what is keeping u warm tonight?

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ArboristSite Member
Dec 24, 2004
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Just stoked my stove for the night and was wondering what everybody else was burning today. It is about 8F right now and mostly box elder and some crab apple will keep me warm tonight.
Burnin' a few candles, the real heat will start after the boy goes to bed.:hmm3grin2orange:
I had to check the right hand column to see how to approach the thread title:laugh: :laugh: .

Low singles to mid teens and the house has been staying around 73-74 with silver maple and elm, the camstat has really made the difference, that and cracking the ash drawer a touch. All night too, last feed 11pm, then the wife throws in couple 3"ers at 6 when she leaves.
Alder for the coal base and a mix of Birch & Maple.

Stocked before I left for work this morning so should just require a little coal-raking when I get home and a couple cedar sticks to get her started back up!

The real heat kicks in when the blower gets turned on :D
Whatever will burn

Cedar to get things started, fir to get things warm, then alder to maintain a pleasant temp until bedtime.
$1.54 a gallon propane is keeping our house at a toasty 67 degrees. :dizzy:

We're going through about $10-$14 a day right now with our daytime highs in the teens and overnight lows in the singles or below zero.

Hope to have our wood cookstove installed in the next month or so depending on delivery time. Then we'll be burning Stihl-cut red elm and oak.:clap:

Then I can go see my propane company and >> :buttkick:

God bless,
Burnin' a few candles, the real heat will start after the boy goes to bed.:hmm3grin2orange:

Must be a newly wed, just give it a few years, then when the wife walks by the thermostat and the heater kicks in, well then it's "tru LUV!!!"
A hardwood mixture consisting of Cherry, Maple, Ash, Hickory, a little Dogwood. Nice thing about cutting and splitting your own wood-you can "mix it up" so that you have the best variety. At least here in Pennsylvania that's true; unfortunately, not for some of you guys who are limited with types of wood available. Wish I could send you all some nice "mixed hardwoods" for you all to enjoy. Maybe after that lottery ticket hits, huh? :jester:
80 degress...sweet lord. Break out the bermuda shorts and Jimmy buffet!

I am starting with poplar to get a quick blaze...then I have walnut for coals, and finally big hunks of elm for sustained heat. I was looking at the forecast....then at my dwindling woodpile...and my wife actually went out and bought a quarter cord today (go wife). I have been chopping pretty good last few months, but nothing that will be ready until next winter. I hate myself for paying for firewood...but I would hate myself even more for not having something to burn. Feb will be a long cold stretch I fear.
Just stoked my stove for the night and was wondering what everybody else was burning today. It is about 8F right now and mostly box elder and some crab apple will keep me warm tonight.

I'm runnin' some elm and oak tonite. How's that box elder treatin' ya? The last of that I had I finally gave away for a bonfire, and it didn't even burn good for that.

Last I looked it was 12 F here. Just got in from loading the OWB with about 1/2 Sycamore with some maple and cherry mixed in. The thermostat is set ant 75 and the register is blowing on my old cold feet, LOL.
Poplar during the day when the wife is home to keep it fed, Ash in the basement this week for the overnight and when we're not home for a while. With the stove in the basement it's 74 on the main floor and 64 upstairs.

(This is the last three or four days worth of poplar that I cut, split and stacked last year. I will NEVER burn poplar in the house again after this. What a waste of time and effort and I burn so much compared to real wood that I've got to empty ash every two days instead of four or five. I've got two or three cord of poplar cut an split in a pile waiting for a bonfire this spring.)

I hate myself for paying for firewood...but I would hate myself even more for not having something to burn.

How much you paying for wood up there Jim? I can get oak delivered here for $130/cord.
Heat Pump.

A ground water heat pump heats my house for the most part.
I really like to be burning wood this year,
but my 6 month old Grandson,
who lives with us,
has had problems with his lungs developing.
Hopefully he'll be over this by next year.
Cuz I got alot of firewood to to catch up with.