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Thanks SawTroll! :cheers:

Like the story from years ago when the ex-member dropped and broke his brand-new MS-390 demanding a new 390 or 361 for it's replacement,,,, and how we were all holding our sides laughing when we learned that the dealer gave him back his money to get him out of his store!

Some don't know when to hold em or fold em. Broken busted up saws aren't warranty.

I had a man at the rack today. He was telling me he bought a new 290 a few years back and it burnt up a few short tanks of fuel later. Claimed he carried it back where he bought it and they told him tuff luck, you ruined it with bad fuel. He claims he had several saws on the same can of fuel and they ran and still run fine today.

I told him to bring it to me and let me have a look see, maybe I can make a few calls and fix him up. He was delighted I'm at least willing to try. I promised him nothing other than I would try, he liked that. He claims the saw looks like brand spanking new. Thats good, that will make it easier for me when I place a few calls on his behalf. Doesn't hurt to try I always say.

Busted housings, broken handles and such, nope, no calls for that kind of non-sense. The devil will be wearing ice packs on his azz before I ever warranty anything like that...
ha ha, ok, next time it'll be 25cents short.

Brian will need more parts soon I hope, hint hint.

Actually he surprised me. He sent me that card in the mail. He's a pretty good feller. Oddly in person he's nothing like he sounds on here. He's a nice as he can be. Amazing huh, he raises hell on here,LOL
Some don't know when to hold em or fold em. Broken busted up saws aren't warranty.

I had a man at the rack today. He was telling me he bought a new 290 a few years back and it burnt up a few short tanks of fuel later. Claimed he carried it back where he bought it and they told him tuff luck, you ruined it with bad fuel. He claims he had several saws on the same can of fuel and they ran and still run fine today.

I told him to bring it to me and let me have a look see, maybe I can make a few calls and fix him up. He was delighted I'm at least willing to try. I promised him nothing other than I would try, he liked that. He claims the saw looks like brand spanking new. Thats good, that will make it easier for me when I place a few calls on his behalf. Doesn't hurt to try I always say.

Busted housings, broken handles and such, nope, no calls for that kind of non-sense. The devil will be wearing ice packs on his azz before I ever warranty anything like that...

So did he get a warranty on the saw? or was it all busted up?
So did he get a warranty on the saw? or was it all busted up?

He got nothing where he bought it but a sorry, tuff luck, your fault, see ya.

I get my hands on it and look it over good I may be able to help him out, maybe. The saw is gonna have to look like he claimed and the piston best not be scored on the intake side. If it is not much I can do for him cept try to explain to him thats not usually the cause of the saw but the cause of bad fuel or pure gas. Either way I won't tell him tuff luck, you screwed up or anything like that. I already got a plan. If need be if he buys the parts I'll do the work for free. Only a hour or so job and doing it I will get his business. I gotta get my hands on the saw before I do anything though. I may be able to make a call and get him out the door free of charge, we'll see.
He got nothing where he bought it but a sorry, tuff luck, your fault, see ya.

I get my hands on it and look it over good I may be able to help him out, maybe. The saw is gonna have to look like he claimed and the piston best not be scored on the intake side. If it is not much I can do for him cept try to explain to him thats not usually the cause of the saw but the cause of bad fuel or pure gas. Either way I won't tell him tuff luck, you screwed up or anything like that. I already got a plan. If need be if he buys the parts I'll do the work for free. Only a hour or so job and doing it I will get his business. I gotta get my hands on the saw before I do anything though. I may be able to make a call and get him out the door free of charge, we'll see.

That's nice of you. Sometimes helping someone out will get you a lot in the long run.
unless she tells everyone, you'll have a line into the street for free labor! LOL
That's nice of you. Sometimes helping someone out will get you a lot in the long run.
unless she tells everyone, you'll have a line into the street for free labor! LOL

Ha, hope not. I only offer that when I feel the customer has been done wrong elsewhere. His story seemed honest so least I can do is try to help him out. Sides I don't want him buying elsewhere, I want him buying from us, not the other guy..
Ha, hope not. I only offer that when I feel the customer has been done wrong elsewhere. His story seemed honest so least I can do is try to help him out. Sides I don't want him buying elsewhere, I want him buying from us, not the other guy..

ahh, whats your shop name? Ill be sure to spread the word of free labor... LOL

At least theirs still someone who will help when someones been wronged.
Good on you for at least taking the time to try. That is more that most would do.

I help customers to the fullest and will take my time to make things rite. But as soon as they start demanding and trying to run my show ill let them know...Thall does similar from what i see him posting.
Good on you for at least taking the time to try. That is more that most would do.

Welp we try, no harm in trying I always say. From the way he talked what made him mad was how quick they told him its your fault and thats that. I never do that even if it is the customers fault. I always try to smooth it over in a way they understand without getting all mad and offensive.

Course now some you can't help. My best one was a ole boy that walked in with a new saw with the back handle snapped off. He wanted warranty. I asked him well hold on, how did that happen. He goes it fell out the back of my truck going over a speed bump. I go well seems to me ya need to close that tailgate. He goes warranty will cover it, its new. I go no, warranty will not cover that. He gets upset and in a nasty tone tells me why not. I said warranty doesn't cover stupidy. He left, never seen him again, just as well, some you can't help....
ahh, whats your shop name? Ill be sure to spread the word of free labor... LOL

At least theirs still someone who will help when someones been wronged.

Spread the word all ya like. I'll tellem yeah I know that guy, I send him 5.00 for every customer he gets in here, ya did bring ya wallet I hope,hehehe
Spread the word all ya like. I'll tellem yeah I know that guy, I send him 5.00 for every customer he gets in here, ya did bring ya wallet I hope,hehehe

What am I gunna tell them? I know a guy on the computer who is a stihl dealer but idk what its called or what state hes in...
$5 a customer? how about $10
What am I gunna tell them? I know a guy on the computer who is a stihl dealer but idk what its called or what state hes in...
$5 a customer? how about $10

For 5.00 I'll tell ya the shop name and send you a mapquest, now thats a deal and a half man,hehe

We aren't hard to find. Go to the StihlUSA website, click on dealer locator, click full line service dealer, type in zip code 20175 and there we are...