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Hmmmm, I don't know what you should do. My wife is going to boot me out if I don't get some more fire wood soon.
that's an easy one. Build a fire pit in the backyard that the two of you can drink cold beer talk by. Women dig that sort of thing.:heart:

Good idea. And buy one of those cast iron dutch ovens and cook dinner or dessert for her out at the firepit, too. Folks always say that the way to a guy's heart is through his stomach, but I have yet to see a case where the same doesn't apply with at least as much force to the ladies, too.

Another strategy: get the wife's dog to LOVE the fire so much that when it isn't burning he stands by the fireplace screen and glares at anyone who walks by, pleading for a new fire to be built. Since the wife loves the dog, and the dog loves the fire...well, then, you're set for all the wood and all the saws you might care to bring home!

Not all that much, probably 4-5 cords neatly stacked in the yard.

She thinks its an eyesore. I think a $400 gas bill is a bigger eyesore..........

BTW, the pic is my neighbors farm right down the road. We live in a subdivision.

4-5 cords doesn't seem like too much.


Take some of that hickory and barbeque her some nice pork ribs or butts with it and she will see your point of view. I love the smell of burning hickory and the wonderful flavor of pork shoulder cooked over it.

BBQ is another of my hobies (read obsesions). I have more cookers than saws and saws are much easier to hide! I get to the midwest and south every 3-4months for a BBQ event. Pecan is my favorite cooking wood. Any one supply cookers with wood?
Yah, how much is too much?

Mike, just how much do you have?

Yah, we can always use more wood around here. Send some our way!

We will burn through about 6 cords this heating season. And unlike the original poster, The Girlfriend always asks if we can go out and get MORE FIREWOOD! Even when the wood bins are full. Next year I want 10 cords in the racks... in september! Then we can wood-hunt and cut on nice days in the fall and winter months. We have an OWB here, and the house is always 70 degrees. We cut our old electric heating bill by about $225 a month after installing the boiler. Wood = money here. The GF pays the electric bill, so she is savvy to the equation.
Lots of times my hubby gets home way later than I do,so I end up having to go out back to our woodshed we built,and bring the wood in myself.I usually have the house around 75 when he gets in.Our power bill jumps from around $200 in the summer to around $400 in the winter if we don't get the fireplace going....I couldn't imagine telling him to quit bringing home wood.
What do you guys do when your wife threatens to boot you out if you bring home 1 more stick of firewood ??
..................................What to do, what to do..........



Bring home a few Maple logs.

On a side note we need to shoot the bull some night. I am not sure where Old Monroe is from Bethany but I wish I could find someone in near Bethany this weekend. If you are on the other side of the state we need to meet up at a show this summer.
