WHO Doesn't Have Snow On The Ground ???

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No snow here in SW Idaho, at least in the valleys. Its normal though...I worked on my sprinkler system yesterday, 50 degrees outside. I dont think the ground really freezes here though.
No snow in western washington. We're about to harvest daffodils in the fields, my garden got tilled two weekends back, the fruit trees are budding out, and the lawn needs mowed. This is the warmest lamest winter I can remember. We've only had a night or two with frost since our little new years cold snap.
No Snow

No snow here on the ground in the Lower mainland,Greater Vancouver.It's even raining on the local hills where they are going to hold some snow boarding events for the Olympics.
We got 13" Tuesday. It is 0 degrees at night and 25 in the day with no wind. Not much snow this year. A 12" in Dec., a 12" in Jan., and 13 " this week with a few 3" in between. This is my 12 yr old son kind of learning to plow.
Yesirree it's perfect harvest time here: except for the deep, dark woods out of the sun, most of the ground and skid trails are frozen hard with packed snow, some bare ground, some ice. All the snow dumping is ( at last, at last ) South and in BureaucraticLand D.C. It is SCHADENFREUDE time. :clap::clap:

Can you imagine how many billions of $$$ we are saving with those fat cats forced to stay home ? :dizzy: Oh yes, snow in Pensacola. :givebeer: I am so happy, that the pants may be wet. :confused:
We're covered with snow and forecasters say 6+ inches tonight.

I went out yesterday and got a load of oak that I had cut up. I figured if I didn't get it now I might not have a chance to get it for a long time because if the snow melts and the ground doesn't freeze again it'll be mud for quite awhile. I got back up the hill ok after loading but after I unloaded at my place I had some trouble getting back out. I can't ever see myself going back to a 2 WD truck.
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No snow in the Santa Cruz mountains, it should hit the high 60's today. We did get some a month or so ago. Up the coast a few miles at Mavrick's (about 40 miles south of San Francisco) they had the surf contest yesterday and they had 40 FOOT WAVES! Those guys are crazy!!!!
North Idaho and no snow for several weeks, go figure. We have chives starting to poke through in our garden. Pure craziness on the part of weather this year.
With the exception of a wicked squall that was a b:censored: to drive through, we've had no snow since mid-January.

Still about 4" on the ground in most spots, owing mostly to the fact that it rarely gets too much above freezing for long periods.

Must be tough on ski country. Sure they can make snow, but machine made costs, whereas the stuff that falls from the clouds don't.
after 2 record breaking winters in a row here in New Hampshire . I only have a few snow banks from my plow truck and some snow in the deep shady parts , my front lawn is compleatly bare !
we have a sledding party every winter on the hill out front but had to cancel this year
No snow here, since 2 years ago

Mitzpe-Ramon, Israel
Wham-bam Right between the Med and the Red (Seas :) )

Had a good ol' rain two weeks ago
and some sand storms...

I'm still waiting on a snow delivery from wvlogger , I'll let you know.

there was maybe one foot of snow in december. Lots of rain/wind in the first week of january, and now, we get a week of + 0-4 celcius. No snow since 3 weeks.
We have now 2-3 inchs !!!! Its a spring month,in february. All the people here goes cut some wood with pick-up truck. On the 2wd !!! All the snowmobiles are in the garages. Theres gonna be a lot of firewood for sale this year, all the seasonal workers are doing some. I have stop to cut wood, i will not have enough place to stack it ! But no winter sports with the kids. Its really crazy !! You see the grass in the fields.
And you go with your car at 150 kms, 3-4 feets. I live in Miguasha,Gaspésie, Québec. 20 minutes from the north of New-Brunswick.
Good week-end.
Another Snow This Morning

Got one dab of snow earlier this week and it melted right after it quit falling.
The same thing this morning - came down faster than it could melt. As soon as it quit falling it melted within a few minutes.

But we have had two good snows this winter.

We just fot back from 167 mile trip on the sleds - we got snow - the wood stove is hot and the beer is cold - life is great.
Yup! I've been hoping and praying for snow, and we git nutin'! Snow in all directions a 100 miles from here though. I love the stuff. I don't understand why everybody seems to have a problem with it. When I was a kid, it always meant NO SCHOOL and time to go outside and play. As an adult, it means I abandon all other obligations and go outside and play with chainsaws or go sledding with my grandchildren. Why doesn't God like us folks here in East TN?
I thought this was the Bible belt....

yea same here but the reason why people hates it is they don't know how to drive in it. and try to go like they do when no snow and they wreak like crazy too. but they are calling for it tonight but it's been snowing off and on all day here. but we will find out int he morring and see if we get it or not.
Mississippi snow

We received about 4 or 5 inches two days ago. Thats crazy for this far south. I'm in central MS near Jackson. (BTW - We never get snow :jawdrop:)