wind firming/windfirming

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Mar 30, 2007
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i read clearance's post about cutting out tops and then leaving a spar(?)

i'd like to get a more detailed answer and with some pics!

btw, in husqvarna's 2007 catalog, the page after their "history" page
is that an example of windfirming?
I'm hitting myself! Doh!! I took a sequence of pictures of a hooktender topping a tree to be rig up for a tail tree. I moved them all to a different computer so will have to figure out how to move them back to this one. He was explaining it as he went along. Got some good pictures too. Last week, when he was up higher, 80 or 90 feet, my batteries were dead. Stay tuned, I'll try to figure out how to get the pictures on this site. Can they be loaded back on the camera? :bang:
idk if you can send them back to your cam or not

on my camera, they're on there until i manually delete them
i read clearance's post about cutting out tops and then leaving a spar(?)

i'd like to get a more detailed answer and with some pics!

btw, in husqvarna's 2007 catalog, the page after their "history" page
is that an example of windfirming?

A spar tree is a tree used for logging, rigged with guy wires and blocks, no braches, just a pole. Windfirming is just cutting some branches off and topping the tree, big Christmass tree sized top.
I've got a disc and I might know how to use it! Otherwise I'll have to mail them to this computer and it might be slow...I am too cheap to get DSL. Hope the disc isn't read only. But, I'll get them here somehow because they are good pictures
windfirming is perhaps one of the coolest jobs i've had...climbing trees, pruning off limbs, taking tops, swinging for tree to's alright, 6.5 hr days...second growth is kinda a pain in the ass....lots of pruning...old growth is exciting, can be hard, but blasting off a big top is always a rush.... not the rush and panic you get standing stem....climbing, limbing and topping a tree for harvest....just thinking lately at work how frickin' lucky i am to be doing this...just think i coulda chose to sit in an office all day! Screw that.... claw shots and hammer tops!
And the guy doing the topping of the tail tree told me I was crazy for having gone whitewater kayaking a few times! Anyway, it isn't wind firming but I did get the pictures on this site. See the Topping the Tail Tree thread