We're gonna work in the ghetto. We're gonna work in the ghetto.

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May 2, 2001
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I just talked with a good friend of mine who owns some real estate about an hour north of where we both live. He sold one house a few weeks ago but still owns one which he is working on selling. The area is really ghetto. I had been up there back around father's day to help him out with some stuff. There was broken glass all over the place, dirty diapers on the ground, drug paraphenalia and all kinds of other good gobly gook. Apparently a tree is leaning on a fence at this one house. I know the tree and the thing is MASSIVE. The tree he says needs to have the hazards removed, which basically means it has to come down. He wishes to go up there with myself and another friend of mine from school. He will stay with us for a few hours and then leave so we can work on our own. I don't know what to do in a situation like this. I have worked in a ghetto area once before when I was younger for an old boss. But that guy was over 6' and 220 lbs. Plus it wasnt by a main road, we were in a back lot doing work where we couldn't really be seen. Where I am supposed to be working is very visable to a descently busy road. I don't own a gun or a viscious dog at this time. Any tips?
What are you worried about?
Just keep reving your chainsaw they'll think you're some crazy white boy and stay away :D
Like this guy
Actually that was what my buddy said. "you will have chain saws with you, you'll be fine." He is 5'8" and 300 lbs. Not many people mess with him. Me, I'm 5'10" and 200 lbs. So he has 100 lbs of intimidation on me.
Yell at the Tree alotand talk to the truck They will leave you alone. :D
Keep your truck as close to your work area as possible and keep your tools put away unless you are actually using them. I know that on 'normal' jobs it is not uncommon to leave saws and stuff layuing around, then walk around and collect everything at the end. If the saw/ blower/ polesaw is not in your hand, it needs to be in the lockbox! Might add a little time, but not as much time as will be put in replacing saws.
Yeah Budroe. I'm gettin paid for this. I just hate goin up to that area. It's not the ride as much as it is the area I will be working in. Brian- I was kind of afraid that I might have to bring somebody along just to watch the equipment. It's sad to think that we have to do that in certain areas, but it's the truth. Dave. In this area talking with the truck and yelling at the tree may not do me much good because at this house in the past I have found dirty diapers, lots of broken glass, and drug paraphenalia. I will keep you guys posted once I do the job.
Well, I hope you would have someone with you anyway. Climbing alone is kinda like diving alone, not something you can get away with very many times before it kills you, or worse, leaves you mangled for life. Imagine having a limb break and laying there bleeding on the ground, hollering for one of those crackheads to come save your life! Thoughts like these keep me from doing stupid things like climbing alone.:angel:
Ooooops, I just re-read your origional post and realized you WERE planning on having someone with you. You will be fine, crackheads don't like to mess with crazy guys carrying chainsaws!! :p
Maybe when you arrive you'll find out since
there are probably so many neglected trees in the area, you'll get an audience and admirers instead of your typical thief. How often do these people get to see tree work done? Who could afford it? Making an idiot out of yourself to alleviate your own fears will more likely get you ripped off. People would prefer respect.

Thanks Joe for being one of the few voices of reason. I've done lots of work in low-income neighborhoods and have not had any problems. Most people are extremely friendly and curious about our job. We often get cold drinks, home-made cookies and lots of spectators/supervisors.;) Compared to some of the upper-class snobs we work for, I'd have to say the "ghetto" residents are generally much nicer. The only time we've ever had a saw stolen from the jobsite was in an upper middle-class neighborhood.

Judge not, lest ye be judged.
You tell'em Treeman14,.......Where I live the City is 95% black. Yea its a small town,but Coca-Cola $$$$$, well, you look it up if you want.No problems in the south-side yet anyway.How was the book Treeman14?
I'm about halfway through. My problem is I read four or five books at the same time. One in the bathroom, one in the bedroom, one in the family room... So, wherever I happen to be that's the book I read at the time. Last Temptation is in the bedroom so I only get a page or two read before I fall asleep. Its good reading, really focuses on the human nature of Christ. Of course, we both realize this is a work of fiction, created and written by a man. As opposed to the Bible, the actual Word of God. You're in my prayers, Monkeypuzzle, as is everyone here at ArboristSite. May God bless all of you.
I try to stay away from the low income and the rich people. Usually the rich jerks are the ones that are the worst to work with. The complain a lot more. Low income and middle class seem to be happy with what they get. Although the low income people seem to try to add little things on to the job. Trying to get more bang for their buck. DID I SAY BANG? Sorry. As far as stealing it doesnt matter what hood you are in. It can happen. I wish we could hunt criminals. It would be nice to get rid of drug dealers, thieves and murders. Unforntunately it would make me a criminal too.:alien: Then they would be hunting the hunters. Keep your chainsaw handy.
The job is gonna be stalled for a few days. The guy who owns the houses, his little sister just had twin boys yesterday. Also my back is really bothering me, chiropractor says I strained a muscle up into my ribs. I am gonna try to get somebody else to climb this tree for him.
Hey Brett, ya need a climber for a few days? I'm not married to this guy I'm 'working' for now. Been making a lot of calls to other companies but no bites yet. I can spare a few days if you need to rest your back. My sister lives in St. Pete and I could sleep on her couch if it isn't too far from you.:angel:
Well I went up to the ghetto place today. It was an interesting day. I was expecting a big tree that spread out over the neighbor's place. Instead we get there and it is a 20' long stick that was about 30 - 36 inches in diameter. The tree was rotten to all heck, most of the stick was a hard rot, but down by the non-existant roots was soft rot. The thing had broken at the root flare and was leaning up against a fence that went over the neighbor's parking lot. All I needed to get the tree down was a rope and a little bit of elbow grease. Of course to cut it up required a chain saw. However as we all know, ghetto trees contain lots of nails and hardware just as this one did. It seemed that there were nails (big and small) set about 6" apart all over the place. Anyways.. that was the tree, nobody really bothered us. My friend who owns the place evicted all of the tenants this past tuesday and the inside was TRASHED. The outside had 3 dead vehicles, lots of broken glass, beer bottles, and grafitti. I also saw the largest beer bottle ever. Some "limited edition" Heinekin? The bottle must have contained probably a gallon of beer before it left the store. Anyways, that is my story from working in the ghetto for the first time.
you paint such a beautiful picture, i'm packing my bags and movin' on up to the ghetto tommorrow. i sick of all of the palm trees down here!!!!!!
love, peace and chicken grease,
Think of it like this...

You're a tree man. Most people think that tree men are fearless. So you have the advantage right off the bat. More than likely they'll think or know you have personal protection. After the first 15min it will be smooth saling for you......:rolleyes::Eye: