Wood boiler

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Hermon, maine
I am currently looking at a benjamin do-110 add-on wood boiler but am considering other options. I have a 2400 sq/ft home and currently use an oil boiler. Both my wife and I work full-time so I need something that will burn long enough to avoid re-lighting fires. I own a 100 acre woodlot and cut my own firewood. Any suggestions and opinions would be very appreciated. I can't justify the money for a gasifier and saving a little wood isn't that important. I'm also looking at a biasi unit as well.
What's your budget? If you can't buy new, many have bought used. Stick with a quality brand with lots of support and info. The best units still have parts and support available for 30 year old models.
I have a woodmaster 4400 and love it. I heat a 3600 sq ft home with it and the water. works awesome.
Thinking long burn times with a boiler is rather backwards thinking. The only way to get longer burn times with a boiler is to cut the air to the fire - which leads to big time smoldering & creosote production, with that water jacket there cooling the fire off. The key is conditions that will allow a continuos hot burn, and efficient heat transfer area downstream of the burn.

The Benjamin has next to no heat transfer area. Check it out. It is just a cylinder that you load wood into one end of, and the fire exits the other end right into the chimney. I was a slave to one for 17 years and it would be one of the last units I would recommend to anyone - unless you have next to no heat load. I had to continuously tend to it, feed it, clean out coals (lots of hot ones), and clean the chimney, regularly.

Now I only have a fire burning 6 hours a day, and don't clean my chimney anymore. If you can't do a gassifier, at least get something with good heat transfer ability (usually involving tubes - but the Biasi would be worlds better than the Benjamin), and see if you can incorporate storage. If you can add storage, your world will change even without a gasser.