Nothing but nice things to say

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The internet is very anonymous but that is the whole beauty of it. You can say things or express ideas that you would never do in public or in person. Yup, it can get ugly but you need to learn to take the good with the bad. Remember, out of everything bad, some good will arise but it might be up to you to find it. Keep the faith and believe the lies!

I'm not sure that it's healthy for people to vent freely under the guise of "anonymity." That indicates to me they have undesirable, repressed personality traits or feelings that are unacceptable in "normal" social situations.

I've never found a need to be anything other than I am or to express myself any differently here than I would to someone sitting in the same room with me.

As far as the personal battles go- we have a saying in the fire services "Be a big boy and don't get poopy pants about it."
I dont have a problem with peoples honest opinions and im sure others dont either. There are some people that go around looking to pick a fight.....Plain and simple. I would never say anything on the net that i wouldnt say to a guy in person... If you dont use or like the same things i do thats ok with me...
I'm not sure that it's healthy for people to vent freely under the guise of "anonymity." That indicates to me they have undesirable, repressed personality traits or feelings that are unacceptable in "normal" social situations.

I've never found a need to be anything other than I am or to express myself any differently here than I would to someone sitting in the same room with me.

As far as the personal battles go- we have a saying in the fire services "Be a big boy and don't get poopy pants about it."

I agree completely. lots of people hide behind a computer saying things that would get them hurt in the real world.
I'm not sure that it's healthy for people to vent freely under the guise of "anonymity." That indicates to me they have undesirable, repressed personality traits or feelings that are unacceptable in "normal" social situations.

I've never found a need to be anything other than I am or to express myself any differently here than I would to someone sitting in the same room with me.

As far as the personal battles go- we have a saying in the fire services "Be a big boy and don't get poopy pants about it."

If you find no value from the criticisms or opinions vented here about your saws, your business practices, how you sharpen, how you cut or how you behave on a public forum, then you are truly beyond help.
Truth be told, you could not pay a marketing company or your best friend enough money to get an honest opinion out of them about how they view your business practices or you in general. Here, it is given away free by a jury of your peers.
Big boy and don’t get poopy pants sounds to me like you hang out with a bunch of “Yes Men”. Your choice, but in the real world, the employee you value most is the one that is always questioning you and your decisions.
open discussion

hi , i like a vigorous and open discussion but i prefer it to be about our ideas on chainsaws and techniques , its the willingness too share information and help each other that makes this such a popular site . i can read all the nasty bits i want in the newspaper , i come to this site for some (old fashioned maybe) friendship and good vibes . a bit of stirring is good for the pot but lets keep it within the bounds of courtesy , good manners never loose their value .
I'm not sure that it's healthy for people to vent freely under the guise of "anonymity." That indicates to me they have undesirable, repressed personality traits or feelings that are unacceptable in "normal" social situations.

I've never found a need to be anything other than I am or to express myself any differently here than I would to someone sitting in the same room with me.

As far as the personal battles go- we have a saying in the fire services "Be a big boy and don't get poopy pants about it."

Couldn't of said it better myself!! I agree, sir POOPY PANTS!!

At work, we have a purse hanging on the wall, I'm sure you know what happens with it when someone gets their panties in a knot!!
I guess some came in with different expectations than I did. I figured that guys that were interested in talking about chainsaws would act like...well...guys that were interested in talking about chainsaws.

Guys that would let you know when you said something stupid, and really let you have it if you refused to admit it was stupid.

Guys that give you a hard time about the saw you use or the truck you drive just for the sake of giving you a hard time.

Guys that can take as much as they dish out.

Guys that get too drunk and stupid and spout off once in a while.

You know...guys.

Some threads spin off into pure meanness, but why keep reading them?
The negative stuff keeps me from wanting to post more and I won't participate in a negative thread!

So...a negative thread targeted towards negative posters is a positive thread?
If you find no value from the criticisms or opinions vented here about your saws, your business practices, how you sharpen, how you cut or how you behave on a public forum, then you are truly beyond help.
Truth be told, you could not pay a marketing company or your best friend enough money to get an honest opinion out of them about how they view your business practices or you in general. Here, it is given away free by a jury of your peers.
Big boy and don’t get poopy pants sounds to me like you hang out with a bunch of “Yes Men”. Your choice, but in the real world, the employee you value most is the one that is always questioning you and your decisions.

I find great value in the criticisms and opinions offered here, when they're offered in an adult manner by people who can do so without name-calling and tantrum throwing. That's what saying "not getting poopy pants" refers to, handling situations like mature, grown up adults without bickering, name calling, and personal attacks.

You'll never find a more "questioning" group than a bunch of work-hardened, seasoned firefighters on a Hotshot crew.
You'll never find a more "questioning" group than a bunch of work-hardened, seasoned firefighters on a Hotshot crew.

If by "questioning" you mean "smartasses" I agree wholeheartedly!

Drama queens and insecure people don't last long in a group like that.
I had a good day today. Got the fitting I needed so my new air compressor (replacing the dead Crapsman) could get up and running. Nothing like blowing new air over the saws to clean them up. :)

Spent a couple quality hours with the Fiskars SS on my pile of 7 cords of black ash and white birch. Mmmm, love the smell of fresh split wood in the morning. Smells like . . . a joyful life! :)

Touched up several chains in anticipation of this weekend's charity chainsawing get-together in Wisconsin, and fantasized about whether, with identical B&Cs, my ported and muff modded 038 Mag could outcut my stock MS460 in hardwood big enough to really test them out (no such 25- and 30-inch oak available up here). :)

Got to learn a few cool things by reading through AS threads (especially the mention of the billhook, which I hadn't handled for a coon's age), and was mostly able to ignore the usual suspect ignoramuses in favor of the knowledge. I learn a few cool things every day on this forum. :)

Thanks to everyone who has helped me and others. :bowdown:

As always, I'm happy to share what knowledge and experience I have. :givebeer:

BTW, that Amsoil is darn good oil! :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
If by "questioning" you mean "smartasses" I agree wholeheartedly!

Drama queens and insecure people don't last long in a group like that.

Oh man...the stories I could tell...

We had one kid that could basically be talked into doing anything, and you can imagine a bunch of hotshots taking that ball and running with it. So they talked him into streaking through fire camp. He did it, right during dinner too. :)
We had one kid that could basically be talked into doing anything, and you can imagine a bunch of hotshots taking that ball and running with it. So they talked him into streaking through fire camp. He did it, right during dinner too. :)

That's funny right there. Like a snipe hunt every single day. :D :D
Thanks mang! You da poop!

Hey Jacob... I tried to call you the other day... phone number you gave goes to some guy named Rick or somebodyorother... I get his voicemail. You sure you gave me the right number? :D

Thanks mang! You da poop!

Hey Jacob... I tried to call you the other day... phone number you gave goes to some guy named Rick or somebodyorother... I get his voicemail. You sure you gave me the right number? :D


Yeah, sorry about that. It is the right number. I inherited that phone from the old prescribed fire specialist at Klamath Falls BLM. I'll put my message on there tonight. I'll give you a shout back when I go home, there's no cell access here. :mad:
Yeah, sorry about that. It is the right number. I inherited that phone from the old prescribed fire specialist at Klamath Falls BLM. I'll put my message on there tonight. I'll give you a shout back when I go home, there's no cell access here. :mad:


10-4... thanks mang.

Hey... you mentioned Johnny Walker... I know it's scotch... but...

You ever try Pendelton Canadian Whiskey? Just tried some last night... I likey... and I ain't a whiskey drinker.
