Using gasoline to help kindle a fire

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Aug 11, 2010
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Jerusalem, Israel
Ok don't yell at me!!!

I know it is dangerous to soak logs in petrol and go crazy with the fire like that. You know those little fire starter cubes.. One of their ingredients is petrol. My top down fires could realy use a little bit of help. Is there any problem with soaking 2-3 tissues or very small kindling with a little bit of petrol?
Ok don't yell at me!!!

I know it is dangerous to soak logs in petrol and go crazy with the fire like that. You know those little fire starter cubes.. One of their ingredients is petrol. My top down fires could realy use a little bit of help. Is there any problem with soaking 2-3 tissues or very small kindling with a little bit of petrol?

Petrol ( what we call gasoline ) is too volatile and will burn off too fast ( and too violently).

We use cheap vegetable oil in a squirt bottle - squirt some onto a paper towel ( or any absorbent waste paper of cloth) and that makes a great fire starter. I've never tried it, but probably fuel oil ( or diesel fuel) would work well also.

Ok don't yell at me!!!

I know it is dangerous to soak logs in petrol and go crazy with the fire like that. You know those little fire starter cubes.. One of their ingredients is petrol. My top down fires could realy use a little bit of help. Is there any problem with soaking 2-3 tissues or very small kindling with a little bit of petrol?
Not a problem as long as the damper is open and the gas is spread around a bit and you use only about 1/2 an ounce or less, letting it soak in a bit before lighting. Not really a good Boy Scout method, but who's a purist around here? Lol
Used crankcase oil is better and safer.
You lazy or something? get out there and cut some kindling! lol
i use k2 which is similar/cheaper than charcoal lighter fluid. the trick is to avoid the k2 from gassifying without a flame so i squirt it on an active flame to make sure its burning instead of gassifying, gotta go easy. i wouldnt soak because the k2 might get boiled out of the wood too fast for available combustion gasoline, its too volatile
I wood have to say if your wood is not easy enough to start on its own, or gives you problems - it may not be seasoned enough. Nice, dry wood and a bit of tinder should start fairly easy.
I make firestarter by cutting scrap cardboard boxes into strips, then sprinkling them with diesel.

My neighbors take wood noodles and soak them with diesel.

I imagine diesel soaked pine cones would work, too, if you have a source of cones.
Gasoline?Not on your life. All it takes is just a wee bit too much and there goes your stove door across the room.

I use diesel fuel to start my fires, and just a little bit at that. Shove the wood in the stove, sprinkle a little bit of diesel fuel in there, throw in a wooden match and be done with it.My wife would have a fit if I started dragging gas in the house....she hates the smell outside!
Don't use gasoline. But, if you do, set up your video camera and post the results on youtube. I'd love to see how much gas it takes to blow up a stove.

I've never used acceralants to start my fires. A match, newspaper, and some dry kindling are all I use. THere are places that sell fatwood or cedar fire starters. THese are pretty popular on other forums.
Gasoline vapors are explosive. Bad idea, good change of damaging your stove.
If your newspaper knots aren't staying burning long enough to light the wood, use more of them or add some cardboard to get it going. You could wipe up some cooking oil with some paper towels to get a little hotter burning longer start to your fire.

I had a little trouble with getting a few top down burns going with only a few pieces of kindling. Try more kindling or do what I like to do. Set up your top down burn just like normal but after putting your paper knots on top put a stick or two of kindling on top of the paper. Not big sticks, just something that wont crush the paper. Almost like using a tradition starting method to get the top down going.
Get an axe and slice some of your wood really thin. This should start better with newspaper. If you feel the need for an accelerator, use diesel instead of gas. Diesel is a lot safer.

I would only use gas in an emergency.
i myself don't use anything,,i just throw in a couple of hand fulls of noodles from dry wood and it goes up easly
i prefer a little squirt of lamp oil or veggie oil, it dousent have the fumes that diesel does.

honestly though i much prefer to just use some of those fire sticks. i know it is the more lazy way to go but i really dont have to prove every night that i can start a fire the old fashoned way with 3 young ones that require attention.
I'm smarter now. Thank you guys!

I didn't know there's such a difference between gas and diesel. I'll use diesel in very small amounts, only if necissary. My top-downs are successful because I read a lot and applied the information very carefully.

The reason I posted this question is that my kindling fire tends to create a lot of smoke in the begining, because some pieces catch fire and then lose it. I'll se how diesel can help me with this.
Petrol ( what we call gasoline ) is too volatile and will burn off too fast ( and too violently).

We use cheap vegetable oil in a squirt bottle - squirt some onto a paper towel ( or any absorbent waste paper of cloth) and that makes a great fire starter. l


Veggie oil works great, and no danger of explosion. Cheap, too. Buy the lowest grade available, and only use it for firestarter.

There is NO reason to use petrol! :dizzy: