Woody plant ID

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skid row

ArboristSite Guru
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Can anyone ID this woody plant. The stock is hollow, kinda like bamboo. It grows 8-10 feet tall.
Japanese Knotweed, Fallopia japonica.

It appears on the World's Conservation list of 100 worst invasive species.

This plant is incredibly invasive. The link below from Wikipedia states that herbicides will kill it but there are people in this Valley who have tried everything out there and it still thrives. Planting it close to a riparian area would probably NOT be a good idea. It is declared an invasive species in Pennsylvania.

It is actually illegal in the United Kingdom.


We called it "Cane Plant" - yes, very invasive! It would grow 8-10' tall. We planted it along a fence line to shield out the neighbors ugly yard. Worked well for that intent but it spread like wild fire! Can't hardly cut it with a lawn mower and even if you can you end up with 'spikes' of the remaining plant which harden and can cut a bare foot or a pets foot. We tried all kinds of plant killers, nothing was totally effective as the root goes down so deep and tendrils sideways always survived.

We called it "Cane Plant" - yes, very invasive! It would grow 8-10' tall. We planted it along a fence line to shield out the neighbors ugly yard. Worked well for that intent but it spread like wild fire! Can't hardly cut it with a lawn mower and even if you can you end up with 'spikes' of the remaining plant which harden and can cut a bare foot or a pets foot. We tried all kinds of plant killers, nothing was totally effective as the root goes down so deep and tendrils sideways always survived.


Yep, that's the stuff!

Next year will be my third on a incredible battle with a patch that was probably 30'x30'. It is reduced to a barren wasteland as I have tried ALOT of different chemicals on it. It is still trying but near its end. The best seems to be a low concentrate round up early in the year. Low dose so that it is absorbed into the root before the top is burned off. AND be relentless on the new growth.

Cutting with a lawn mower will help it spread as a 1/4" piece can root and grow. If planted next to running water it will spread the length of the body of water by small hunks floating down stream. It will choke out all other flora. If the plant and soil are dug up in an attempt to remove it the load of soil is suppose to be hauled to a hazardous waste site.

If you try to cover it with black plastic it was found alive 18 months later.

This stuff is unfricken real in its ability to live and spread and in my opinion would survive a nuclear war.

On a lighter note it is pretty cool to run/ski/drive thru after it has been frozen off and the canes are dry. Zero resistance and breaks real easy.