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Face cord for us here is a joke. Face cord is 4'high x 8'long x 16" pieces. Some guys even sell it 6' long. They all average $40-$60/Face cord here. Good oak, split stacked, and 90% of the time delivered. I can't/won't compete with that crap. It's not worth the time or effort. They sell ash, the same price as hickory, or oak. Its sad.

So all told, I'm out maybe $30 in gas to deliver the wood, I can do it at my convenience, and I ain't gotta split nuffin. lol It's a good swap.

I swear I gotta know if AA actually put masonry mortar in a tree. If he did, you all in PA are some lucky Mo-Fos. That's the quality you gotta compete with. It's like Michael Phelps in a swim race with Christopher Reeves. Guess who's who...

Face of oak is around $100 here, paper birch and cherry gets ~$350/cord Hickory and fruit wood can be more. qwazy ****
Yeah, the whole thing is a mess, Kelly my sniper buddy, was diagnosed with severe sleep apthentha (sp?). He was told that he would die with out this certain machine (VA told him this) Took them 2.5 years to get it for him. Had to rent a machine outa pocket the whole time while he was waiting. I have them in limbo, waiting on the Congressman to get some time, gunna sit down with him and blow up the VA. The wheel is broken, don't need a new wheel, just need to straighten some spokes. Illegals get their food stamps on time tho.
They told me that it might take a year to get to DC, then it probably wont get approved anyways, because of the cuts "we cant even get approval for another position",wrong answer. They wasted a year and a half of my time. Remember JPS when I called u about school, since then! Nothing but fat and nasty's working in there, doing nothing but dragging their feet so their case load looks heavy. Went in for school, I didn't even know about the small biz assist, THEY talked ME into it! They are nothing but a bunch of..................Blue Falcons! They still haven't corrected my pay. I don't have the motivation right now to even address it. It will all be retro-activated when I do, so I consider it a savings account with no interest, just monthly deposits!
Think I am going to get them in trouble, then go to school as originally planned. Just don't know about time. Probably should wait a few years.

Yeah it can be a royal PITA BeeItch. Not the reapubicans are lumping us in with welfare moms as being an "entitlement class". I gave 9 years of my life, and a portion of my health why they went to school? They drive around with their yellow ribbon and fish magnets, then tell us we get paid too many beni's...

Say a guy is rated near 100% and has problems holding down a job due to his disabilities. The income threshold for "unemployable" status is something like $11,500 a year... :huh:

So it's "Support out troops" Forget the vet's.

I wonder why we do not hear about cutting benefits for retired congressman? Make them pay out of pocket for going to Walter Reed...
Sorry...Rant off... :laugh:

Had another interesting one today, commented on it in another post, where they tipped me $40 on a small backyard rigging job. My initial job for the day had called off, so i was just going to run errands and take my mom to a clinic appointment.

It was kinda fun, my PT called me and asked if I could coem look at a DED tree condemed by the village. Wauwatosa gives 30 days to remove condemned elms, or they remove and assess the property.

It was not much bigger then she described, but it was so multi-stemed that it was more like a 3o foot shrub then a tree. i mentioned that there was prol'y other volunteer elms dieing in the fence-row. Found one skinny 20 ft'er a ways down. Walked to the back and there was another 30 ft'r on the service drop...oh...is that a walnut limb hanging in the hackberries? that was 6 inch dia and 40 ft long. Morning is looking better and better.

I could shoot a line into several of these huge walnuts and rig all the backyard stuff out, and show off the GRCS. No need to bring a crew in, the HO and his Dad stacked brush, and we'll chip on monday after a nearby job. We lowerd them down and cut firewood as we went.

The only tree I had to climb was the initial elm i was called in for, it was too close to the road, But hanging out of the fence-row it stacked up as I cut real nicely.

'Tosa ordnance calls for no bark to be left above ground, so now we have a few stumps to add on what was initially a minimal billing for someone who takes care of me. Oh and we need to bring in 75ft bucket to do tip thinning on the walnuts in the fall...

Most of the muni's allow the storage of elm firewood if you use a plastic tarp for a year. As he re-reads it he sees the line where "no wood may remain on property unless all the bark is paled off", wow we got a good sized pile out of that, now he wants that gone too.

Oh, and the buckthorn in the yard, the purple poop is not really needed...

It was a rather fun 3.5 hours



Hey Doug, Ah, Never mind,

Jeff, were you going to say, tennis shoes? Ah, never mind.
They lifted the restrictions on elm wood here. I guess they decided it was a lost cause.
This (and a few other) Muni spends a lot on treating their big street elms, they do not want any nurse logs laying around, and are on top of flagging trees like flies to Jeffe's beard
Did a short fat maple this morning. The tree was the kind that is VERY easy with a crane or kinda difficult without a crane due to power lines along street and loops running up to HO house and the nieghbors house. Had this log on crane deck by 12:00, thats my dude mikie in picture. He is becoming a pretty good climber and I think he is close to getting started on spurs soon. Went and knocked out some storm damage in the afternoon. Just some hangers and a busted up brad pear. Had a good day and doin more estimates in morning. I am hoping to have estimates done by 2 tomorrow and then chill till monday. Maybe golf or skeet/trap shoot on Sunday morning.View attachment 196769
We took out a small silver maple yesterday for a retired Marine Sgt Maj. Never seen a yard so manicured, I think the grass was standing at the POA! We were ripping thru it, almost done with the last lead, then all of a sudden I have this intense pain in my left arm. Look at it and I have this BIG ARSE bee stinging the shat out me. So my reaction was to swat it...........right, ya with me! Only problem was, I should have let go of the Silky first. Cut my arm and killed the bee, same shot. Then of course I am beeing (pun!) swarmed by his brothers. Long story short. HO is deathly allergic and had them before. Had a pest company out and they said they are those African Killer bees. Black and white, mad as hell. Got out the Jamesons and cut the nest to the ground. My VERY BRAVE, Jr groundie, ran up grabs the nest, bees going crazy, and throws it in a can with chemicals, they died pretty quick..........what a day!
Electric over hydraulic. Talked to another dude there who had just bought one, said he had already pushed up several loads of gravel and sand with it no problem. I'm more than convinced this thing will push a good load of wood. Never been a fan of dump trailers personally but this made real sense for me as I've noticed quite a bottleneck of our operation at the wood removal portion. Especially on big jobs/crane jobs, I don't have to fight the wood into the chip trucks, just set it on the trailer and go. 83" inside width and 16 foot long will accommodate any skidsteer I buy too.

You will end up falling deeply in love with that trailer! Op is looking good by the way! Like the logo. I can usually get about 10 dumps with out a recharge. Don't drop big logs in on the bare metal, the seems will start coming apart. Some guys lay plywood down to prevent the splitting, don't, it will not allow smooth dumps.We always thro little junk in first, to soften the blow. Careful not to have one side heavier than the other up front, scissor lifts do not like that, try to keep it some what balanced. I have a Ford F-700 that just sits, I use the trailer so much that I don't need it and it is easy for the yungins to handle, middle of a big one, can send them to the dump site with no worries. Unlike the big truck, I am the only one who drives it. Keep extra hitch/cotter pins in the tool box. They bounce pretty good when they are empty, eventually working a cotter loose, allowing the hitch pin to pop out.
I just read AA wants to be a better tree guy by not filling trees with cement, but won't accept the fact using spurs to prune is bad juju. Will he ever get a clue? I doubt it but I have hope. That and I read some other random posts. I have not really done much of anything today because it is Saturday and the only things on my list are beer and steaks later, maybe even some grilled veggies. Hopefully some of the rest of you guys will stop and smell the seared meat as we work to hard for that money. Anyway take the day off because it is fixin to be one perfect day to do nothing.
Then again if you are on the east coast keep your head down and stay safe make that money and come home safe so you to can enjoy the fruit of your labor.
Electric over hydraulic. Talked to another dude there who had just bought one, said he had already pushed up several loads of gravel and sand with it no problem. I'm more than convinced this thing will push a good load of wood. Never been a fan of dump trailers personally but this made real sense for me as I've noticed quite a bottleneck of our operation at the wood removal portion. Especially on big jobs/crane jobs, I don't have to fight the wood into the chip trucks, just set it on the trailer and go. 83" inside width and 16 foot long will accommodate any skidsteer I buy too.

I bought a 14' PJ dump trailer and love it. It works great with my mini.View attachment 196782
How close to the primaries?

Close enough. I figure I could maybe get the worst of the overhang with the 60 footer, but that hill the damn things on makes it taller than it is too. The only good high rigging crotches put the brush right over the service to the house and like 5 cable and phone lines. I never dealt with trying to get all that dropped before, not sure I'd wanna either! lol.

Edit: the wood can come out through the neighbors yard (no retaining wall), so that part is doable.
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Close enough. I figure I could maybe get the worst of the overhang with the 60 footer, but that hill the damn things on makes it taller than it is too. The only good high rigging crotches put the brush right over the service to the house and like 5 cable and phone lines. I never dealt with trying to get all that dropped before, not sure I'd wanna either! lol.

Edit: the wood can come out through the neighbors yard (no retaining wall), so that part is doable.

We usually get the power compay to drop the service and then do the tell/cable ourselves. Sometimes the Troubleman doing the drop will do them for us. I'll ask to borrow their ladder while the coil the wire and the good ones volunteer to do it "no problem".

I know a few guys who will cut the cable and just call for it to be restrung
We're talking primaries out on the pole crossarms here, it's not the service that would worry me. Looks like the primaries go right through. Surprising, because here across the border in NY the power company would have had Big Orange remove the whole right side of that canopy. 15 foot clearance I believe is required. That might be an option- contact the power company to remove what's around their primaries. That would make removing what's left easier- and safer.
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Thanks for the input guys. A couple of good ideas there.

Jps, I did put back up a cable line once (guy that worked for me unhooked it), didn't seem like a big deal. I took one down with a pole pruner once myself. The cable guys weren't real happy with me when they had to come out at 6:30 to put it back up. lol.
Depending on how hungry you are. Tuff trees like that put good money on it so its worth your time.