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I officially hate you.


BTW, any plans for selling any of that? I know you cut because you love to and have access to so much wood, but I can't remember if you've posted anything about selling at all...?

No I don't sell any firewood. All of it has been split by hand also w/ help by noodling down bigger pieces. The junk pieces that I can't stack get picked up by friends when they need bonfire wood. From what I come across here in AS your quite the wood splitting animal yourself NUZZY. Later bro.
No I don't sell any firewood. All of it has been split by hand also w/ help by noodling down bigger pieces. The junk pieces that I can't stack get picked up by friends when they need bonfire wood. From what I come across here in AS your quite the wood splitting animal yourself NUZZY. Later bro.

Well here's what I think...

The lady friend and I get down towards 'Nati every so often being that she grew up there and still has a bunch of friends and family. I suggest (and tell me if'n I'm out of line) the possibility of utilizing a portion of your ever growing stack to fuel a good ol' OH bon fire upon which many beers may be consumed. :cheers:

Of course the same offer exists if you find the urge to travel to MI for fire related drunken shenanigans... :D
Mid 80's!!! I would melt or become very cranky because of the heat. Spring? that is August weather, I hate the day's when it hit's the mid 80's F. (I sweat like a pig cutting wood or chasing elk or dear if it is above freezing :)okay I can stand temps up to 50f, if I don't have to move much or strain
I got married this year in the Mediterranean on Cyprus(well last year Dec12) the temp was in the high 60's low 70's and they were selling winter cloths!!because it was Dec, I told them back home it was -38c they never could believe people could live at such a low temp! and I live in a banana belt next to the ones on the West Coast.Ah the Chinook blows winter away but it ain't 80F outside!

I'm with you I hate to see winter end! I wish it was fall yr round, my perfect everyday temp would be down to 20 at night high of 50. I hate summer!
Well here's what I think...

The lady friend and I get down towards 'Nati every so often being that she grew up there and still has a bunch of friends and family. I suggest (and tell me if'n I'm out of line) the possibility of utilizing a portion of your ever growing stack to fuel a good ol' OH bon fire upon which many beers may be consumed. :cheers:

Of course the same offer exists if you find the urge to travel to MI for fire related drunken shenanigans... :D

Well Nuzzy, should you ever find yourself down this way, I wouldn't have any problem throwing together some bon-fire wood and stoking it up. I just wish I still lived out at my friends farm :( I'm back at home now temporarily which is cool, but man...we used to have huge bonfires; get a little loose, run trucks through our "custom" mudpit, flip some trucks in the beanfield or crick, and just have a rowdy grand time. Guns were usually involved:cheers:
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I'm still enjoying wood heat. My woodpile is so big, I'm trying to shrink it before old man winter packs his bags and takes off. Suckers.....;)

and yeh, the wood just keeps going down the hill out of the picture.
WOW, You got a fence made of Some crazy weather here, 78 degrees yesterday and snowing right now with a low of 26 tonight. Don't think the burning season is quite over yet.
Those are some awful nervous looking trees next to that woodpile lol.

Ha lol. Suprisingly, I've never taken down a live tree for firewood. All of that is deadfall, leaners, or snags. I now look completely different at those ASH tree's standing there looking after my firewood. I better let them know they have nothing to fear....however when they die they will spend their afterlife in my stove. Hilarious post btw!
Well Nuzzy, should you ever find yourself down this way, I wouldn't have any problem throwing together some bon-fire wood and stoking it up. I just wish I still lived out at my friends farm :( I'm back at home now temporarily which is cool, but man...we used to have huge bonfires; get a little loose, run trucks through our "custom" mudpit, flip some trucks in the beanfield or crick, and just have a rowdy grand time. Guns were usually involved:cheers:

Rowdy + Guns + Trucks + Hilariously large bon fire = Pure Awesomeness :cool:

I got a few of those similar memories :D
Rowdy + Guns + Trucks + Hilariously large bon fire = Pure Awesomeness :cool:

I got a few of those similar memories :D

I almost forgot you posted that thread with the Jeep sitting on Rockwell's.
There is no dought, you certainly get rowdy. Folks w/ 1ton drivetrains on Jeeps are not right in the head by any means
I say bring on Spring. It's been a hard long cold winter and I'm ready for some warm weather. As soon as the frost is out of the ground, I have plans for a new wood shed and need to process a few more cords to fill it up.
I almost forgot you posted that thread with the Jeep sitting on Rockwell's.
There is no dought, you certainly get rowdy. Folks w/ 1ton drivetrains on Jeeps are not right in the head by any means

i wanna see that jeep!

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