What is the purpose of the AS chainsaw forum?

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I am certainly no angel, and I have a dog in a few fights. The pisser i have is that its ok for certain members to say whatever they want, but as soon as somebody counters, they jump on the "they are attacking and discrediting" bandwagon, not realizing they are doing the same damn thing.

Those are the one way streeters. I admit I was unproffesional in a few of those arguments, and called a few names, but I damn sure wasnt the only one. I was also called a lot of crap by certain members that is crap. All because I was pointing out something somebody did wrong.

I love this site, and I try to treat people courteously and usually do a fine job. But if someone pisses on me and tries to tell me its raining, its on.
I am certainly no angel, and I have a dog in a few fights. The pisser i have is that its ok for certain members to say whatever they want, but as soon as somebody counters, they jump on the "they are attacking and discrediting" bandwagon, not realizing they are doing the same damn thing.
That has happened to me on AS. I just dealt with it the way I saw fit.:buttkick:

I have never been to a site that was run so loosely, and no complaining at all, I can handle myself...just that it is pretty crazy on here at times. There are people insulting people right and left some days, just for the heck of it.

I have seen people talk about being banned, but I have a hard time believing it with as loose as the forum is.
While there is still a bunch of the same old crap, there has been improvement. I flamed out and left a couple years ago, not so much from what was posted, but from the off site harrasment from a few AHs, and, well, my meds crossed me up. It is funny to me now, someone called me a photo thief and a poser when I posted a pic, with me in the photo.
I came back because of the increasing amount of vintage chainsaw interest, there are a lot a very good people here, got to winnow the wheat from the chaff, skim the dross off the alloy, flip the turds off the lawn.

Yep, this is me.


Yes, several of us PNWers can vouch for you being you. You are you, right?:greenchainsaw:
That has happened to me on AS. I just dealt with it the way I saw fit.:buttkick:

I have never been to a site that was run so loosely, and no complaining at all, I can handle myself...just that it is pretty crazy on here at times. There are people insulting people right and left some days, just for the heck of it.

I have seen people talk about being banned, but I have a hard time believing it with as loose as the forum is.

Yeah, happened to me as well...........
maybe the answer to your question can be found by useing the search function
I have never been to a site that was run so loosely, and no complaining at all, I can handle myself...just that it is pretty crazy on here at times. There are people insulting people right and left some days, just for the heck of it.

I have seen people talk about being banned, but I have a hard time believing it with as loose as the forum is.

A number of people have been banned. Profanity spelled correctly, direct references regarding genitalia, esp. directed at others, I guess posting links to non-AS businesses (??), as well as the usual threats and so forth will generally land one in the penalty box for a while.

I have tried to find the rules explicitly stated, but have not been successful. My search skills $uck, though.
He hasn't started yet, he just bought a thesaraus and is working up a good one.

Ummmmmm....carry on then.<a href='http://www.mysmiley.net/free-angel-smileys.php' title='angel smileys'><img src='http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/party/party0006.gif' alt='angel smileys' border='0'></a>
A number of people have been banned. Profanity spelled correctly, direct references regarding genitalia, esp. directed at others, I guess posting links to non-AS businesses (??), as well as the usual threats and so forth will generally land one in the penalty box for a while.

I have tried to find the rules explicitly stated, but have not been successful. My search skills $uck, though.

Heres the Rules.......

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Well isn't this fun?

Seems I started a thread about the brand bashing not long ago and everyone laughed at me.

PB, you seem to have become a "fanboy", you really remind me of a member that not long ago got banned. Statred with an "M" and ended with an "L". Didn't seem to have much to add, but was sure quick on the draw when he thought someone close was under attack. Yeah, I don't post much, but I read a LOT.

As for members that don't add value. look at the "beg for rep" thread, or whatever the hell it's called this week! Jesus, there are members that ONLY post on that thread, thats it! No contribution ANYWHERE!!! Whatever.

I also seem to remeber, not even that long ago, a member on here. Didn't know JACK about saws. NOTHING! But sure asked a lot of questions, a lot of SPECIFIC questions and seemed to glean a LOT of knowledge and information from some of the better members. Now all the sudden he seems to be a saw builder extrodinare and a mechanical guru that can tell you what is wrong with every saw built. Maybe the "master" needs to figure out he's still just a "grasshopper" that don't know JACK yet andtry and save a little face with the good people on this site?

I hosed up the flywheel on a 192T. Stupid cast in key broke when I hit it with the impact. If I would have shut my mouth and listened, I would have known this was a problem. But I was smarter than that. Yeah, that saw is a real POS isn't it?

I like the 180, nice, light, plenty of power. Talked my FIL into buying one. He thinks it the greatest thing since sliced bread. Just loves it! Runs circles around the Wildthing he was running. But if you are not smart enough to figure out how to work on it, I guess it's easier to blame the saw?

You want to badmouth a Stihl? Go run a 210 sometime! You can't give me one of those underpowered POS saws! Badmouth that! But don't start ripping on something because you are only smart enough to break the damn thing!

It's all the BS like this that has caused me to limit my posting to next to nothing here. :bang:
That has happened to me on AS. I just dealt with it the way I saw fit.:buttkick:

I have never been to a site that was run so loosely, and no complaining at all, I can handle myself...just that it is pretty crazy on here at times. There are people insulting people right and left some days, just for the heck of it.

I have seen people talk about being banned, but I have a hard time believing it with as loose as the forum is.

You really have no clue, lol! Hell, you've been here for 2 months or so. If you think it's crazy on here now.......well......let's just say it has been more intense in days gone by. There are whole forums dedicated and formed by that intensity.

I've have heard about some of those bannings you speak of though......lmao! :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
PB, you seem to have become a "fanboy", you really remind me of a member that not long ago got banned. Statred with an "M" and ended with an "L". Didn't seem to have much to add, but was sure quick on the draw when he thought someone close was under attack. Yeah, I don't post much, but I read a LOT.

Not sure who the member is you are talking about, and I really don't care either. By "fanboy" do you mean blindly following one brand despite obvious flaws? If this is what you mean, you are way off base as I have recommended other brands of saws besides Jonsered. Yes, I like Jonsered saws but I don't live for the brand. Call me what you will but if someone has a question about a saw, and I can answer it, I do.
So when do we get to find out whether Tom's rod bent? In the shop, not the bedroom, that is! Tom, you too busy in activities in the latter to update us regarding experiments in the former?
Not sure who the member is you are talking about, and I really don't care either. By "fanboy" do you mean blindly following one brand despite obvious flaws? If this is what you mean, you are way off base as I have recommended other brands of saws besides Jonsered. Yes, I like Jonsered saws but I don't live for the brand. Call me what you will but if someone has a question about a saw, and I can answer it, I do.

No, you probably don't know the member, I doubt you were around back then. And no, I wasn't reffering to anything about a chainsaw, but your constant cheerleading of certain members.

With 7900 posts, your sure sayin' a lot of nothing...:monkey:

If you would look at my join date, I've been around here a day or two. I have not posted much of late though.
No, you probably don't know the member, I doubt you were around back then. And no, I wasn't reffering to anything about a chainsaw, but your constant cheerleading of certain members.

Yes because I am so desperate for praise from someone I have never met on the internet. :givebeer:

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