Why Chain Saw Sales Will Be Healthy...

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Jan 10, 2008
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Omaha, Nebraska
According to recent weather-related statistics:

1) The heating degree days (HDDs) in the 2007-2008 late fall, winter, and to date are up about 20% over the average for the past five years.

2) The 2007-2008 winter in the central midwest in most areas has produced an average temperature lower than anything recorded in the past 28 years.

Guys, it's been a cold one, and I'm now working on my sixth cord of dry wood that I thought was plenty of stash. :dizzy:

Anybody else notice this besides me? This is global warming?
According to recent weather-related statistics:

1) The heating degree days (HDDs) in the 2007-2008 late fall, winter, and to date are up about 20% over the average for the past five years.

2) The 2007-2008 winter in the central midwest in most areas has produced an average temperature lower than anything recorded in the past 28 years.

Guys, it's been a cold one, and I'm now working on my sixth cord of dry wood that I thought was plenty of stash. :dizzy:

Anybody else notice this besides me? This is global warming?

I too have burned a lot of wood this winter, "global warming" is the biggest crock of sh@t I've ever heard. It's just going to be used as an excuse for another tax on us. Welcome to the new World Order.....
I thought this winter in Northern Kentucky was pretty darn warm. The ground never froze more than an inch or so deep, it rained a lot, and until this last weekend we never had much snow of any account. I have a couple of problem windows that the seal is broken and they fog up inside when it gets cold for very long - and they only steamed up a couple of times this winter for a day or two. I gave away 4 loads of wood that was stored outside and I didn't want to tarp it another year - and I got some more wood outside that a neighbor is going to come get as soon at the ground gets dry or frozen enough in my yard to drive on.
According to recent weather-related statistics:

1) The heating degree days (HDDs) in the 2007-2008 late fall, winter, and to date are up about 20% over the average for the past five years.

2) The 2007-2008 winter in the central midwest in most areas has produced an average temperature lower than anything recorded in the past 28 years.

Guys, it's been a cold one, and I'm now working on my sixth cord of dry wood that I thought was plenty of stash. :dizzy:

Anybody else notice this besides me? This is global warming?

Same here in New England-much colder winter than the last several and below the 50 year average. The same is actually true worldwide-in every reporting region except Northern Europe. The same climate experts who were all unanimous in their predictions of rapid global warming, are at a total loss to explain.

The only problem re: higher chainsaw sales is that most people won't have any money left over to buy a stove and a saw after they pay for gas and heating fuel with oil at $108..
I thought this winter in Northern Kentucky was pretty darn warm. The ground never froze more than an inch or so deep, it rained a lot, and until this last weekend we never had much snow of any account. ...
Incredible. Go west young man. Brrrrrr.

We finally reached the 60s today and tomorrow. Feels like a summer heat wave. Many big logs are still frozen to the ground. Time to crank up the saws and go on a wood safari. I'm about stocked out.
Northern Virginia,pretty warm winter here.Hardly any snow.....I do wanna' say that real quiet though.
I didn't have much opportunity to gather wood this winter. The ground was so wet and soft that you couldn't get off the pavement with any kind of equipment - and the few days that things got frozen it started out by raining and froze everything to the ground.

I checked our Cincinnati/N. Kentucky heating days

Nov. Avg. 612 Actual 629 - 17 below normal
Dec. Avg. 941 Actual 881 - 60 above normal
Jan. Avg. 1072 Actual 1087-15 below normal
Feb. Avg. 942 Actual 905 -37 above normal

Difference 65 degree days above normal
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Last year was a warm winter and this winter was cold and we had near record snowfall. Thats the way it goes. Since I have all my wood cut for next year I am sure next winter will be warm. Bet on it.

The term is "global" warming, not Midwest warming, Iowa warming, or United States warming. Maybe some of you will believe its here when the entire East Coast becomes flooded and the bread belt is a desert...:dizzy:
There was over a month of -40c over night and some of the daytime highs were -25c. Today is one of the first days where it is above 0c. I think it hit +2, that's about 35f.

So it has been a cold one this winter.
Last year was a warm winter and this winter was cold and we had near record snowfall. Thats the way it goes. Since I have all my wood cut for next year I am sure next winter will be warm. Bet on it.

The term is "global" warming, not Midwest warming, Iowa warming, or United States warming. Maybe some of you will believe its here when the entire East Coast becomes flooded and the bread belt is a desert...:dizzy:


Worst case scenario.
Global climate change=global warming=global climate change=global warming. How come the name changed mid stream? Gore is a liar.
Global climate change=global warming=global climate change=global warming. How come the name changed mid stream? Gore is a liar.

Global warming is the term used by alarmists. Global climate change is a more accurate term used by scientists.
Not a very cold winter in Maine. Global climate change isn't a one year occurrence, but you already know this.

Thank you, PlantBioligist. If I may further translate, dissembling is bad for the truth. Just because its raining outside, doesn't mean that we haven't been in a ten year drought in the west.

As far as Al Gore is concerned, he's easy to dislike (maybe even despise) and he is the bearer of bad news. So.. don't bother listening to Al Gore, just listen to the other 90% of all scientists.

Uh, oh... do I detect a slippery slope? Hark, is that the sound of someone chambering a round? :hmm3grin2orange:

P.S. We will sell a lot of new chainsaws out here because of the FABULOUS amount of drought/bug killed Ponderosa and juniper in the local woods.
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According to recent weather-related statistics:

1) The heating degree days (HDDs) in the 2007-2008 late fall, winter, and to date are up about 20% over the average for the past five years.

2) The 2007-2008 winter in the central midwest in most areas has produced an average temperature lower than anything recorded in the past 28 years.

Guys, it's been a cold one, and I'm now working on my sixth cord of dry wood that I thought was plenty of stash. :dizzy:

Anybody else notice this besides me? This is global warming?

Even with the economy here being in the toilet our saw sales are up about 20% over last year. More people are cutting bigger wood and looking for larger saws. Most people coming in are looking at MS290's and up as opposed to last year when most of our saw sales were MS250's.
We're still burning. Now instead of 24/7 burns it's more like starting a quick fire in the evening when the temperature drops. Still burning nonetheless.

I've already cut, split, and stacked about 2+ cords for next year with no plan on stopping soon :) I usually don't start processing wood until mid spring but figured this year I shoud start early. Pretty soon my addiction will be to the point where I'm cutting every weekend.
Coldest winter in the 12 years I've been in Utah. 3 feet of snow on the ground since December. More double-digit below zero days by far. I had to run (jog) in temps as low as -20 F to prepare for a marathon in Salt Lake in April. NOT fun.:cry:

However, AndreTheGiant, tells the truth about the Ponderosa and lodgepole situation out here in the west. LOTS of dead-standing trees in the high country.