want to beggin climing

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i did find some interesting stuff hocking college offers foresty i have yet to look into it more just got a packet today
Pepsi, get in on that ACRT course. Any potential employer will take you more seriously. When I was lookin to get in the business I showed up at the local tree service shop at 7:00 AM ready to work... someone didnt show up and I was onboard. I worked my butt off! Dragged brush like a maniac with a great attitude. stayed safe and never missed a day, by fall a climber quit and I was already in the tree before the boss could even blink. I had secretly been scoring gear here and there, a harness, spurs, flipline, etc. I think my passion for it showed and the boss got onboard. I had to drag brush for the whole season before the boss would let me touch a saw. And I had been running saw for 15 years doin firewood etc. Had my own chaps, 266xp at home. Boss didnt care. everything in this biz takes time. Be patient and be safe! best of luck...

I'm going to keep looking for schools as well i did find this one ACRT - Independent Vegetation Management
Hocking college does require a ged/hsd that I need to get I got to old for school because of being held back in elementary so I was fourced out without completion.
Maybe we can get this post stickied and generate a good list of schools and resources I understand you will always start out as a ground crew as im sure there is a lot of liability with climbers.
I am however confused as to what some of the labels are such as foresty,Line Clearance Arborist,Urban Forestry ,arborist,forest management and some others basic high fluting names im sure hocking college states
Forest Management
Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Forest Management program are eligible for employment with public and private forestry organizations and operate forestry equipment ranging from a hand compass to the surveyor’s transit to chainsaws and bulldozers. Students are qualified for positions such as forestry technician, nursery operator, timber cruiser, restoration and reforestation specialist, fire prevention and suppression worker, insect and disease control technician, and log grader.
Not the direction I would go if you want to climb. You will be learning a bunch of great stuff, but not gonna help ya climb I don't think. Depends what your after I guess. I was a certified forest technician in Oregon. Worked in the woods my whole life just about, didn't help me when it came to residential tree removal. Still had to start at the bottom and work my way up.

Google ACRT Basic Arborist,
One week course will teach you a ton and prep you for CLIMBING! SAFELY!
You would be way more likely to get a shot on a crew with this on your résumé., better shot than your average entry level applicant.
Most tree service companies don't consider forestry or logging as experience. Residential tree service/removal is a whole different beast.

Just my 2 cents though...

Very good info thanks a ton some of the terminology is confuseing lots of fancy names for the same thing lol
Can't it just be simple you cut wood lol atleast thats what i tell the lady's lol or hey babe im a lumberjack wanna see my wood the tree huggers are a little pain though lots of woman tree huggers.
Get some minimal gear, hit the woods, and climb

Move around from place to place in the trees, walk limbs, tarzan a little, and just get comfortable with equipment. You do not need to be working for a tree service to learn to be an expert climber. When your climbing skills are good, start taking your firewood trees down from the top, using saws, ropes and tackle as needed.

I started tree work as a groundie, but was already a better climber than anyone on the crew, but I learned alot about cutting limbs watching the experienced climbers. I still go to the woods to try new(to me) tricks and equipment.
ha ... but they secretly lust that saw dust covered woods smellin lean mean cuttin machine!

Just tell em you are removing sick trees to make the healthy ones happy, that should get em

or,,, you sacrafice some sick trees for the over all health of the forest, which you care for deeplly, because it sustains you.
Where do you want to work?

If its around houses and small parks and stuff, pruning, thinning, removals then Arborist, or Urban Forestry (fancy name for residential arboriculture)

If its in the woods, timber production, felling, then Forestry
Try a class

When I started I took a class with tree climbers international. Took mine in Oregon, but they have classes around the country. It's geared toward rec climbing but lots of stuff transfers over. It's amazing how much you can learn in a week of intense training from someone who's been doing it got years! Plus you can try out all sorts of different set ups and pieces of hardware. That way, when you hi to buy stuff you can get stuff that you know works for you.
Good luck.