grunt, balls whatever you want to call it, I can't wait to get one ported. One guy pm'd claiming 441 stock or better performance after porting. I'm just looking for ways to keep on sawing, for me I think it is the 50cc with a top notch port job and imho the 261 platform is rugged enough to take the extra strain it will see performing it a commercial setting day after day, vs a cookie cutter platform.
The 562 sure looks good on paper as well, the 555 may also be a viable platform, I can't say haven't got to get my hands on one. As good as the reports are on the 555 I have trouble spending the xtra cash on the mythical 562. I'd look them over as well.