WEST KY GTG 2015!!!!! (September 19, 2015)

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He's always the winner in my heart [emoji8]

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The Wiggs, The Legend, The Man.
Just a few pictures. Got busy and left the camera in the truck most of the day.
Just to see that 125 alone would have been worth the trip. If there was a homelite 750 there I'm going to beat my head against the wall,I knew I should have went! Nice pix by the way!!!
What homelite got sacrificed?
I think it was Homelite 500, but Cobey said it was a David Bradley. There was also a Remington and unidentified PP saw involved in the midnight sacrifice. The hottest hot saw I've ever seen was in Kentucky!

I had a great time, and so did James. After the sawing was finally over on Saturday night, there were still saws littering the ground like dead soldiers on a battlefield! I hope they all found their owners. If I left one Wiggs, please feel free to hold for ransom.
Many thanks to all that made this a cool event..........
Thanks to Matt and Levi.... for the ride and putting up
With me for many miles...... Thanks to Mr and Mrs J
For hosting.... and putting up with us. Thanks to Alan for many hours
Of goofing off with saws and his saw building skills.
And the many people that come from near and far to
Make these events so great
Thanks for letting me race the angry black skill
Wiggz it's a BEAST
Sorry I couldn't make it, I needed to be home this weekend to host a visitor from California bringing a lot of really special McCulloch items. Mike Jackson's dad worked at McCulloch as an electrical engineer and was able to bring a few things home and Mike was willing to pass some along to me.


I had one BP-399T and the drone engine on hand.



I'll put some more photos up over in the McCulloch thread.

Sure sorry I missed it. But about the time that 08F150 would have been pounding on his guestroom door to wake me up, I was at home with the wife doing a little pounding of my own. :dancing:

Hope to catch you all next year!

So is there another one on the way now?

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