What's on your plate?

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Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
Franklin, OH
I'm a little bored this dreary Monday morning. So what do you guys have on your plates, or what did you accomplish this weekend?

Worked on some chains Friday night.
Saturday morning I ran 3/4 tank of fuel through the 084 I just rebuilt.
Ported a 2156 Saturday afternoon/evening.
Boxed up the 084, 036 Pro, and 2156 to be shipped out today.

I've got a 2186 coming this week to port.
Still have the 046 and MS460 to rebuild and sell.
Ordered parts to put my 064 back together. It'll wear a 066 topend and Meteor piston for now.
I finished painting my brothers 2 story house. Not only do I HATE to paint, I am scared to death of heights:cry:

A productive weekend none the less.
Not near as much as you I mowed my grass Sat evening after I left work then I sharpened some chains Sun and dropped a couple of poplars and loaded up some logs to take to the NC GTG. I would love to get into porting saws for other people but I stay so busy with my work 6 days a week that I dont have the time.
I ported a 034s yesterday (thread coming soon)
i need to have a 066 by this weekend for a job, i am ordering from baileys right now to get a freind started on CAD, ive got Two 026s going off tonight on ebay... trying to get parts to have 2 more 026s and ms250 to sell.
I finally got my free firewood (thanks to caseyforrest) split...now to get it stacked.


Once the wood is stacked (in the fenced dog pen, which means lots of double-handling to get it there...), the whole yard needs to be raked, gutters cleaned out, some new flower beds created...normal spring stuff.

I have TONS of chains to get sharpened back up, and if the weather proves to be as crappy as they say it will be then I might start on that this week now that I've got the new workbench completed - the Oregon grinder's chain vise sits at 46" so I won't have to hunch over all day long to sharpen!


Got another 4' maple to take down in a couple weeks, assuming it doesn't fall down in the meantime. Given how punky the parts that have fallen down appear to be, it may take care of things for me.
I'm waiting on parts. Sharpened some chains and that was about it. Hopefully my parts get here soon, I have a lot of wood to cut and split.
split & stacked the rest of teh cherry i cut last week,, watched an ebay auction for a sprocket/drum (missed it),, looked for a couple homelite bars (ao61),,,,,still looking
I had planned on doing some splitting, but putting new batteries in the boat took all weekend. Arrgh !!!!
359 workout

ran ten tanks of fuel through the new 359 over the weekend dropping big oak and cottonwood. would have normally ran the bigger saw, but figured the 359 needed a good breaking in. ! got noticably stronger after the last few tanks. looking forward to it's response after mods.
I manged to get a couple of 9' 4x4s ripped from a 4" x 15" quarter sawn slab for a headboard/footboard project. I cut both to 4-1/2' and planed them square until they dry.

My wife wanted a trivet, so I made one from a green marble square. The hard part was hand polishing the edges. Its backed with cork, and looks good.

I did a little cleaning on an 026 Pro that showed up on my door step.:) It seemed to have 160# compression, spark, and the fuel line wasn't rotted off....dumped the old fuel, added fresh fuel in the tank and a little in the carb throat. It fired on the 2nd pull, ran for a few seconds and shut off. When I tried to pull it over again, it was locked up, but could be backed off.:confused: It was filthy, so was cleaned up enough to pull the top end.

Friday afternoon I got my bandmill ordered, and I'm supposed to pick it up Wednesday, but might have to wait until Thursday because of the weather coming in.:(

It wasn't terribly productive...
Saturday I rented a pole saw and trimmed my pin oak. Cut a little wood not knowing the paparazzi was in the vicinity. Went to a friends house and cut a tree up that was daming up his creek. Split some of that wood. Sunday-Nothing
Didnt do muckh this week end and even less for at least the next four. I go in for a hurnia operation on wednesday.....:(
Friday night I ran a batch of beer through my alcohol refinery and played some bar games with friends at the house. Saturday I slept in and watched my kiddos play and ride bikes most of the day while I cleaned and fiddled with the PM610, also a trip to Wal Mart. Mom and dad came over for dinner and we sat out on the patio and had some wine and a great dinner my wife made. Sunday I did almost nothing, just cleaned up the workshop and fiddled with the PM610 a bit more.

It was a nice relaxing weekend.
Had a real productive weekend. There were a few things i wanted to achieve before i start night shifts for a week tonight.
Mowed all the grass, dug out weeds,fitted new stainless headers and booked in my m/c for M.O.T.
Fitted new 25" bar,chain,dawgs,clutch bearing, and chain bumpers to my 046. Went to the gunclub to set up and shoot a round of clays. Went back later to shoot some rabbits which had been debarking the trees we had planted.
Cleared a heap of saw chips, bits of bark and other detrius that had built up over the winter on the drive. Cleared a lot of other junk which had acumulated down the side of the house, made it ready to take to the tip.
Built a big bonfire with the stuff that will burn.

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