What Would It Be Like If We Were All In A Logging Camp Together?

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Does the software allow Bob to put himself on ignore? Lol
The Goat pointed out Xenforo has the ability to do "Forced Ignore" but apparently it's not an approved add-on so there could be security leaks. Otherwise if we threw about a half dozen people in there the amount of flagged posts in this place would drop significantly.
The Goat pointed out Xenforo has the ability to do "Forced Ignore" but apparently it's not an approved add-on so there could be security leaks. Otherwise if we threw about a half dozen people in there the amount of flagged posts in this place would drop significantly.

there must be some real anal members here. heck, i don't recall ever reporting a post. i mean i think i did it to a friend once or twice to mess with him but i think that was on another forum.
The Goat pointed out Xenforo has the ability to do "Forced Ignore" but apparently it's not an approved add-on so there could be security leaks. Otherwise if we threw about a half dozen people in there the amount of flagged posts in this place would drop significantly.
You could always ban them and then use an evercookie to infect their computer with malware that alerts admin whenever they create a new account. Even if they use a new IP... Some other forum have tried that.

Of course once they realize what you've done they would probably just use a TOR browser.
OK I'm back so let's see what was done while I was away. I checked in with Gypo but he was passed out behind the bar. I guess he was tired. I've never seen anyone sleep on a pile of donuts before. Oh well, to each his own. slowp must have been teaching religion cause I see a mound of burned out Scandahoovian candles and Viking axes stuck in every tree behind the bar. I don't approve of using that picture of HBRN as a target BTW. The dumpster has been rifled through so I guess Northman is here somewhere. (Nobody shot him, right?). I saw a green glow out behind the fuel dock so I guess the reactor is coming along. Do all the local moose have six legs?

We need an experienced rigging crew and I found them standing in front of Home Depot. They all said they had been working for the Cartel. Is that a logging company up here? When they show up be nice to them. Please don't ask how they can fit eight guys in a Chevy Malibu. Oh, their last name is Garcia. All of them. They are doing their own forestry project growing something out behind the reactor. Don't go back there, it's supposed to be some sensitive tomato plant that doesn't bare fruit.

The cutters are driving in from the Midwest. They have the shiniest jack up four wheels drive trucks you have ever seen. The have never used four wheel drive so we might have a teachable moment when they arrive. They were very positive on their experience too. They talked about having their bars buried in hardwood at 18,000 rpm and they will cut down a real big fir in seconds. They don't have any wedges or axes and they seemed a bit confused when I said they couldn't back the truck up to each tree but it's all good. Do we have any extra hard hats? Anyways they were all real enthusiastic about oil ratios (whatever that is) and porting (whatever that is), and modified mufflers (whatever that is). Oh and do we have any chainsaw wax, what ever that is?

So, tomorrow's breakfast is scrambled bear kidneysand onions served with donuts and coffee. Gypo says we all have to drink a minimum of 1 liter (what ever that is) of coffee for breakfast and lunch. Oh and I almost forgot about lunch. It is a real treat boys. Bear liver and onions, tater tots, and fava beans. And donuts and coffee. Dinner is fish sticks (we don't want to run out of bear. Or onions. Eat up boys cause what ever is left over will be the next breakfast.

A couple of minor details BTW. We have no soap or toilet paper yet. Credit problems, ya know. Always have a clean sock with you to filter the water and don't swat the wasp nest in the bunkhouse.

And always remember Gypo is always thinking about your safety. If you ever see him sober tell him "Thanks".
Meanwhile, inside Whitespider and Oly's tent....
Tent?? Tent‼ A tent??‼??‼
Listen, if there ain't A/C, flush toilets, hot showers, clean sheets, easy chairs, and friendly women at this so-called camp... I'm friggin' out‼
Well... that is... unless someone else is supplying the cold beer... then I'm still in... but under noted protest.