Tree Transplanting Techniques??

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New Member
Sep 18, 2005
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Southern New Jersey
I have several Bradford Pears, and ornamental peach trees. Every year, baby trees pop up next to the main tree. These are connected to the main root system. I have tried numerous times to replant these smaller trees, but I have no success when they are connected to the main root. What is the best technique? I usually dig out the small tree as much as possible, then clip the baby tree from the main root, then trim the leaves off the lower portion of the main branch, keeping the stem intact. I then put them in a cup of water for about 2 weeks and then put them in dirt/pete moss mixture. I have had 0 success. Is the time of year I complete this critical? I usually keep the trees in doors in the cup of water during hot weather. When in water, should the trees have access to sun light? Obviously, these trees are very economical and I could go to a local nursery, however, I like a challenge.

Any comments would be appreciated.
Root suckers anr ehard ot propagate; this is known as "mallet" cuttings I think; try googling that. You may not get the trees you want if the original tree is grafted.
An interesting thing about the Bradfords I noticed is that the new growth off a stump or roots is that it grows in with thorns. Almost like honey locust type thorn. I dug up a few that were growing wild in some parks here that I borrowed :) and planted in some common areas around the house and one that survived has thorns. I dug around the parent root, cut it on both sides a few feet away from the new upright growth and planted it in some soil mixed with peat. Mine were about 3' tall to start and now 12' +. Have seen this on street callery and red spires also, when the stumps are left and resprout they appear to have thorns also. Weird.